Interesting. How many people would actually play in it though? How many people have co many CP that they would choose to play with all the other 1k CP monsters? And then there are the people who don't like CP to begin with.. Idk about this one, but then again, I'm biased against CP altogether.
Spearblade wrote: »So...
Being equal or higher CP than everybody else isn't good enough. You're probably pretty confident you're in the top 1% CP I'd guess, and thus...wanting to steam roll noobs more than you already do on CP servers?
I enjoy mowing down noobs as much as the next guy, but come on...let's remove battle leveling too, so you can fight level 20's and cackle maniacally as the bodies hit the floor.
Spearblade wrote: »Okay, so when you have every CP possible, what then? There is going to be a cap any way you look at it.
Want/need more of a challenge? How do you get that by removing a universal cap? Do you just WANT to fight people with double your CP and call it a challenge? Or...what?
Even with 555 CP, you're still well above the average joe logging in. How do you get "more of a challenge" by having an even higher CP disparity?
Your logic is flawed.
And fewer people in Cyrodiil is not going to result in more fun gameplay. Have fun sieging with 2 people.
A better option, would be making a server with a minimum CP amount to enter. Fewer average joes, and more neckbeards.
Spearblade wrote: »Okay, so when you have every CP possible, what then? There is going to be a cap any way you look at it.
Want/need more of a challenge? How do you get that by removing a universal cap? Do you just WANT to fight people with double your CP and call it a challenge? Or...what?
Even with 555 CP, you're still well above the average joe logging in. How do you get "more of a challenge" by having an even higher CP disparity?
Your logic is flawed.
And fewer people in Cyrodiil is not going to result in more fun gameplay. Have fun sieging with 2 people.
A better option, would be making a server with a minimum CP amount to enter. Fewer average joes, and more neckbeards.
The idea is sound, but there has to be a big enough player base to support however many pvp servers are available. I don't know how it is on every platform, but I just don't think there are enough players to support all pvp realms to justify another pvp realm. I definitetly don't think there would be enough high-CP players to fill up this new server either.
IxSTALKERxI wrote: »Sounds kinda broken. I don't think opening a campaign that only 1% of people can compete in would be very balanced.
phaneub17_ESO wrote: »How exactly would this work? Every time you join this Campaign, wouldn't you have to spend time putting in those CP above 501 into your trees? When you leave the Campaign back into the rest of the world, how would the game know your original 501 selection with your over cap selections?
As someone without 501cp, I currently only have 344 I have no problem with this idea. In fact I think i would even try it out myself, I know I'm not a great pvper, but each death makes you a better player and if I have to fight against someone with that crazy of an advantage over me, even if i only live 1 out of 10 times I'm learning something from it. I've been playing MMOs since they started in 1999 played EQ, and played Asheron's call, and DAoC after that and the thing I remember best about them was that it wasn't so cookie cutter, everyone didn't have to be equal if you put the time in you had an advantage why is it nowadays everyone has to be equal. And as it was said before if you don't wanna play the campaign you don't have to.
VincentBlanquin wrote: »this is excellent idea. all jerks go play this and we will finally have solid pvp
IxSTALKERxI wrote: »Sounds kinda broken. I don't think opening a campaign that only 1% of people can compete in would be very balanced.
then VMA whistles at you
IxSTALKERxI wrote: »IxSTALKERxI wrote: »Sounds kinda broken. I don't think opening a campaign that only 1% of people can compete in would be very balanced.
then VMA whistles at you
Sorry but I don't see how you can compare solo PVE content with a 3 faction alliance war.
If you add a no-cp limit campaign, ZoS will have to provide balance for it (because the people that will play it, will complain about the overpowered/broken things and will request for balances/fixes) and is almost imposible to balance everything while making sure that works fine with 0-100-300-501-1000 CP.
A no CP-limit campaign is just a waste of time and resources that won't provide anything new to the game besides an even more broken and more unbalanced PvP for a reduced group of people that want to use their high CP count to get an edge and get kills that they couldn't get in a CP-limited campaign. Fulfilling the ego needs of some players that they only way they have of being effective in PvP is through powercreep is not reason enough to add a new campaign
The idea is sound, but there has to be a big enough player base to support however many pvp servers are available. I don't know how it is on every platform, but I just don't think there are enough players to support all pvp realms to justify another pvp realm. I definitetly don't think there would be enough high-CP players to fill up this new server either.
And thats exactly one of the things that would be awesome about it. It won't be filled with tons of players. It makes taking over keeps / offensive / defensive fighting something that you would have to possible put more thought into. Even if it were a number as low as 20 people from each faction. That would make for some great PVP.
What would make you think that? We have a no CP campaign and ZoS doesn't provide changes to the game to balance No CP pvp. In fact, its quite the opposite. They introduce new mechanics like poisons and raise the base cost of all actions, changes that exacerbate the very real stat sustain issues of no CP PVP. ZoS will still focus on changes in the same priority they have always focused, PVE> Normal PVP>Generic balance.
Also I think you misunderstand the motivation of High CP players. It is more like if you invested the time and energy into creating a full legendary set of gear and then were told that you can't wear it because it wouldn't be fair to the 80% of players who only wear blue gear. It has nothing to do with ego. In fact, you not wanting it to exist speaks more to ego. The top players in this game could take a no CP character with green gear and still trounce a run of the mill casual. We don't need CP to facilitate success. Its not about that. It is about exploring the system, having a place to compete against like minded players, unlocking creative build potential. Things like this are more important to us than "lolol we rekt them lolol" moments.