failkiwib16_ESO wrote: »@Firerock2 I have anticipated this since they put a cap an said that they would raise it with each new DLC.. I even happily grinded content to reach the cap, and looked forward to advance my main char ...kinda makes me feel stupid
Someday,maybe,you will understand that zos is a company running a business, not your way to show your virtual power.
They dont need people with 800cp. They need new players that buy crown stores items and dlcs.
Its normal.
failkiwib16_ESO wrote: »Champion Point cap not raised with any DLC's so far..
Why is this not so?
Someday,maybe,you will understand that zos is a company running a business, not your way to show your virtual power.
They dont need people with 800cp. They need new players that buy crown stores items and dlcs.
Its normal.
Imo a long-term business should be interested in keeping its customers.
Breaking promises time and again and again is not a good way to keep customers.
Which bring us to either the competence of ZOS' headquarters' decisions far as business planning goes or...makes one wonder if they are not really planning to be a long-term business and just trying to grab some cash as fast as they can.
failkiwib16_ESO wrote: »(...)
@Moonshadow66 cp should have been raised with each new DLC.. at least thats what we were told.
@Moonshadow66 ahh sorry my bad. Yes a system like that would be good too.. hell even 1 cp a week would be better than 100% blocked progression.Moonshadow66 wrote: »I know, but since this isn't happening, apparently, I suggested 1 CP per day to assign (if over the cap) to have at least something until the next CP raise step.
Don't understand me wrong, I AM disappointed that the CP raise with the DB update was cancelled (maybe not even considered, who knows...).
failkiwib16_ESO wrote: »@Moonshadow66 ahh sorry my bad. Yes a system like that would be good too.. hell even 1 cp a week would be better than 100% blocked progression.Moonshadow66 wrote: »I know, but since this isn't happening, apparently, I suggested 1 CP per day to assign (if over the cap) to have at least something until the next CP raise step.
Don't understand me wrong, I AM disappointed that the CP raise with the DB update was cancelled (maybe not even considered, who knows...).
A mmo need progression. Im disappointed. Not the first time with eso thought. My expectations are already very low so its difficult to disappoint me
A mmo need progression. Im disappointed. Not the first time with eso thought. My expectations are already very low so its difficult to disappoint me
Says who? Your progression is 1-50. Then there is this thing called end game content. People already have a hard time reaching that with all the vet (now CP) grinding necessary but you ask for even more? What's the point of this dull grinding?
A mmo need progression. Im disappointed. Not the first time with eso thought. My expectations are already very low so its difficult to disappoint me
Says who? Your progression is 1-50. Then there is this thing called end game content. People already have a hard time reaching that with all the vet (now CP) grinding necessary but you ask for even more? What's the point of this dull grinding?
A mmo need progression. Im disappointed. Not the first time with eso thought. My expectations are already very low so its difficult to disappoint me
Says who? Your progression is 1-50. Then there is this thing called end game content. People already have a hard time reaching that with all the vet (now CP) grinding necessary but you ask for even more? What's the point of this dull grinding?
If you progression is simply playing to max lvl, then it could be enough for you. I already have 7 chars to vr 16. My goal is the constant improvement of my chars. There are no improvement possibilities anymore.
And I know more ppl with capped cps for month than without. Whats the point of this constant stop to char improvement?
CP system was promised and promoted as a vertical progression system. I am not able to further progress my chars and with PvP crippled with lag, there is nothing left for me. Have all my maelstrom wpns, everything I need from monster helmets and cyrodil and I have this for months now.
For your information:You've reached the end. Your characters aren't some gods that infinitely get stronger and stronger. Ask for more difficult content, not more pointless grinding. PvP isn't going to improve by making a bigger gap between new players and end game players. If anything, it makes PvP worse with imbalance.
failkiwib16_ESO wrote: »a non-veteran + a non-cp campaign in cyrodiil for all who wishes to be on equal level with those they wish to play with and against. [/list]You've reached the end. Your characters aren't some gods that infinitely get stronger and stronger. Ask for more difficult content, not more pointless grinding. PvP isn't going to improve by making a bigger gap between new players and end game players. If anything, it makes PvP worse with imbalance.
Someday,maybe,you will understand that zos is a company running a business, not your way to show your virtual power.
They dont need people with 800cp. They need new players that buy crown stores items and dlcs.
Its normal.