ArmorExploration: This trait now increases all gold gained from monster kills instead of increasing exploration experience gained, and has been renamed to
This trait was at least useful to bring a level 3 alt char fast to level 8, by visiting different locations.. however it is no longer the case, and this trait that used to be only beneficial for players between level 1-8 is now viable for players of all levels to use.
We have seen or participated in topics and threads about the economy in Tamriel, and anticipated your response with utmost desire for a long while, and you have finelly listened to our prayers, demands, wishes and thoughts!
My dear fellow forum users, we have now been given the Prosperous trait, that we can as players of all levels unite and wear, to grind our minds out in public dungeons for gold. This is truely the best gift you have given to satisfy players across all of Tamriel and Coldharbour

..brb I need to go to my orcish anger management session, my bottle of mead is empty..