Few things I'd like to bring up:
- Group Leader is randomly selected and could screw the whole team out of a victory with the press of a single button.
- No Trials
- It takes, like, an hour to get matched up sometimes.
- Nothing for Public Dungeons or just general questing.
- No Language Filter
1)Group Leader is randomly selected and could screw the whole team out of a victory with the press of a single button.
Already discussed this in another thread, have a quick read:
https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/260118/group-disbanded-mid-dungeon-got-auto-kicked-can-zos-implement-something-to-prevent-this2) No Trials
The whole reason they implemented the Group Finder and its more recent equivalent was because it can be inconvenient and time-wasting as hell to get 4 people together for a Group Delve.
Trials require 12 people, so naturally this means that it's at least 3 times as frustrating, and that's not even taking into consideration the ungodly amount of people that leave before you can get the full 12 because they're so sick of waiting.
I understand that it'd take longer to match people up, but for a Trial, I'd be cool with that!
So far, I've been completely unable to do a proper run through of a Trial at all, and it's entirely to do with the fact that getting people together to do it is so darn time consuming.
And for those people that keep whining on at me saying "just join a guild", I've tried. There's no central database of guilds to browse (at least not that I'm aware of), so I'm limited to the ones that advertise themselves on the forums here, and the ones I've been randomly invited to in-game. The latter are annoying as hell and rarely come from a reliable guild, and the former rarely ever actually respond to me when I ask for an invite. Even when I have somehow managed to make it into the guild, the people there don't actually end up doing anything or responding to my group invites, so I have to leave the guild and find another.
3) Long wait times
Currently waiting to be matched up. Been waiting for almost an hour and a half. Pretty sure everybody that's used the feature has something to say about this one.
4) No Public Dungeons or General Questing
If you're having trouble with a Public Dungeon (content designed for a party of more than one person), or a World Boss, you can't turn to the Activity Finder for help.
5) No Language Filter
No option to only allow players of a certain language in. This is bad and let me tell you why.
A few weeks ago, I tried to do a run of Aetherian Archive. I gathered 12 players after 2 and a half hours of sending invites and then waiting for them to waddle themselves over from the middle of IC.
I invited all the players to a party...and nearly all of them were French. I don't want to sound racist, but I really don't like it when this happens. I've got nothing against the French, but that language barrier makes it REALLY difficult to communicate properly and directly resulted in us being completely unable to get past the first boss.
I know that it was a Trial and not from the Activity Finder, but the point still stands. If Trials do ever get implemented into this feature (which they should), this will undoubtedly become an issue and something needs to be done about it.
Is there anything else that I've forgotten to mention?