Maintenance for the week of February 3:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – February 3
• NA megaservers for maintenance – February 5, 12:00AM EST (5:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (17:00 UTC)
• EU megaservers for maintenance – February 5, 5:00 UTC (12:00AM EST) - 17:00 UTC (12:00PM EST)
• ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – February 5, 12:00AM EST (5:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (17:00 UTC)

Legends of Craglorn {Xbox} {NA} {Social PvP/PvE Trials/Dungeon Guild}

  • Crescentshield
    V16 stam dk tank. 5 piece armor master (self crafted), 2 bloods pawn. WGT and ICP vet. Looking for group for all pve and pve, and ICP farming. Master enchanter, provisioner, alchemist. Also 6 trait light and med crafter
    GT: Crescentshield
  • NetflixNChiill
    Hey looking to join a good trial guild I have 460 champ points dps Templar,all legendary gear. Have completed maw of lorkhaj on v16 normal willing to take whatever tests required GT is netflixnchiil(2 i's in chill)

    Ps will be at 500 cp with patch
    Edited by NetflixNChiill on June 14, 2016 2:50PM
  • flawless4812
    I'll take an invite gt flawless4812
    I meet all the requirements and some
    old guilds just stop playing slowly so need a few new ones to do things with
  • Jaywics
    Sending all invites today.

    Thank you for expressig interest in STDB.
    Edited by Jaywics on May 14, 2018 11:54PM
    XBOX1 NA
    XBL: Jaywics
    Discord ID: jaywics#2078

  • Death_Angel27
    GT: xALPH4xWolfx

    END-GAME SORC, TEMPLAR, MAGEBLADE, STAMPLAR, and more. all gold items with Maelstromwerapon, done all trails except Vet Maw.
    V16 Sorcerer-DPS
    V16 NightBlade-DPS
    V16 Templar-DPS
    501+ CP
  • Death_Angel27
    I also like running ICP a lot farming the rest of the sets out of it, I have All gold Scathing plus toxic defiance.
    V16 Sorcerer-DPS
    V16 NightBlade-DPS
    V16 Templar-DPS
    501+ CP
  • Jaywics
    At this time we have reached our recruitment goals. All pending requests will be honored once we open up recruitment again.

    Thank you
    XBOX1 NA
    XBL: Jaywics
    Discord ID: jaywics#2078

  • Jaywics
    Recruitment should reopen on Sunday once all of our Prospects are taken care of.
    XBOX1 NA
    XBL: Jaywics
    Discord ID: jaywics#2078

  • Jaywics
    Recruiting has reopened, sending ivites today.
    XBOX1 NA
    XBL: Jaywics
    Discord ID: jaywics#2078

  • Jaywics
    All invites have been sent.
    XBOX1 NA
    XBL: Jaywics
    Discord ID: jaywics#2078

  • Jaywics
    Looking for end game content PvE players with at least 300cp.
    XBOX1 NA
    XBL: Jaywics
    Discord ID: jaywics#2078

  • Fignutz821
    how often do you run trials?
    CR 561+
    LV 50 Nord Dk tank/stam DPS (stormproof)
    LV 50 High Elf Sorc DPS (flawless)
    LV 50 Argonian Templar Helaer (yes its a lizard, SMH)
    LV 50 Breton NB magicka DPS (stormproof)
    LV 50 Imperial Stamplar (Jabicus)
    LV 50 khajit Stamblade (Panthrro from the thunder cats)
    LV 50 Redguard stamsorc (stormproof/AD spy)
    LV 50 Dark Elf Magic DK (stormproof/ DC spy)

    All characters are NA EP xbox1 (I bleed red)
  • Savage_Audacity
    @Jaywics I am looking for a dedicated trials guild. I am at the CP cap and can fill any role. Can i get an invite?
  • AverageJo3Gam3r
    501 CP player with fully leveled stamDK, mDK, mSorc, and mag plar. Can do any role. Have done a ton of undaunted pledges, but haven't been in a guild that runs trials. Would love to be shown the ropes. Only constraint is I have kids/job/mortgage so can only run on the weekends after 9pm est.
  • Jaywics
    STDB is officially recruiting for solid PvE players with at least 160+ CP.

    Shoot me a message on the free BAND App or XBL. Officers are a high priority ATM.

    Band: Jaywics

    Edited by Jaywics on May 14, 2018 11:53PM
    XBOX1 NA
    XBL: Jaywics
    Discord ID: jaywics#2078

  • GoldenGuardian
    I'm coming 535+ I'll like to join GT: Golden Guardian
  • MyKillv2.0
    Sounds like something I would be interested in
    GT MyKillv2.0
  • SoLooney
    Hey there, Im currently CP 557 with experience in all normal trials and all craglorn vet trials.
    Also interested in VDSA and have stormproof on a couple characters and flawless on another.
    Have mag and stam sorc dps characters able to do 32K+ DPS

    Just recently requested to join the app bad, looking for a guild that does end game pve content.
  • ViolentBPI
    Would love to join, got a Stan NB at CP 350. Looking for trials guild
  • Jaywics
    Are you tired of pugging vet trials or not even finding a group due to some Elitist made up fake dummy parse requirements?

    Are you at least 160 cp so that if you run with us you can get the best dropped gear in the game?

    Are you a returning vet that has been kicked out of end game guilds due to inactivity and wish to get your vet groove back?

    Are you an end game player that runs in the Australian (or similar) timezone and wish to fill your 5th guild spot with guaranteed plunder runs?

    Are you in vet PvE guild but are core-less and would like the ability to recruit and set up your own core utilizing the Band app and our guild chat?

    Are you looking for a guild that is going to farm the Craglorn Trials once Summerset drops in order to obtain gold mats for Jewelry Crafting?
    (Tons of Profits for all Guildies)

    Then look no further, we will open soon....

    If you are interested in being an Officer or Raid Leader before we officially open for recruitment, then just send me a pm on here or xbox live today.

    PvE Vet Trials Guild
    Coming Soon.........
    Gt: Jaywics
    XBOX1 NA
    XBL: Jaywics
    Discord ID: jaywics#2078

  • Jaywics
    Are you tired of pugging vet trials or not even finding a group due to some Elitist made up fake dummy parse requirements?

    Are you at least 160 cp so that if you run with us you can get the best dropped gear in the game?

    Are you a returning vet that has been kicked out of an end game guild due to inactivity and wish to get your vet groove back?

    Are you an end game player that runs in the Australian (or similar) timezone and wish to fill your 5th guild spot with guaranteed plunder runs? (Cores available in all timezones)

    Are you in a vet PvE guild but are core-less and would like the ability to recruit and set up your own core utilizing the Band app and our guild chat on the days and times that are best for you?

    Are you looking for a guild that is going to farm the Craglorn Trials once Summerset drops in order to obtain gold mats for Jewelry Crafting?
    (Tons of Profits for all Guildees)

    Then look no further, STDB will open soon....

    If you are interested in being an Officer or Raid Leader before we officially open for recruitment, then just send me a pm on here or xbox live today.

    PvE Vet Trials Guild
    Coming Soon.........
    Gt: Jaywics
    XBOX1 NA
    XBL: Jaywics
    Discord ID: jaywics#2078

  • IlCanis_LupuslI
    Jaywics wrote: »

    STDB is a Cross Faction XBOX PvE Guild. It springs from a number of quality DCUO/Runsecape players who are seeking like minded ESO players.

    Our guild leadership is committed to creating the ideal place for our members to succeed and thrive in Tamriel. While we do want top players in our guild we would prefer quality people who are fun to play with that are willing to learn. Please see below for guild info.

    Our Purpose:

    Short Version: To set competitive leaderboard weekly scores in CP 160 Dragonstar Arena and Trials. To farm the Craglorn Trials in order to obtain Gold Jewelry Mats. (Jewelry Crafting Skill Line = Tons of profit for everyone.)

    Long Version: To create a great community of Top players (regardless of alliance) who enjoy gaming with each other. We want to see a guild full of active players with a great in-game chat and top tier collaboration.

    Guild Info
    Server: NA
    Faction: Cross Faction with leaders from all 3 Alliances.
    Guild Leaders: Jaywics
    (Message any of these Leaders on XBL, Band App, or in game for an invite today!)
    Type: PvE-Veteran-Progressive Guild
    Philosophy: We want to be a quality guild with positive, helpful, and active members. This will create the players we want to be surrounded by.
    Scheduled Trial Runs (Band App)
    Dragonstar Arena (CP 160)
    Gold Jewelry Mat Farming
    Guild Supported Master Crafters
    We have a great arrangement with Tamriel Trading Company. They have 3 great Locations. If you want to be in a top trading guild we can get you in past the waitlist.
    Proven leadership in other MMO's and in real world situations
    Excellent communication through the free Band App on your mobile device
    Membership goals: We want to form a large guild with sister guilds to maximize trade potential for our members. Recruitment goals will never supersede our philosophy:
    (quality people over quantity)


    160+ CP. Joining STDB requires you to download the FREE BAND APP, and have a good attitude.
    Once you are accepted into STDB you must be willing to download Band App on your mobile device for guild communication.
    To become an Officer or Leader requires just 3 things: 1) Being an expert at your role/play-style (Stam/Magic DPS, Healer, or Tank) with at least 500 CP 2) Be active in game and on the Guild BAND App that is Free 3) Have a good attitude and be willing to help newer members learn the mechanics STDB Leadership has taken the time to perfect throughout all the PvE content offered by ESO.
    All members are welcome to join in on normal trial farms, however, to join a Vet Craglorn Gold Jewelry Farm you must have 300 + CP at this time.

    MO: STDB is an Elite PvE Guild without the Elitism. Many of our Leaders come from the End Game content PvE guilds that are already established on these forums who have formed up and created a Guild that invites all Caliber of players to form under one banner regardless of Alliance affiliation.

    See you in Tamriel,



    Invite plz, Canis Lupus1994
    Cp 1490
    Khajiit Night blade Healer(BiS for cuteness)-Flawless Conquerer Grand Overlord
    Khajiit Stamsorc Werewolf, Flawless Conquerer (1st attempt ww form during the entire dungeon) main
    Khajiit(Master Race) Templar Healer, Flawless Conquerer
    Khajiit Stam dk, Flawless conquerer, 2nd attempt
    Werewolf Veteran player, Since Wrathstone-DLC "Raid-Wolf", 50k dps with fracture, Pvp Healer.
  • Jaywics
    Welcome to Straight Twelve Deep Burn (STDB). You are now apart of the best late night trials guild on the NA Server for XBOX1. STDB is an progressive PvE Social guild in its origin so only invite players who have 160+ Champion Points and that can beat veteran pve content easily. We believe that every player deserves a chance to complete vetern PvE content based on talent and not just some fake numbers generated on a non-mobile test dummy. You will not find toxic attitudes and rules here in STDB. Instead, you will find Elitist minus the Elitism.

    The rank structure is a meaningful one where each rank is earned and not just handed out like most guilds.

    Leader: Trusted Officer with 650+CP that is an expert in their respective role (s).

    Officer: 500+CP and an expert in their respective role (s).

    Legend: Member that is on the first PvE Core team. DPS needs to have earned the title "Stormproof" or have sent in a picture of their Group Parse to an Officer or higher.

    Core Two: Set up and name your own Core group along with the time and days you run trials.

    Open Core: Full Member of STDB that has completed veteran content with a member of Hierarchy.

    Prospect: New to the guild and has not completed any Veteran content with a member of Hierarchy.

    Main Trial Progression Times: Mon - Thurs are open core runs. {TBD}
    Friday and Saturday Night are main Core progression runs from 8-12 pm Eastern Standard Time. {300CP +}

    All decisions are made in STDB by Officers or higher. No one person has the final say regarding any situation or circumstance.
    XBOX1 NA
    XBL: Jaywics
    Discord ID: jaywics#2078

  • Jaywics
    We all started somewhere.......and yet todays end game community has totally forgotten their origins.

    All of us started in a semi to non famous guild to progress in talent, skill level, and even in gear before we moved on to bigger and better guilds such as Twelve Deep, Victorious Secret, Double War Horn, End Games, Black Lotus, and Straight Burn.

    Most of us end gamers started in a fairly big guild called Dungeons & Daedras before moving on which allowed newer players to focus on learning mechanics, getting gear, and most importantly trial experience.

    A group of well known end game PvErs have align under a new banner to re-form a vet trial progression guild.

    This will allow newer players to get their experience and gear up in vet trials while also allowing vet professionals to farm gold mats for jewelry crafting with quick easy runs.

    If you would like to be apart of something very special that allows you to run your own core at the time you desire, then pm today on Band or Xbox Live to secure your spot as a Trials Leader or an Officer before we officially open for recruitment.

    XBOX1 NA
    XBL: Jaywics
    Discord ID: jaywics#2078

    can i get inv Gamertag: Eternal Parrish
    PC NA
  • Jaywics

    Are you looking for a guild that is going to farm the Craglorn Trials once Summerset drops in order to obtain gold mats for Jewelry Crafting?
    (Tons of Profits for all Guildees)

    Then look no further, STDB will open soon....

    If you are interested in being an Officer or Raid Leader before we officially open for recruitment, then just send me a pm on here or xbox live today.
    XBOX1 NA
    XBL: Jaywics
    Discord ID: jaywics#2078

  • Jaywics
    can i get inv Gamertag: Eternal Parrish
    can i get inv Gamertag: Eternal Parrish

    It says you are a member of 5 guilds already, you must leave a guild first before the invite can go through. Ty.
    XBOX1 NA
    XBL: Jaywics
    Discord ID: jaywics#2078

  • Jaywics

    Are you looking for a guild that is going to farm the Craglorn Trials once Summerset drops in order to obtain gold mats for Jewelry Crafting?
    (Tons of Profits for all Guildees)

    Then look no further, STDB will open soon....

    If you are interested in being an Officer or Raid Leader before we officially open for recruitment, then just send me a pm on here or xbox live today.
    XBOX1 NA
    XBL: Jaywics
    Discord ID: jaywics#2078

  • Camb0Sl1ce
    @Jaywics invite new to NA but have played since console launch
  • MuchShock
    Hi, would love an invite here. CP650. ign= johnwasindayton
    I have some characters, play the game and do stuff. It's fun sometimes.

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