Feedback 2.4.1 [Spoilers]
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I have gone through the Gold Coast on a pre-made character and made some notes of things I love, suggestions and possible bugs. I didn't feel like using the /feedback feature several dozen times so I will try to make this as easy/quick to read as possible!
- Speaker Terenus has GREAT voice acting.
- Speaker Terenus speaking to you over his shoulder for Sacrament quests is a great addition, posture fits his character perfectly!
- Stained Glass window and its projection in the Sanctuary are epic! It is gorgeous.
- The Bats hanging in the Sanctuary are adorable.
- Elam Drals, I adore his dry witty comments, definitely one of my favourite npcs.
- Sexy dance troupe in the Temple of Dibella (seen during Questions of Faith) was awesome, some of the men's moves made me lol!
- Lerexus Novation, the skeleton merchant, I love his puns, predictable and groan-worthy but great and make me smile!
- Remains-Silent, she is epic, love the name (my favourite dialogue choice in DB quests in Elder Scrolls), the toothy jaw she wears over her chin is great and I want one!
- Black Hand Robe looks great, I can't wait to get it on Live, the hood looks awesome on my test Argonian (even if it does make horns vanish:p) it is worth the vanishing horns.
- We adopted Seafoam<3
- Mirabelle's mannequins, great touch!
- The DB quests were great.
- DB questline is clear when you need to raise your DB skill level with "I will leave you to your contracts"
- Side quests were enjoyable, especially the one involving Sweetrolls! It is nice to meet old friends:)
- Litany of Blood: love how this objective was given, it feels much more important than Kari's Hit List from TG.
- Blade of Woe animations, EPIC.
- Motif: Assassin's League, love the staff model and that the Light Armor chests have a black hand on them.
- Motif: Abah's Watch, very fun style, I love the staff model and the Light Armor Jerkin/Legs looking like a short jacket:)
- Motif: Thieves' Guild. Does look different than Outlaw but has a similar...feel/theme. Staff is pretty cool.
- Sep Adder pet is awesome:D
- Cadaverous Assassin costume - Argonian Skeleton! (see spoiler for screenshot)
- Pre-Made characters really need to come with at least one Wayshrine per zone, preferably all wayshrines to make testing easier.
- Access to Enchanting materials on pre-made characters would be nice, perhaps a PTS only vendor who sells crafting mats? To cut down on the number of boxes on the pre-mades.
- Hanging bats in DB sanctuary have their wings open, bats normally hang with wings closed (but they are still so adorable:p)
- Quest: Questions of Faith: Woman in White Toga says she saw Hilde by Chapel of Akatosh and it was quite confusing, it wasn't until later in the quest I figured out that she meant the Shrine to Akatosh IN the Chapel of Dibella (each divine has a stained-glass window devoted to them, didn't notice that right off the bat either - maybe I was too distracted by the dancers...
- After saving Hilde, Kor can be found in the sleeping quarters and when you talk to him he is shaking his hand back and forth, I didn't notice until after the conversation finished that he was rolling dice, it looks really funny though when you are talking to him that he doesn't stop/pause his dice shaking:p
- First Sacrament I found the dialogue/dialogue options a bit confusing; He told me about Bur-Waska and there was a chat option to ask "Who is my target?" and when I selected it he said "Daynil Uveleth". The quest tracker cleared up what was meant, Davynil was the only required target, Bur-Waska was a optional target. Maybe changing the dialogue options so the player confirms that the previous target was a bonus target and the next one discussed is the main one? No extra voice-acting required!
- Sacraments: Kill Target with Poison: could use a *hint for this either in the quest text or on the tracker. I tested it and killing with a weapon with poison equipped worked, but so did killing with the Blade of Woe when poison was equipped which is good to know because killing with player weapon resulted in Alert level +1.
- Growing list of style materials in the game, perhaps adding a source to the tooltip would be beneficial?
- Quest: Signed in Blood, the conversations to Eavesdrop on can start pretty far from source, especially the first one, they could easily be missed depending on audio settings. Second and Third Eavesdrop prompts were more obvious and I could listen through a grate/door.
- Character creation, Premade EP300, Argonian Female textures went 'flat' when changing hair colour and adornments.
- Speaker Terenus has no lip movement when you meet him in the Lighthouse.
- Speaker Terenus has a long delay in starting his voice-over after player selects a dialogue option (in his Lighthouse location)
- Traps don't glow in Smuggler's Tunnel when player is crouched, intended?
- The projection from the stained glass window in the DB sanctuary isn't always there, could be based on time of day which would make no sense as the other side isn't lit by sunlight.
- Introducing myself to Tanek, his dagger rotates as he talks to you and sometimes clips into his leg.
- Bear Traps, the stealth eye goes into "Detected" whenever these are disarmed unlike tripwires and rope traps, is this intended?
- Brema's voice always seems to be very quiet as if she is very far away when you speak to her.
- Grazda manages to be by the Gold Coast Wayshrine AND in the DB Sanctuary at the same time (or she runs super fast?), sometimes she is only by the wayshrine.
- Quest: A Special Request: in the Anvil Secret Passages the trespassing alert goes on and off several times.
- Blade of Woe animations/cutscenes: I stabbed some people with my staff when I used the Blade of Woe and had my staff drawn (it was hilarious!)
- Quest: The Wrath of Sithis: when Astara gives you this quest her dialogue and voice-over are in different orders. She says "Go to Knightsgrave" part first and then "word has come back from the Black Hand" second. The dialogue window has the reverse order.
- Speaker Terenus when telling me to kill Primate Artorius stares off to my left and doesn't move his lips when speaking, there is also a delay in the start of the voice-over after choosing a dialogue option (same as in the Lighthouse)
- After becoming Silencer, where all the npcs are still in the central room, Astara's, Tanek's and Elam Dral's voices are really quiet/far-away sounding. Grazda is quieter than usual and Terenus, Kor and Hilde have normal voice volumes.
- Going to the dining hall after becoming speaker there are two copies of Kor (one by the bar and the other sitting in thin air in front of the cage) and two Hilde's (one on the bar and one as a werewolf in the cage).
- Sacraments: obtain Smuggler's Den on day 1, completed it on Day 2 (with alert level 2/5), picked up next Sacrament (also Smuggler's Den) and immediately ported in, the alert level didn't reset and still said 2/5.
- The item "Litany of Blood" was not usable by my character.
- The icon for the Assassin's League Staff doesn't match the actual look of the staff.
- Abah's Watch Motif, Medium pants only had 2 dye slots (I know many pants only have two colours but they still have 3 slots..)
- Contracts: I got the same contract twice in a row (Melanie in Vulkwasten) and I don't think this is intended.
- Louna (in Kvatch) has a funny eyelid when you talk to her during the quest.
- Litany of Blood target in Sentinel, two names on death?