Not quite what you're looking for, but I put this together on PTS for what the poisons actually do - maybe it's helpful. I think some of the numbers (like armor/spell resist, and the cost reductions have changed 30 to 60% since I first tested this)
Existing Negative Potion Effects (as a poison):
ravage wep crit = reduce critical dmg by 12%
ravage wep power = minor maim (reduce dmg by 15%)
lower spell power = increase ult cost by 30%
lower spell crit = reduce all crit ratings by 2191
ravage health = 3500 poison dmg
ravage stam = increase stam cost by 30%
ravage mag = increase mag cost by 30%
stun = immobilize victim for 6 sec
lower armor = minor fracture (reduce armor by 1188)
lower spell resist = minor breach (reduce spell resist by 1188)
reduce speed = reduce movement speed by 50% for 10 sec
Existing Positive Potion Effects (as a poison):
hp = drain health doing 1725 dmg and healing you 2808
stam = increase their stam cost by 30% and restore 2808 to you
mag = increase their mag cost by 30% and restore 2808 to you
spell crit = reduce their wep and spell crit by 2191 and increase your spell crit by 2191
wep crit = reduce their crit dmg by 12% and increase your wep crit by 2191
spell power = increase cost of their ult by 30% and give you major sorcery
weapon power = reduce enemy damage by 15% and increase your weapon power by 20%
armor = reduce their armor by 1188 and increase your armor by 5280
spell resist = lower theirs by 1188 and increases yours by 5280
invisible = marks enemy, lets you see them while stealthed for 10 sec
speed = snare enemy by 50% for 10 seconds, gain major expedition for 10 seconds
detection = prevent enemy from stealthing for 10 sec
immovability = immobilize victim and give you CC immunity for 6 seconds. "This potion will also break you free of ongoing control effects (wut?)"
New Poison Effects from New Mats (as a poison):
protection = reduce your incoming dmg by 8%
vulnerability = increase dmg enemy takes by 8%
vitality = reducing enemy healing by 15% and increase your healing by 30%
defile = inflicts minor defile, reducing enemy healing by 15% for 10 sec
creeping ravage health = deal 414 poison dmg per sec for 10 sec
sustained restore = deal 414 poison dmg per sec and restore 674 hp per sec for 10 sec