Hi there.

Redguard Nightblade seeks a (mature) friend to quest with, PvE (probably including some PvE in Cyrodiil) - so group & public dungeons, world bosses, dolmens, quests, fishing, whatever you like (just no straight PvP). I've finished most of Grahtwood and have started Greenshade. I currently have ESO Plus as well, so am doing the DLC - but if you don't, that's fine.
Note that I'm in a "stupid" timezone (ie Australia east coast) so I'm at GMT +9.
I am a Master Provisioner and Alchemist, and am working toward getting the Blacksmithing and Tailoring Masters as well.
Edited by LadyLethalla on April 27, 2016 12:18AM x-TallyCat-x // PC EU DC - For the Covenant! // ESO Platinum trophy - 16th May 2017.
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