Thank you for letting me know.
I was unaware it was standard practice.
Remaking characters from templates are all good and dandy but when you crafting different sets and testing them back and forth to see what works and what doesn't, it just doesn't pay to remake everything. Idea is to have a base and doesn't work when you have to recreate the base.
I would of at least thought they would copied characters over again at the very least.
Paulington wrote: »
As far as I am aware it is a technical limitation. Due to character names being megaserver-unique if they copied over NA and EU characters there could be name collisions which would be bad. So to combat this they give each megaserver two weeks of testing.
Perhaps in the future, they will be able to alleviate this issue but for now, we must live with it, recrafting is a pain but doable. .
That is very logical, but at the same time seems like an easy fix. Couldn't they just add NA or EU to the beginning of everyones names to make them unique or something similar?
That is very logical, but at the same time seems like an easy fix. Couldn't they just add NA or EU to the beginning of everyones names to make them unique or something similar?
Because that would imply changing a full database copy (something that is quick and easy) to a row-by-row copy and update (something that is much more difficult and prone to error). It would likely add hours of time to each PTS update and cause a bunch of extra headache for the IT guys.
I don't understand why it would add hours to every update.
Yes, this could have taken hours but not days or weeks.This could also have been done prior to the first PTS for both NA & EU servers.
I'm not saying sit there and edit the database cells by hand. You make a script that would prefix a character's/Cell name.
It also is not something that needs to be updated every time and at the same time both NA & EU players would have 4 weeks not 2 of testing.
Again it very well is me not knowing or noticing this was standard practice and 2 weeks of test would have been fine for me, however if changes continue to be big for the next two weeks then, what we tested already becomes useless.
Paulington wrote: »That is very logical, but at the same time seems like an easy fix. Couldn't they just add NA or EU to the beginning of everyones names to make them unique or something similar?
Because that would imply changing a full database copy (something that is quick and easy) to a row-by-row copy and update (something that is much more difficult and prone to error). It would likely add hours of time to each PTS update and cause a bunch of extra headache for the IT guys.
I would assume that ZOS use some kind of SQL database in which case CONCAT would do the job for them to append or prepend "NA" or "EU" to character names but even then you run into issues like max character name limit and such.
It is something that needs doing though!