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POLL: What would make Sorcerer pets desirable?

Just curious as to what the community thinks.
Edited by KingDuncanVII on April 30, 2016 1:54AM
Playstation 4 - North American Server - Aldmeri Dominion - Champion Rank 430
Magicka Altmer Nightblade | - Champion
Magicka Regaurd Templar | - Champion
Stamina Khajiit Nightblade | - Champion

POLL: What would make Sorcerer pets desirable? 95 votes

Hit Harder
GaldorPmertustaThe_Legendary_AryaVDoom1Emma_OverloadimrednecksonLBxFinalDeathmrdanklesMarktoneth3 9 votes
Hit and React Faster During Combat
Iruil_ESOSheezabeastelias.stormneb18_ESOIlterendiSapherisTylersohValkasOpadas 8 votes
More Self-Sustainability
AlurriaAverya_TeiraAnnalysekamimarkcode65536Beardimus 6 votes
All The Above
laurajfbyrom101b16_ESOSerasethRakkulKhaldarSigma957DromedeWolfenbelleWill16FlaminirMarkusTheValiantajwest927pilsbury65socks567Rex-UmbraWaseemOh_SkrivvaKingDuncanVIIJailbirdyCherryCake 24 votes
All The Above and More (Please explain...)
bloodenragedb14_ESOrotaugen454hammayolettucehenrycupcakerwb17_ESOhamburgerler76CîanaiReifAquanovaDerrapilsbury65ChelisterLucius_AeliusNativeJoeHallothielFrostFallFoxJubJubHumatielSilver_StridercpuScientist 19 votes
None of the Above (Please explain...)
MojmirRebNovaMarxbedlomValrienArvenAldmeriMrPoolatyWollustRudsterKr3doPolysemysusmitds 12 votes
None of the Above, Instead they need this... (Please explain...)
pjwb16_ESOGrileenorRakshatNecreliosMagdalinaphaneub17_ESOCasNationElhananJennifur_VulteeolsborgrunagateJaronkingFriedEggSandwichCaptainBeerDudeMush55mariskaasMetafae 17 votes
  • LBxFinalDeath
    Hit Harder
    How ESO is now?

    More damage, utility is nice like the Matriarch essentially being used as the Sorc's breath of life but if theres no damage, people will just ignore it and attack you...then a Sorc has to decide inbetween shields or a heal....most will choose shields.

    Most of the time instakilling the extremely low HP pet with a random aoe skill not even meant for it.
    Edited by LBxFinalDeath on April 30, 2016 1:57AM
  • NativeJoe
    All The Above and More (Please explain...)
    Make it so proxy doesn't count them as a Target and thus do 125% more damage to us solo.

    Make it so our shields actually last long enough to keep the enemy on the run and so we can sustain against them.

    Give us actual Gear support. There hasn't been a magical based pet set since vr12.

    Make atronoch mobile and increase it's synergy bonus/range or even make it automatic

    Make pets benefit from CP

    Pets need to hit harder if they're going to take up 4 of my skill slots.

    Edited by NativeJoe on April 30, 2016 2:01AM
    650cp+ Sorcerer 100+ days /played
    Broken'Stick North American Server
  • KingDuncanVII
    All The Above
    NativeJoe wrote: »
    Make it so proxy doesn't count them as a Target and thus do 125% more damage to us solo.

    Make it so our shields actually last long enough to keep the enemy on the run and so we can sustain against them.

    Give us actual Gear support. There hasn't been a magical based pet set since vr12.

    This is meant to be related to Sorc pets, specifically. ZOS could potentially use this feedback here for further improvements so voice your opinion solely on the topic at hand.
    Playstation 4 - North American Server - Aldmeri Dominion - Champion Rank 430
    Magicka Altmer Nightblade | - Champion
    Magicka Regaurd Templar | - Champion
    Stamina Khajiit Nightblade | - Champion
  • bloodenragedb14_ESO
    All The Above and More (Please explain...)
    For one thing, we are kinda stuck with the lowest end of the spectrum of daedra for summoning, scamp clanfear and twilight? i cant feel powerful with anything less than a daedroth, or even a atronach, so a change in the 'skins' the summons have is most definitely needed

    This said a few more things would be awsome

    such as more control of the summons, Give us the ability to set their actions in combat, like the twilight cant attack until the familiar does

    Threat, the sorcerer melee combat pet needs to generate TONS more threat that it currently does, when i say this, i want the thing to cause so much threat, that everything flocks to it even if i attack first

    Health bars, i want pet health bars to be prominatly displayed on the interface at all times to i can know which to support in battle and when, as it is now i just have to hope they dont die in the course of battle ((this brings another question, why is there not a mod for this?))

    Edit: and as many people have been saying....well since launch i guess, dont make it a toggle, make it a summon and done, dont make us waste our ability slots on them, oh i get giddy just thinking of the build diversity if i could just summon them and switch bar, but then the depressing reality comes in, reminding me just how Un-TES the devs are intent on making skills
    Edited by bloodenragedb14_ESO on April 30, 2016 2:18AM
  • cpuScientist
    All The Above and More (Please explain...)
    NativeJoe wrote: »
    Make it so proxy doesn't count them as a Target and thus do 125% more damage to us solo.

    Make it so our shields actually last long enough to keep the enemy on the run and so we can sustain against them.

    Give us actual Gear support. There hasn't been a magical based pet set since vr12.

    This is meant to be related to Sorc pets, specifically. ZOS could potentially use this feedback here for further improvements so voice your opinion solely on the topic at hand.

    Proxy hitting them and doing 125% more damage is completely on topic.
    Lack of any kind of gear to help pet sorcs since vr12 NecroPotence is on topic
    Asking for shields to last long enough on pets is once again on topic.....
  • KingDuncanVII
    All The Above
    dont make us waste our ability slots on them

    Considering that Sorcs is the only class capable of having 3 ability bars (Overload Ultimate acts as a 3rd ability bar), I'd say that you have more than enough slots and summons should take up a slot.
    Playstation 4 - North American Server - Aldmeri Dominion - Champion Rank 430
    Magicka Altmer Nightblade | - Champion
    Magicka Regaurd Templar | - Champion
    Stamina Khajiit Nightblade | - Champion
  • Jennifur_Vultee
    None of the Above, Instead they need this... (Please explain...)
    What would make Sorcerer pets desirable?

    Personally I'd say a lil lipstick, eyeshadow...maybe some blush and a decent wig. I'm not into it but I hope this helps you find your pets more desirable and rekindle the spark you once shared.
    Edited by Jennifur_Vultee on April 30, 2016 2:32AM
    "Whoever is careless with the truth in small matters cannot be trusted with important matters." – Albert Einstein

    Treat a customer fairly and they will remember you. Treat a customer poorly and they never forget.

    Imperial City: Zerg, gank or die.
  • Annalyse
    More Self-Sustainability
    As much as I'd love for them to hit harder and more, I'd be happy just with more sustainability. As a PvE player, generally I just appreciate them allowing me to take on groups of things and solo bosses.... which works just fine with shields as they are currently, but with the upcoming change the pets won't be as handy.

    And as someone else mentioned, pet health bars would be fantastic, especially with the shield change.
    Edited by Annalyse on April 30, 2016 4:01AM
  • Mojmir
    None of the Above (Please explain...)
    its funny when a pet procs VD,but on topic,pets in this game are to simplistic,it should be a class of its own not an extension.
  • cpuScientist
    All The Above and More (Please explain...)
    Pets take up 4 slots for an unreliable heal and ok AOE if you stack magicka sky high (no longer gonna be doable)

    What I would like to see done, is
    1. Make pets only need 1 slot, once cast they stay with you until death. To use their ability you have to go to the bar they are on, if you want to dual slot the pet you can but now you can have your healing pet on the back buff bar if that is how you play and your AOE pet on the front bar.
    2. The twilight tormentor is lackluster to say the least, make it so that instead it acts like the AOE pet with 3 damage bursts over time, however this would be single target, and would either be a stun on the last hit or a root.
    3. The storm atronach needs to be mobile, if it is going to remain stationary then the AOE component needs to be baseline and it that morph offer something else. But as it is this is also a weak pet.
  • Aelthwyn
    Honestly, they need to not be Pink. They really don’t look cool in my estimation, they seem awkward and out of place with the rest of the world. A pearlescent pink dinosaur thing? Really? We need elemental atronach summons. I loved summoning in skyrim. In ESO while they are certainly useful so I begrudgingly use them when playing solo to help take some of the attention off me, I don’t enjoy using them because they look like pinky-purple plastic toys, yuck!
  • cpuScientist
    All The Above and More (Please explain...)
    dont make us waste our ability slots on them

    Considering that Sorcs is the only class capable of having 3 ability bars (Overload Ultimate acts as a 3rd ability bar), I'd say that you have more than enough slots and summons should take up a slot.

    IF WE USE OVERLOAD. This entire class is about YOU MUST USE OVERLOAD. To do good dungeon and trial DPS you gotta use OL to gain access to the third bar SAME THING. OVERLOAD is the class.

    Also lets look at your little example. Even with OVERLOAD, we have access to 9 distinct slots. WOOPDEEDOO... Because 2 of those are also gonna be you guessed it PETS.

    So for those who like to not play the cookie cutter OVERLOAD spamming Sorc, we are left with 6, 4 of them given to pets that really would be better served if I were using Magelight and Bound Armor. I would be doing alot more damage and gain bigger shields.

    OVERLOAD is always the answer to every sorc problem, that is not healthy when now the only thing that is barely holding this class is an ULTIMATE. That's it. Please do not bring up OVERLOAD in the pet build section. Especially with your earlier comments.
    This is meant to be related to Sorc pets, specifically. ZOS could potentially use this feedback here for further improvements so voice your opinion solely on the topic at hand.

  • kamimark
    More Self-Sustainability
    I only use one pet at a time, Clannfear if soloing, Matriarch if grouped, so that leaves 4 slots per bar, which is… fine, tolerable. I don't like it not being a toggle, but not a giant problem. I miss being able to unsummon by hitting the skill or holding it down, hitting C, scrolling around to find the summon, and right-click it is not practical.

    The lack of a bar to see health, so I have to heal when I guess it's getting low or if I happen to see a narrowing green bar through a mess of red bars, that's a problem.

    Insufficient threat to hold a boss when I start doing serious DPS, eh, I have that problem with player tanks, too. My own fault if I don't pace myself and watch my defenses.

    I miss the WoW Warlock's wider range of demons; I normally walked around with a Voidwalker tank, but would switch to Succubus for large groups of humanoids, or the hunter dog for killing mages, or the giant jerk with an AOE axe for fighting bosses & adds, or the demonic horse mount.

    Sorcerers should be able to summon any of the three existing kinds, or get new Daedra and Dremora summons from quests, regardless of skill/morph. When I hit the skill, it should pop up a wheel menu to pick a summon. The skill should then activate some power depending on the summon. If I slot two skills, each would do a different power.
    Kitty Rainbow Dash. pick, pick, stab.
  • mariskaas
    None of the Above, Instead they need this... (Please explain...)
    I think it's annoying when i'm just trying to go places and my pets start attacking everything xD
    Soo, yeah sure i guess everything but i stopped using at lvl 10 because of above reason :P
  • bedlom
    None of the Above (Please explain...)
    More variety of summoned creatures. The selection we have is just poor for a TES game.
  • FrostFallFox
    All The Above and More (Please explain...)
    Can they please not target enemy players from super far away? K thx
  • CaptainBeerDude
    None of the Above, Instead they need this... (Please explain...)
    Stam morph.
  • Mush55
    None of the Above, Instead they need this... (Please explain...)
    Get rid of the pets or give us an ice line we can spec into .
  • Megalex1
    Being able to control them would be a big improvement.

    Functions like "return to me" or "attack target", set stance like "defend", "aggressive" and "follow only", etc
  • Magdalina
    None of the Above, Instead they need this... (Please explain...)
    They need to stop being freaking toggles that have to take a slot on EVERY bar.

    They also need some form of physical damage protection similar to AoE one they have; not 90% obviously as it'd be too much but something would be nice; or at the very least Twilight could use more health.

    Better AI would also be nice but not holding my breath for that one.
    Edited by Magdalina on April 30, 2016 9:11AM
    Now for something fifferent.

    More resistsnces maybe scaling up as health goes down. Make shields optional. Have bound aegis etc cover pets too.
    Pets auto-trigger any heal they have if any pet or caster at 25% or less health.
    Caster 1-click to set off a major tsunt effect from a pet - mass frenzy - reverse of mass hysteria.

    Proudly skooma free while talks-when-drunk is in mandatory public housing.
    YFMV Your Fun May Vary.

    First Law of Nerf-o-Dynamics
    "The good way I used to get good kills *with good skill* was good but the way others kill me now is bad."

  • hamburgerler76
    All The Above and More (Please explain...)
    on console we still do not have pet commands witch means when we summon them they just run around doing whatever the f they please attacking none sense enemys and tanking dumb adds untill we can get this on console they will stay as 3rd rate options to real dps and tanking options.
  • NovaMarx
    None of the Above (Please explain...)
    This might seem strange to some...

    But what would make the pets more desirable for me was if there were options that weren't from Oblivion. It just doesn't fit if you're trying to play a super good, daedra hating, sorcerer. I would love to be able to conjure other creatures, perhaps something more "natury", like spriggans and such...
    "Feet are for walking. Hands are for hitting. Or shaking. Or waving. Sometimes for clapping."
    - M'aiq the Liar
  • CaptainBeerDude
    None of the Above, Instead they need this... (Please explain...)
    on console we still do not have pet commands witch means when we summon them they just run around doing whatever the f they please attacking none sense enemys and tanking dumb adds untill we can get this on console they will stay as 3rd rate options to real dps and tanking options.

    Try using curse. I'm pretty sure it 'orders' your pet to attack that target.
    Good luck getting it to do other things though...
  • phaneub17_ESO
    None of the Above, Instead they need this... (Please explain...)
    They need to be like WoW pets where their stats scale with the player, the way they scale now is based on your level not your stats. They should be getting a bonus amount from your Health, Physical Resistance, Spell Resistance, Champion Points, and their damage should increase based on the character's Magicka or Stamina whichever is higher. The more your character improves, the more pets overall power improves.
  • pjwb16_ESO
    None of the Above, Instead they need this... (Please explain...)
    Remove them and give us something that is better
    ~ here since Beta

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  • LadyNalcarya
    I wont use them, no matter what. I dont like toggles and the fact that theyre ugly and purple.
    Dro-m'Athra Destroyer | Divayth Fyr's Coadjutor | Voice of Reason

  • GaldorP
    Hit Harder
    More damage, definitely. Both pets together deal like 3k dps on a build that sacrifices everything to get as much Max Magicka as possible on a target that is debuffed with Daedric Prey (so that 3k dps includes the 50% extra damage they get from Daedric Prey).
    Edited by GaldorP on April 30, 2016 12:40PM
  • Aquanova
    All The Above and More (Please explain...)
    Make it so we don't have to have them slotted on both bar's.

    Imagine if the Twilight Matriarch could be summoned on the back bar and then just switched over to when you need a heal.
    Same for Bound Aegis. Just set it and forget it ;)
  • Derra
    All The Above and More (Please explain...)
    Get rid of the pet morph for curse. Raise the petdmg by the amount curse currently provides.
    Replace the pet morph for curse with a 5s version that snares the target for the time it´s applied before exploding.
    Add a functionality for pets that lets them attack the cursed target regardless of morph (hello pet control on console).

    Add a fire and forget morph for both pets with reduced dmg, a time (10 to 15s) + summon limit (1) that is not attackable (something like NBs shades but dmg instead of utility oriented) - remove the toggle requirement for those morphs.

    Increase the base speed of pets (also for NB shades) - they´re too easily outmaneuvered.

    Make storm attronach immune to crowd control.

    Let all petmorphs scale with magica and spelldmg or stamina and weapondmg whichever of those happens to be higher (scaling like ultimates for pets).
    This is the most important one imo. Currently pets only become niche vaible if you absolutely all out gear to use them because their scaling is different from every other spell in the game. That makes them undesirable for normal builds - stupid.

    Let pet dmg be modified by CPs.
    Edited by Derra on April 30, 2016 12:49PM
    I live. I die. I live again.

    Derra - DC - Sorc - AvA 50
    Derrah - EP - Sorc - AvA 50

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