Eidetic Memory bugs

Not long ago, the author of the addon Lorebooks added display of books from Eidetic Memory. Using the addon, I went to read all unread books, and confronted with a large number of bugs with these books. I want to transfer the problem of the book, which it is impossible to read for one reason or another, and their locations.

Let's start.
The first list the zone and EP book.

Book 1 - Smuggler's Note. Located in Forgotten Crypts. When reading it is not considered to have been read in Eidetic Memory. Most likely due to the fact that the books of the same name in the game 2-3 pieces, one of them is in Craglorn.
Book 2 - Letter to Artisan Craftworks. Probably in another phase of the city / area, it is not present at the place where it should be.
Book 3 - Valyia's Cargo Manifest. Similarly, the book 2.
Book 4 - No Quarantine for Us. Similarly, the book 3.
Book 5 - Risa's Journal. Similarly, book 4.
Book 6 - Final Words. not so simple with this book. It should be in 4 different places, but it is nowhere. Also, this book should be in Alik'r Desert and Reaper's March.
Book 1 - Letter Home. Probably in another phase.
Book 2 - Gordag's Journal. The corpse is there, but the book is not. Not that phase?
Book 3 - Feyne Vildan's Diary. The problem resembles the problem with the position M'Aiq Liar in Bal Foyen, which is on the Plantation Point Overlook. This book is 100% in the other phase. When a character is in one place - the book is, and is to come closer - the book is lost, as well as one of the NPC, who is sitting nearby.
Book 1 - Letter to Sonya. The book is not available. Apparently the other phase.
Book 2 - Spymaster Ramorgol's Orders. Similarly, the book of 1.
The Rift:
Book 1 - Note in Bag of Vvardenfell Silk. The book is not available.
Book 2 - Or Else. The book is not available.
Book 3 - Practical Necromancy. The book is not available. If I remember correctly - this book is issued on a quest and read out quest items in the backpack. You need to add this book in an open world, so you can read not only in the quest.

DC and AD Zones next post will describe later.
  • StrangerFull
    We continue. Now I describe the DC and AD zones.


    Stros M'Kai:

    Book 1 - Caprain Izad's Letter. The book is not available. Probably in another phase.
    Book 2 - The Clues, Damn Your Eyes. Similarly, the book of 1.


    Book 1 - For Donel from Father. The book is not available.


    Books 1,2,3 - Larelleis, Morilatta, Wenayasille. Books not available. If I understood correctly - is 3 statues inside the dungeon. After completing the quest they are destroyed. I wish the book would have been signs on the pedestal article is available at any phase.


    Book 1 - The Mage's Cipher. The book is not available.
    Book 2 - Uela's Song. The book is not available.



    Book 1 - Letter to Egranor. The book is not available.
    Book 2 - Vareldur's Journal. The book is not available.
    Book 3 - Anothergrim Jest. The book is not available.
    Book 4 - Grim Jest. The book is not available.


    Book 1 - Heroes of the Sanctuary. The book is not available.
    Book 2 - Culmination and Success. The book is not available.
    Book 3 - Oath of the Shadows Watch. The book is not available.
    Books 4,5,6,7,8 - Sumiril's Book, Passage 1,2,3,4,6. Books not available. Likely in the other phase. After the quest is impossible to go to the location, and there are no books in the field. Fifth book I during the quest read, it is clear on the numbers of the missing books.

    Malabal Tor:

    Book 1 - Dead Man's Drop. The book is not available.

    I will describe as the common areas.


    Book 1 - Nedras' Journal. The book is not available.


    Book 1 - Agolas's Journal. The book is not available.

    Thanks to the addon author and all the players for locations of books. This allowed me to read undiscovered and unread books and find inaccessible for reading books. I will not describe here the books that are within reach after passing quests areas, these books are the developers have promised to add to the game world with the release of the DB.

    @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_TristanK @ZOS_GaryA @ZOS_JanS @ZOS_KaiSchober Look to these books and do something with them please.
  • Ayantir
    I'll log on live and send a detailled answer first
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  • Whilhelmina
    Book 1 - Letter to Sonya. The book is not available. Apparently the other phase.

    I just ran the quest tied to it, called "Torn Asunder", I had actually missed it (so was missing tons of books along the place).
    It's currently NOT possible to not grab the book while doing the quest. It's the whole quest linked to the Hadmal journal entries, found everywhere in the zone (have to grab her daughter's skulls for the ghost of a mother who was in fact a necromancer devoted to Molag Bal). When you reach one of the places where the skulls/skeletons are, you phase out and have a vision, a skull to grab/ghost to talk to and then a book to grab which you auto-read and which then disappears.
    The "Letter to Sonya" is a letter written by the still-living husband to the wife's grave and it sends you to the husband location.

    This must have been one of the books that where removed from the already-read books some updates back or it never made it to the Eidetic Memory list at that time. My husband doesn't have it and did the quest years ago, but the book works fine now.
    All books for this quest disappear from the word when they're read and only stay in inventory until the next quest update.

    As for the rest of Eastmarch, I'm also missing your book 2 "Spymaster Ramorgol's Orders".

    And a third one, "Truths of the North" which is located in the "Fort Morvunskar" zone, which is accessed from Fort Morvunskar during the timeline but apparently can't be accessed afterwards, so I'm stuck on that one.

    Edited by Whilhelmina on May 11, 2016 9:05PM
  • nudel
    Firstly, I would strongly counsel against using any addon that places map markers as your evidence that an item is bugged. Such markers can prove unreliable, especially for notes and papers which have multiple locations before a quest, during a quest, and after a quest. At least two of your "bugged" books are working.

    Book 3 - Anothergrim Jest. The book is not available.
    This book can be found inside the Castle Rilis Antechamber, which can be entered after quest completion. It will be on an altar in the western portion of the main hall.
    Book 4 - Grim Jest. The book is not available.
    Likewise this book can be found inside the Castle Rilis Antechamber, which can be entered after quest completion. It will be on an altar in the eastern portion of the main hall.

  • Hermod
    I'm missing a good few books that are linked to quest I have done.

    As my main character has been on the go since day one, it's safe to say that not all the book were marked as Eidetic Memory.

    Unless they update the Eidetic Memory as per quest done, it looks like we will not be getting 100% on the old characters.
    There is only one principle of war and that's this. Hit the other fellow, as quickly as you can, as hard as you can, where it hurts him most, when he ain't lookin'

    William Slim
  • Qyrk
    Hermod wrote: »
    I'm missing a good few books that are linked to quest I have done.

    As my main character has been on the go since day one, it's safe to say that not all the book were marked as Eidetic Memory.

    Unless they update the Eidetic Memory as per quest done, it looks like we will not be getting 100% on the old characters.
    You're in luck (from PTS, and will be live in Dark brotherhood)
    Exploration & Itemization
    Various books from areas closed off during quests have been placed in the world to aid those working on Eidetic Memory

    *will continuously update*

    Auridon - Another Grim Jest and Grim Jest notes are available underneath in a 'chamber'. You can access the place through the entrance, "Antechamber"

    Edited by Qyrk on May 13, 2016 12:01PM
  • StrangerFull
    Another books from new version of addon that I can't find or see (and one missing book in previous post):


    Grazdar's Notes: Hammer's Bypass in Old Orsinium public dungeon. No book can be read on place.
    Torug at the Summit, Complete Translation, No book here. Here is another book.


    On the Matter of the Prisoners. No book here.

    Bleakrock Isle:

    Contracts and Bounties. No book here.
  • Ayantir
    I started to answer on ESOUI, but here a quick copy paste no 1st reports :

    - Possible answers :
    1. ZOS bug : Book is not flagged as read after reading it.
    2. Quest Phasing : Book is not here anymore because of a quest completion (I checked). The quest is sometimes started by the book itself, or by an npc just nearby, or a bit further. But it's generally very close.
    3. Faction quest Phasing : Books seems linked to a quest which exists in different versions (one in each faction). I didn't found the quest.
    4. No idea : I have no idea how to find the book : Mainly a quest who gives a book and user read it from its inventory.

    Smuggler's Note (in Deshaan) -> Answer 1
    Letter to Artisan Craftworks -> Answer 4
    Valyia's Cargo Manifest -> Answer 2
    No Quarantine for Us -> Answer 2
    Risa's Journal -> Answer 2
    Final Words -> Answer 3
    Letter Home -> Answer 2
    Gordag's Journal -> Answer 2
    Feyne Vildan's Diary -> Answer 2
    Letter to Sonya -> Answer 2
    Spymaster Ramorgol's Orders -> Answer 4
    Note in Bag of Vvardenfell Silk -> Answer 4
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  • StrangerFull
    Two more books can not be obtaineable for me. Phasing or something else maybe someone knows.

    1 - http://imgur.com/26lVZtz - Journal of Z'en Priest
    2 - http://imgur.com/5TMAJl5 - The Founding of Bloodtoil

    All on Malabal Tor.

    PS nudel, I obtaine 2 books. Thanks for navigate =)

    PPS Books from closed locations after quest completion can be obtained by travel to played who in closed locations. You can find guildmate of alt who can help you enter closed places.
    Edited by StrangerFull on May 21, 2016 12:32PM
  • Whilhelmina
    Here is the list of books I can't grab so far:

    Multiple zones (bookshelf?):
    - Rite of the Scion
    - Final Words

    Bleakrock Isle
    - Letter to Seyne (phased out)
    - Contracts and Bounties (phased out)

    - Letter to Artisan Craftworks (phased out?)
    - Valyia's Cargo Manifest. (phased out?)
    - No Quarantine for Us (phased out?)
    - Risa's Journal (quest related, can't be found at quest start nor quest end locs)
    - Great House Mottos (annotated) (phased out?)

    - Eyes of the Queen Only (quest related)
    - Gordag's Journal. ("strength of the father" quest)

    - Spymaster Ramorgol's Orders. (quest related?)
    - Truths of the North (zone unavailable after quest completion)
    - Uggissar's Diary (quest related: "dear cousins")

    The Rift:
    - Note in Bag of Vvardenfell Silk (quest related)
    - Or Else

    Stros M'Kai:
    - Captain Izad's Letter ("Izad's Treasure" quest)
    - The Clues, Damn Your Eyes ("Izad's Treasure" quest)

    - For Donel from Father ("One Last Game" quest in Wayrest)

    - Nedra's Journal ("A lucky break" quest)
    - Troll Socialization Research Notes ("Friend of Trolls" quest in Crestshade Mine turned in Shornhelm)

    - The Mage's Cipher ("A Grave Matter" quest)

    - Ancient Nord Tablet (uninteractable after completing quest)
    - The House of Orsimer Glories (can't be read after starting House of Orsimer Glories quest)
    - Torug ag Krazag (do not update)
    - Grazdar's Notes: Hammer's Bypass (cant examine the body nor the note)
    - Permit of Trade (quest related)
    - Offer of Amnesty ("Broken Promises" quest)


    Khenarthi's Roost:
    - Roost Smuggler's Ledger (in Cat's Eye Quay, can't be accessed after quest completion)

    - Vareldur's journal (Del's Claim quest "Repentant Son", nothing in del's claim, nothing in Mathiisen at quest completion point. UESP locs don't give anything either)
    - The gift of Arson (Abandoned Mine, probably tied to one of Dawnbreak's quest and phased out)

    - Destroyer's Rest (the Heart of the Barrowbough zone isn't available after quest completion)

    - Sumiril's Book, passage 1
    - Sumiril's Book, passage 2
    - Sumiril's Book, passage 3
    - Sumiril's Book, passage 4
    - Sumiril's Book, passage 5
    - Sumiril's Book, passage 6
    Books are tied to the quest "A tangled knot". They're mandatory for the quest. I remember them updating at that time (as we were racing for max number of book with hubby and I thought "yeah, 6 updates!"). Well, they're gone from the Eidetic Memory for me at some point (I know I noticed a huge decrease in my number of read books after an update last year) but hubby kept them so they're probably fine now. A way to grab them back would be nice though. I even have a screenshot of me reading the book (June 18th 2015).

    And here is the whole list of the books I can't reach which show up in the world with the Lore Books addon, excluding timelines I didn't do (aka Craglorn, Hew's Bane and Imperial City). I always checked the locs on UESP.net and I'm currently tracking the books I still miss using UESP.net.
    Edited by Whilhelmina on May 22, 2016 10:43PM
  • StrangerFull
    Here is the list of books I can't grab so far:

    Multiple zones (bookshelf?):
    - Final Words

    - Great House Mottos (annotated) (phased out?)

    - Truths of the North (zone unavailable after quest completion)
    - Uggissar's Diary (quest related: "dear cousins")

    Final Words, if last version of Lorebooks shows correct info say that book available through quest in Cyrodiil. But repeatable quest or not I don't know.

    Great House Mottos (annotaded) available during quest in phase of daedra attack of tribunal temple. You can travel to player who doing this quest and you will be in correct phase and can read this book. I do this already. This works for this books.

    Eastmarch books not available even you travel to player inside location with books. Seems depends on quest having and phase.

    Others books need to test (inside closed locations) with someone who doing related quest. Probably books will be available on correct phase of party member quest or just by travel to location with book.

    But ZOS need place in world all books which available during quest by reading from inventory. Many books have not readed and I want to collect them all. If these books can't be skipped for now (but can be skipped early), you need mark these books readed for all player, who skipped these books.

    @ZOS_GaryA @ZOS_JanS @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_KaiSchober @ZOS_TristanK

    Someone can comment about these books? In future patch you adds some books to world (in patch notes) that unavailable by location can't enter after quest (don't see these books in world on PTS). You need add all eidetic memory books to world available for reading after quests/phases changes or something else. And you need remove from eidetic memory books like Letter to Grand Warlord Sorcalin, Letter to Grand Warlord Dortene and Respectful Greetings from Am-Shadal which available for other alliances not my and other books not available for your alliance (each alliance have own books and haven't others, unavailable books must be removed from eidetic memory).
  • nudel

    Final Words, if last version of Lorebooks shows correct info say that book available through quest in Cyrodiil. But repeatable quest or not I don't know.

    Final Words is from the quest "Regret" in Cyrodiil. It is not repeatable. The turn in is in Cropsford to the Argonian Bosekus. However, I could not find the note placed anywhere around Bosekus.

  • Ayantir
    The book can only be obtained on the corpse of the soldier, logically here :


    And for the books in alliances bases, it could be placed in keeps.

    There is enought keeps to push 1 book per castle.

    For me the hardest will be the 2 remaining book about elder scrolls in my ennemies factions. Book is in the middle of the temples ..
    Edited by Ayantir on May 25, 2016 3:41PM
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  • Mix
    Ah, I have been trying to locate all the Eidetic Memory books too!

    @Ayantir I will give this addon Lorebooks a try.

    I think we should start a new thread for bugged lorebooks for 2.4 DB patch as some have been fixed.

    I also like to note which books don't glow properly as it makes them much harder to find depending on the environment.

    For the Smuggler's Note (Deshaan) that you label are you certain it is that one and not the Smuggler's Note that is in the Smuggler tunnel in Mathiisen, Auridon? I am only missing the one Smuggler's Note and the one in Deshaan counted for me, although I am not certain when I read it.

    Spymaster Ramorgol's Orders and Shaman Moramat's Orders: after the quest I found two glowing notes in the back of the tent near the chef but I cannot interact with them, my guess was that they are these two notes.


    - Letter to Artisan Craftworks (phased out?)
    On PTS this was fixed and laying on the floor of the forge in Mournhold, however on Live I cannot find it.

    Stros M'Kai:
    - The Clues, Damn Your Eyes ("Izad's Treasure" quest)
    Also found this on the PTS but it didn't make it to Live it seems.

    - Nedra's Journal ("A lucky break" quest):
    2.4 you can find this after the quest in Gendinora's House in Northsalt Village
    - Troll Socialization Research Notes ("Friend of Trolls" quest in Crestshade Mine turned in Shornhelm)
    2.4 is in Shornhelm on a barrel next to the quest turn in npc which is in Hammer and Saw Carpentry

    - The Mage's Cipher ("A Grave Matter" quest)
    2.4 found in Evermore by the graveyard gate just east of "The Stall" market icon

    - Ancient Nord Tablet (uninteractable after completing quest)
    2.4 found on the floor in House of Orsimer glories after quest, upstairs between the table and desk.

    @StrangerFull Agreed ZoS needs to place all the books to be accessible all the time, but since there are thousands of books to check on it really helps ZoS if we point out which ones we cannot access!

  • Llogwey

    Hello all.. I too am an eidetic completionist (whilhelmina husband inside hehe)
    I had an idea about all these eidetic memory problems (books from inventory, quest related, not otainable after quest, not obtainable if not proper alliance in Cyrodiil etc...)

    using this to get attention of devs just in case : Couldn't it be possible to have an "account wide" Eidetic Memory
    (not the Shalidor one because Shalidor is related to Mages guild XP and progression and books are fine in that one)

    Eidetic Memory completion is only for lore addicts or hardcore completionists, also it is sad that sometimes you are forced to be logged on the proper character to read a lore book from your library.. because only ONE of your toon has the book...
    It would also solve all the problems related to book availability in the world. If you can't get it with your main, you could get it with an alt who has not done the quest yet, or who's from the proper alliance (for Cyrodiil headquarters), or if you really are hardcore even create a new toon for that purpose. Indeed it could have economical repercutions when it comes to motifs books, as it would mean that you only need to buy it once for your whole account (but I'm sure many people would have nothing against that except farmers/sellers ;) )
    After all there is no achievement or rewards linked to full Eidetic achievement... (except the afore mentionned motifs books)

    there could also be the option to make a dedicated section for all motifs (not account wide) , outside Shalidor and outside Eidetic... that would be a good compromise, and also far easier to track down and check motifs not mixed up with all the eidetic categories...

    I don't know how hard it could be, but assuming Champion points are account wide, dyes are account wide, why not eidetic ?
    It would be far easier to achieve (I think) than tracking down and correcting each book on an individual basis...

    Please let me know what you think
  • Whilhelmina
    Mix wrote: »
    Stros M'Kai:
    - The Clues, Damn Your Eyes ("Izad's Treasure" quest)
    Also found this on the PTS but it didn't make it to Live it seems.

    Thank's a lot for all your infos.

    I'm still missing "Captain Izad's Letter" (I checked the starting chest but it's empty), but "The Clues, Damn Your Eyes" can be found near the stone vessel (29.90 ; 80.45) (it doesn't glow but works)
    Edited by Whilhelmina on June 5, 2016 10:19PM
  • Mix

    I will have to go check that area again!
  • Tib
    Hmm, I have had trouble with finding Letter from Kireth which is supposed to be in the latest collection, Gold Coast Tomes. Has anyone been able to find that?
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  • LadyMamoulian
    I dont want to sound cynical but what is all this good for? There are a great many Eidetic Memory entries that are still bugged.. years after the initial game release! And it doesnt seem like we are going to get them patched ever. There was some attention given and bugs patched relating to the Imeprial City, Hews Bane, GoldCoast and Wrotghar but thats it, probably those are the new areas that people were caring for at the moment.. but what about the old areas? There were some patches too, few and far between as they were, but thats it. Let me just present some impossible to get Eidetic Memory entries here, STILL unattainable and probably forever more to stay that way even though I reported them more then TWO YEARS ago! Please correct me if I am wrong but, just randomly from about 50 forever lost entries, those still cannot attained:

    -Gravestone notes is EverMore, Bankorai after the quest A grave matter is completed
    -the whole cluster of books Journal of the Zen Priest, The Founding of Bloodtoil, Drublog Shamans Journal, Old Drublog Journal and so on after BloodToil Valley is completed in Malabal Tor
    -For Donel from Father in the inaccessible attic of an inn in Wayrest, Stormhaven after the quest is completed
    -A reminder from the Judge in Coldharbour after the Court of Contempt is completed
    -an incredible EIGHT bugged Eidetic Memories entries in Shadowfern, a depressive number for collectors indeed: Eyes of the Queen only, Quartermasters Report, Albus Journal, A Perfect Score, Letter Home, Tsanjis Ship Record, Feyne Vildans Diary, Gordags Journal. etc.. in ONE ZONE only!

    And these are just random examples of course. Is there something I am missing here? Were these patched in some long ago patches maybe? If yes please correct me, if not.. what can we do? Pray to Zenigod to let us complete our collection of Lore two years after ESO was released? I have to admit I am phazed by this and as much as I love Tamriel, I have to say this is pretty depressing..
  • Ayantir
    A friend of me helps to unlock some dungeons for me those times, a book I couldn't achieve to get without his help is Blessed, Blessed Satakalaam in Alik'r desert.

    Book is exactly where the pin indicates (in the manor) but this one is phased with quest.
    Once quest is done, book is not here anymore (book is in the phase where mobs are aggressives).
    And I cannot teleport to him because it's in the "main world".

    For @LadyMamoulian I had few bugged books in old zones, I could achieve to get them without any help, just because ZOS fixed them. If you're motivated enought, you'll be able to get few of them.

    But I agree that the books cannot be all found. There is the new life one, the Skinchanger one and maybe ~50 buggy books. The count varies for you depending on your luck.
    Edited by Ayantir on November 3, 2016 7:23AM
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  • ZOS_CoriJ
    Since this is an outdated topic that has needed several updates in the past we have decided to close this as a necro. The information may not be current. Please also keep in mind that mods can be outdated when it comes to location placement.

    If you would like to propose this as a possible bug we would suggest reporting it as a new topic to the Bug Report forum and to include a reference to this thread should you still consider this relevant.
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