We are a smaller guild looking to grow. We are recruiting members who are casual players, are over 18, don't mind flirtatious banter, swearing, aren't offending easily, and don't mind being helpful. Level doesn't matter, we are primarily Aldemeri Dominion, but others are welcome as well. Some of us are PvE players, some are PvP players, and some just like to get the quests done. Although we do not currently have a guild trader, it is a goal of ours. We do NOT ask for a weekly donation, however to get a guild trader, it is encouraged. Message cupidsmyth either in game or on xbox for guild invite, or respond to this post.
We are all over 18, are online varying hours of the day, very helpful and looking for new members to join.
Edited by amethyst_rayne on May 1, 2016 3:01AM