With the recent update, a lot of negative feedback has been given about the changes to stam sorc...
Hurricane was a good morph for PVE tank-types, but for everyone else, we'll still opt to use boundless storm. Why? Major expedition isn't on that morph.
WB was our only spammable single-target dps that gave significant heals off of crit surge. This trade-off for a CC or empower guts us and forces us to spec for either PVP or PVE builds.
In pvp settings, our option for a CC drops our dps even lower, which is, unfortunately the main proc for our heals. (Which are already nerfed, even moreso in a pvp setting because of the changes to annulment and shield stacking.) Not to mention the fact most people run impen.
In pve settings, we just lost the ONLY stamina CC we have available in order to be able to pull higher numbers. The issue with that is that higher numbers don't come with lower survivability...
Ever since you guys put a cooldown on crit surge, the skill has been lacking, and I've been dying more and more.
Rapid strikes doesn't proc it, so dps on dw can only be used in PVE settings with a good healer....
Our only buff this patch doesn't go towards crit surge...
Not a single DOT applies to crit surge...
We only have one stamina-based spike skill in flying blade and you guys nerfed the damage output of that skill a while back.
The increases to power bash were interesting, but when I actually played the class, shocker, it didn't give as much dps as 2h.
The DPS I'm referring to, by the way, is already laughable.
The buff to fighter's guild skills now make them more useful to me than my own class skills do in passive points...
When will stam sorc see the buffs that we always hear about? I'm tired of being left out of endgame content because people don't take my class choice seriously, and I'm tired of being nerfed in pvp! Every buff you guys give to everyone else always leads to us getting the short-end of the stick, and really off-the-wall remedies are proposed!
Hurricane Wrobel hit hard with this DB patch for stam sorcs... I lost my mobility, some dps, resource management, meanwhile everyone else gained stamina morphs and dps boons because of said morphs. I've dropped into the 24-25k dps range while stamina dks and nbs have hopped up into the 33-35k range...
Please help us play catch-up. We need help ZOS, like REALLY badly.
My Cat Two Chainz (Main) - AD Stam Sorc
Post Malone - AD Mag Blade
Ba'al Sahk- AD Stam DK
Vampy Cat- AD Perma-WW Templar
610 CP as of 12/12/2016