robwolf666 wrote: »So I've had many looks at Cyrodiil this past couple of weeks with a V16, and I've come to the conclusion there must be many cheaters there, it's the only explanation as to why, V16 v/s V16, you can barely make a dent in them, yet they somehow manage to practically one-hit-kill you... Now, I know I'm exactly an expert at PvP, but the vast difference in character capability seems naturally impossible to me, smells of cheating in some way... not sure what or how, but, like I say, the logical conclusion.
Another peeve is getting swarmed by loads of ppl, though that's more my kids... running around Cyrodiil for the first time, simply exploring a new area, when she got jumped by five, yes FIVE, Reds... how brave and manly they must feel.
Ruze is a veteran of the PC Beta, lived through the year one drought, survived the buy-to-play conversion, and has stepped foot in the hells known as Craglorn. He mained a nightlbade when nightblades weren't good, and has never worn a robe. He converted from PC during the console betas, and hasn't regretted it a moment since.
He'd rank ESO:TU (in it's current state) a 4.8 out of 5, loving the game almost entirely.
robwolf666 wrote: »So I've had many looks at Cyrodiil this past couple of weeks with a V16, and I've come to the conclusion there must be many cheaters there, it's the only explanation as to why, V16 v/s V16, you can barely make a dent in them, yet they somehow manage to practically one-hit-kill you... Now, I know I'm exactly an expert at PvP, but the vast difference in character capability seems naturally impossible to me, smells of cheating in some way... not sure what or how, but, like I say, the logical conclusion.
Another peeve is getting swarmed by loads of ppl, though that's more my kids... running around Cyrodiil for the first time, simply exploring a new area, when she got jumped by five, yes FIVE, Reds... how brave and manly they must feel.
Honest question...
How does one cheat in combat?
Cheating isn't in my nature though. I don't even like it when I get unsolicited help fighting a boss, because I wanted to solo them. It's how I gauge my skill progression.
"First time I was level 8 when I met this boss, and I got p0wned. This time I'm level 6, and I was victorious!"
Cheating isn't in my nature though. I don't even like it when I get unsolicited help fighting a boss, because I wanted to solo them. It's how I gauge my skill progression.
"I was level 8 when I first met this boss, and I got p0wned. This time I'm level 6, and I was victorious!"
WalkingLegacy wrote: »The cheating you think you see is called animation canceling. You master this and you'll be one shotting with the best of them.
Hopefully ZOS breaks this though.
I have heard of this animation cancelling. Is it considered cheating, or just part of the game?
Skinless_Jerk wrote: »CP are a marvelous thing haha
Skinless_Jerk wrote: »I have heard of this animation cancelling. Is it considered cheating, or just part of the game?
part of the game and absolutely given the 'tip of the hat' treatment from ZoS. to do said 'exploit' (haha) tap a block after an ability to cancel the animation. now after i wrote this i got a feeling i'm being trolled................. hahahaha
Skinless_Jerk wrote: »I have heard of this animation cancelling. Is it considered cheating, or just part of the game?
part of the game and absolutely given the 'tip of the hat' treatment from ZoS. to do said 'exploit' (haha) tap a block after an ability to cancel the animation. now after i wrote this i got a feeling i'm being trolled................. hahahaha
You were not being trolled. I just watched a video on it, only to learn that I had discovered this by accident while questing.
Yeah. I went in there for a few days, sneaking around, hunting skyshards. I did get involved in a couple of interesting medium-scale skirmishes, but I was completely ineffective at anything other than dying almost instantly. I might have managed to throw a buff on some allies, but it was hard to tell.
Perhaps I'm just a filthy casual, but I ain't got time for that. The skill/gear/time/practice/build/knowledge barrier to entry is just too high and I've got better things to do in the evenings than run around for an hour only to get insta-gibbed for another practice-free death experience.
Fair play to those who enjoy it, but it's not for me.
robwolf666 wrote: »I get that build etc can make one character better than another, that's obvious, but for my money can't explain such a massive difference, something still smells dodgy about it. They pretty much swotted me down like I was still lvl1. I'm not an expert at the game, but I'm not a slouch either.
As for this "animation interrupt" that's been mentioned, you're pretty much saying people use this to get an advantage over others, so in other words, anyone doing it is using an "exploit" to cheat... so, it's reasonable to conclude that all the so-called "best" players are cheaters, if they use the exploit anyway. I guess if ZOS can't fix it, they could always turn their attention to those who use it.