Official Feedback Thread for Dark Brotherhood

  • Epona222
    I'm not sure how to phrase this without sounding as though I hate the dlc, because that is not the case - but there are too many quests that send us to one-off areas that are very linear and that we can't realistically revisit later - with TG and now DB following this pattern it is starting to feel more like a shooter/stealth game with "on the rails" missions in separate linear areas/maps, rather than a proper Elder Scrolls experience.

    I just completed "A Ghost from the Past" quest, and it takes place in an area of Black Marsh that looked beautiful but which I will never be able to go back to, and where I just moved from A to B to C interacting with quest objectives as I went along and fighting any enemies I came across. The trespassing areas in both this and TG are similar - a whole area of Hew's Bane was not available for normal exploration without getting a bounty, even once the questline had been completed - this makes the zone seem even smaller.

    I am sure I am not alone in saying that I would rather Zenimax used a more open-world model in future releases.
    Edited by Epona222 on April 28, 2016 10:42PM
    GM - Ghost Sea Trading Co - NA PC

    Epona was a Romano-Celtic goddess dating back to around 1800 to 2000 years before computer games were invented.
  • Ixtyr
    @ZOS_GinaBruno Quick piece of feedback -

    Being a Vampire while trying to do DB quests is incredibly frustrating. The new changes to Vamp make me want to stay in Stage 4 even more than before - and yet, every time I go to use the Blade of Woe synergy on an enemy target (always a humanoid, always from behind in stealth) I have to be super careful to make sure it doesn't have me feed instead of assassinate.

    I've done roughly 50 kills now, and messed it up several times.

    Each time I mess up I have to wait SIX HOURS to undo the mistake.

    It's just really punishing, and feels like Vampire assassins were severely overlooked.

    Please add some sort of a function that allows me to disable Feeding in my settings - that would solve this entire issue really easily. Otherwise, I will probably end up just plowing through the story on Live server and then ignore this forever, since I won't want to deal with the frustration of accidentally feeding when I'm trying to assassinate.
    Ixtyr Falavir - Bosmer Nightblade - Daggerfall Covenant
    Reya Falavir - Dunmer Nightblade - Aldmeri Dominion
    Kaylin Falavir - Dunmer Nightblade - Ebonheart Pact
    Alyna Falavir - Dunmer Dragonknight - Daggerfall Covenant
    Aernah Falavir - Altmer Templar - Daggerfall Covenant
    Aranis Falavir - Bosmer Sorcerer - Daggerfall Covenant
    Aerin Falavir - Bosmer Warden - Daggerfall Covenant
    Rhys Falavir - Orc Sorcerer - Aldmeri Dominion
    Rhiannon Falavir - Altmer Templar - Aldmeri Dominion
    Nenara Falavir - Argonian Warden - Aldmeri Dominion
    Neera Falavir - Orc Warden - Aldmeri Dominion
    The Ska'vyn Exchange - Guild Master
    Vehemence - Officer
    Nightfighters - Member
    Ømni - Guild Master (Retired)
    Moderator of /r/elderscrollsonline
  • PlagueMonk
    Slurg wrote: »
    If I have to kill an "innocent" in Anvil, can you at least put some real jerks around town who deserve what's coming to them?

    Wait what? I will be REQUIRED to kill innocent people? Hummmm, if true i guess I will not be participating in the DB quest line. I'm fine with killing questionable people but am proud of the fact I have never killed and innocent (and never will).

    Maybe an option to subdue or incapacitate? (I asked for the murderous ach also be changed with a subdue option so I can actually do it)

    I should not be required to kill innocents in a game, it goes against my personal nature and while it is "only a game" it is still an extension of myself. I would feel equally uncomfortable if I was required to say r@pe a toon but yet murder is more acceptable? Where the hell is the moral compass?
    Edited by PlagueMonk on April 29, 2016 1:53AM
  • Epona222
    It's an assassins guild that works on the basis of people wanting someone dead and performing a ritual, I am not sure how it would operate if you didn't kill people on spurious motives.

    If your main character is generally good aligned, then this is a perfect opportunity to make a thoroughly bad alt (I have had a character that I intend to be quite evil parked at a bank for months waiting for this DLC to be released). I am also going to use this alt to take all the choices in quests where on my main I thought "I can't do that, that's nasty").
    Edited by Epona222 on April 29, 2016 1:55AM
    GM - Ghost Sea Trading Co - NA PC

    Epona was a Romano-Celtic goddess dating back to around 1800 to 2000 years before computer games were invented.
  • PlagueMonk
    Epona222 wrote: »
    It's an assassins guild that works on the basis of people wanting someone dead and performing a ritual, I am not sure how it would operate if you didn't kill people on spurious motives.

    If your main character is generally good aligned, then this is a perfect opportunity to make a thoroughly bad alt (I have had a character that I intend to be quite evil parked at a bank for months waiting for this DLC to be released). I am also going to use this alt to take all the choices in quests where on my main I thought "I can't do that, that's nasty").

    Yeah I "get" that. I'm a NB, have a whole skill line called "Assassination" and kill players out in PvP all the time, but even assassins can have morals and scruples. If you want me to dispatch a child for no other reason than, "you are being paid to do this job" then I think a moral line has been crossed, game or no.

    There are........well there "should" be ways to ensure that the DB spirit is upheld while not going around slaughtering the populous.

    In fact it would be great if NOT killing any innocents was an achievement instead (because that is a bit more difficult to maintain) and you gained some sort of negative reputation the more innocents you killed. Would seem to fall in line with the upcoming Justice system
  • talashgreydragb16_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    PlagueMonk wrote: »
    I should not be required to kill innocents in a game, it goes against my personal nature and while it is "only a game" it is still an extension of myself. I would feel equally uncomfortable if I was required to say r@pe a toon but yet murder is more acceptable? Where the hell is the moral compass?

    The Dark Brotherhood is a collection of individuals who kill people for money. There's no grey morality here; they are The Bad Guys through and through, in the same way that no matter which way you cut it, the Thieves Guild steals from people (and doesn't even give to the poor!).

    I understand if you don't want to kill an "innocent" victim in the game, and in that case the Dark Brotherhood is clearly not for you, but in the same way that the main storyline has you playing a good guy (and the same goes for the Mages and Fighters Guilds) this DLC has you playing as a bad guy.

    Then again, if you wanted to roleplay it (I certainly have little stories I come up with in my head whilst playing the game), I'm sure you can find SOMEone in Anvil who rubs you up the wrong way. Look around, watch the NPCs; maybe one strikes you as someone who, for whatever reason, you think might be better off dead... But bear in mind up until now you've been playing a game where you've slaughtered wildlife and sentient being alike for no better reason than "The Questgiver told me to!".

    Hell, some of those thousands of NPCs you've killed up until now might have had husbands, wives, children... You monster!
    Edited by talashgreydragb16_ESO on April 29, 2016 2:12AM
  • Taruha
    This is the official feedback thread for Dark Brotherhood. Specific feedback that the team is looking for includes:
    • Did you find that all the quests were working correctly and as expected?
    • How did you like the Blade of Woe?
      • Did it function as you expected?
      • Did you find any exploits while using it?
      • Did it feel good functionally as a synergy?
    • Do you have any other general feedback?

    Did you find that all the quests were working correctly and as expected?
    Yes, they seem to be functional! Only problem I ran into was during the Smuggler Den quest where I couldn't use the door
    on my toon and got stuck, only thing I could do was abandon my quest.

    How did you like the Blade of Woe?
    AAAAAH! Love it! The kill cams! OH THE KILL CAMS! :D
    Though I do tend to run into an issue every so often where I have to spam the synergy to get it to activate,
    and it's gotten me caught a few times.

    Did it function as you expected?
    Well, the Blade of Woe and how the quest plays in general is just wonderful!
    Though I think the ending seemed a bit.. abrupt.. and perhaps even awkward.

    Did you find any exploits while using it?
    Nope, none that I picked up on.

    Did it feel good functionally as a synergy?
    Does it feel good? Yes. Functional, I'd say 95% of the time it works flawlessly.

    Do you have any other general feedback?
    Yes! Yes I do! I'll refer you to my thread as it all doesn't contain Dark Brotherhood specific lintel.
    I love the feel of the Dark Brotherhood in this game, very akin to the one I knew and loved in Oblivion.
    The Sacrament quests are clunky and needs better rewards.
    Same with the Assassin quests you get around in Tamriel. Better rewards!
    -=Edelina EP EU Sorc=-
    -=Nelaren Mosswind DC EU Stamina Nightblade=-
    -=Laura Desario DC EU Dragonknight=-
    -=Marni Bleakwood AD EU Stamina Templar=-
    -=Jealine Murow DC EU Magica Nightblade=- (Give us a listen if you're into RP and ESO lore!)
  • Taruha
    Did you find that all the quests were working correctly and as expected?
    I found the main quests and repeatables to be working correctly, would rather the repeatables have some better rewards than just gold honestly. Add tiers to the repeatables like the TG quests ie. send us to multiple zones/locations, multiple targets, bonus for using Blade of Woe etc. More tiers, more rewards. Let these extra rewards be more gold, poisons instead of some useless gear. I wish there was a special poison they could reward us with that was meant only for assassinating NPCs, which would be used by reverse pickpocketing the target, who would then die silently a few moments later. This would be useful for truly silent kills, completely undetectable.

    As for the Sacraments, I absolutely hate them. I didn't think it was possible, but you made them even more unrewarding than the TG heists.

    - Firstly, all of them take place in restricted areas. Which means that if you get spotted not only is your reward penalised you get an EXTRA BOUNTY on top of it. Rubbish, absolute rubbish.

    - Secondly the lantern guards, the single most annoying thing about the TG heists, make a reappearance here and in EVEN GREATER NUMBERS. They walk so slowly, pause for long periods of time, and illuminate large areas. You can't even assassinate them since they reveal steathed players. They are an utter waste of time to deal with and kill the pacing of these quests. And you can't see their lantern radius if they go slightly above/below you, or if they're on an incline like stairs. Remove them from the game entirely please.

    - The quest markers are completely useless. They're about as useful as drawing a circle over the entire map and telling me the target is in this area. Yeah, you don't say.

    - Even assassinating isn't fun in the Sacrament quests, since the NPC density is so high that waiting for the perfect stealth kill is so tedious. If I want to kill someone I will most likely get spotted, which means a penalty and bounty. Also, the stealth mechanics don't work properly. I assassinated an NPC that was all alone with no one looking at us, and the alert counter went up by one. WHY?

    - Why are there so many stupid side objectives? I take a contract to kill someone, I just want to get in, kill, get out. Some objectives like "kill target with poison" make no sense since getting into combat is penalized (although using the Blade of Woe works just fine for that objective as well). If you kill the main target before completing the side objectives you might as well restart the entire quest, since the countdown timer starts then and you definitely won't have time to escape if you want to complete the other objectives. Also, the best part is if you fail even ONE of the side objectives you get the crap tier of rewards. It's all or nothing. And I hate that. Give us the target and ONE side objective to complete. You do both, you get the higher tier. You do main objective, slightly less rewards. That system worked well for TG so please use it here as well instead of tying 3 different contradictory side requirements on the same bloody quest.

    - Lastly, the instance doesn't even reset properly if you want to try again. I abandoned the quest which ported me out, and then I retook it since I wanted to try again. The "escape before overseer arrives" requirement instantly failed the moment I went in since the NPC was still there from my previous try. I then decided this wasn't worth any of my time.

    Overall, your Sacrament quests are a deal breaker for me. They are the single most unenjoyable thing about this DLC and since they are going to be the long term repeatable content for DB, I probably will be giving DB a miss if it releases like that.

    How did you like the Blade of Woe?
    Blade of Woe was a nice touch, it allows me to complete the contracts without getting bounties too often. Would prefer the game make it clear whether my kill would actually be seen before I actually perform it. Even when "hidden", I often got bounties from NPCs far away. Don't really like that IMO.

    Is it possible to change the indicator to
    Hidden and fully closed eye: You are not within the vision cone of any NPC. Stealing and assassinating is fine.
    Hidden and partially open eye: You are hidden, are within an NPC's vision cone, which means you will be spotted if you perform an assassination. Stealing is still fine.
    Detected: As per normal, both stealing and assassinating will incur bounties.

    Did it function as you expected?
    Generally yes. But the Blade of Woe prompt has some serious limitations to it.

    -You have to be on the same level as the target. Even a minor z-axis difference will mean you cannot assassinate (but can still pickpocket).
    -There has to be perfect line of sight to the target. If you press the prompt while the target is in view, but behind an obstacle the animation will bug out.
    - The animation is too slow. There are times when I get in position, press X and fail because the target moved out of range while I was playing the animation. One reason why the blade is slow is because you have to unsheathe your weapon before you can strike. Just play the conjuring animation without the need to unsheathe and it should be much faster.
    - The animation bugs out, there are times when I would stab targets with my staff or bow if it happened to be equipped at that time.

    Did you find any exploits while using it?
    - None yet.

    Did it feel good functionally as a synergy?
    No, hitting synergy key is unnatural to me. Especially for vampires, who have feed bound to the same key. Would rather bind it to interrupt instead, no one should accidentally interrupt from stealth, unlike feeding or attacking.

    Do you have any other general feedback?
    Can we have wayshrines nearer to repeatable quest givers please? Really annoying to go through 4 load screens just to complete one daily. (applies to Orsinium and other content as well)

    Actually I'd love it if we could simply 'wayshrine' into the Dark Brotherhood sanctuary :)
    -=Edelina EP EU Sorc=-
    -=Nelaren Mosswind DC EU Stamina Nightblade=-
    -=Laura Desario DC EU Dragonknight=-
    -=Marni Bleakwood AD EU Stamina Templar=-
    -=Jealine Murow DC EU Magica Nightblade=- (Give us a listen if you're into RP and ESO lore!)
  • Epona222
    Taruha wrote: »
    Did you find that all the quests were working correctly and as expected?
    I found the main quests and repeatables to be working correctly, would rather the repeatables have some better rewards than just gold honestly. Add tiers to the repeatables like the TG quests ie. send us to multiple zones/locations, multiple targets, bonus for using Blade of Woe etc. More tiers, more rewards. Let these extra rewards be more gold, poisons instead of some useless gear. I wish there was a special poison they could reward us with that was meant only for assassinating NPCs, which would be used by reverse pickpocketing the target, who would then die silently a few moments later. This would be useful for truly silent kills, completely undetectable.

    As for the Sacraments, I absolutely hate them. I didn't think it was possible, but you made them even more unrewarding than the TG heists.

    - Firstly, all of them take place in restricted areas. Which means that if you get spotted not only is your reward penalised you get an EXTRA BOUNTY on top of it. Rubbish, absolute rubbish.

    - Secondly the lantern guards, the single most annoying thing about the TG heists, make a reappearance here and in EVEN GREATER NUMBERS. They walk so slowly, pause for long periods of time, and illuminate large areas. You can't even assassinate them since they reveal steathed players. They are an utter waste of time to deal with and kill the pacing of these quests. And you can't see their lantern radius if they go slightly above/below you, or if they're on an incline like stairs. Remove them from the game entirely please.

    - The quest markers are completely useless. They're about as useful as drawing a circle over the entire map and telling me the target is in this area. Yeah, you don't say.

    - Even assassinating isn't fun in the Sacrament quests, since the NPC density is so high that waiting for the perfect stealth kill is so tedious. If I want to kill someone I will most likely get spotted, which means a penalty and bounty. Also, the stealth mechanics don't work properly. I assassinated an NPC that was all alone with no one looking at us, and the alert counter went up by one. WHY?

    - Why are there so many stupid side objectives? I take a contract to kill someone, I just want to get in, kill, get out. Some objectives like "kill target with poison" make no sense since getting into combat is penalized (although using the Blade of Woe works just fine for that objective as well). If you kill the main target before completing the side objectives you might as well restart the entire quest, since the countdown timer starts then and you definitely won't have time to escape if you want to complete the other objectives. Also, the best part is if you fail even ONE of the side objectives you get the crap tier of rewards. It's all or nothing. And I hate that. Give us the target and ONE side objective to complete. You do both, you get the higher tier. You do main objective, slightly less rewards. That system worked well for TG so please use it here as well instead of tying 3 different contradictory side requirements on the same bloody quest.

    - Lastly, the instance doesn't even reset properly if you want to try again. I abandoned the quest which ported me out, and then I retook it since I wanted to try again. The "escape before overseer arrives" requirement instantly failed the moment I went in since the NPC was still there from my previous try. I then decided this wasn't worth any of my time.

    Overall, your Sacrament quests are a deal breaker for me. They are the single most unenjoyable thing about this DLC and since they are going to be the long term repeatable content for DB, I probably will be giving DB a miss if it releases like that.

    How did you like the Blade of Woe?
    Blade of Woe was a nice touch, it allows me to complete the contracts without getting bounties too often. Would prefer the game make it clear whether my kill would actually be seen before I actually perform it. Even when "hidden", I often got bounties from NPCs far away. Don't really like that IMO.

    Is it possible to change the indicator to
    Hidden and fully closed eye: You are not within the vision cone of any NPC. Stealing and assassinating is fine.
    Hidden and partially open eye: You are hidden, are within an NPC's vision cone, which means you will be spotted if you perform an assassination. Stealing is still fine.
    Detected: As per normal, both stealing and assassinating will incur bounties.

    Did it function as you expected?
    Generally yes. But the Blade of Woe prompt has some serious limitations to it.

    -You have to be on the same level as the target. Even a minor z-axis difference will mean you cannot assassinate (but can still pickpocket).
    -There has to be perfect line of sight to the target. If you press the prompt while the target is in view, but behind an obstacle the animation will bug out.
    - The animation is too slow. There are times when I get in position, press X and fail because the target moved out of range while I was playing the animation. One reason why the blade is slow is because you have to unsheathe your weapon before you can strike. Just play the conjuring animation without the need to unsheathe and it should be much faster.
    - The animation bugs out, there are times when I would stab targets with my staff or bow if it happened to be equipped at that time.

    Did you find any exploits while using it?
    - None yet.

    Did it feel good functionally as a synergy?
    No, hitting synergy key is unnatural to me. Especially for vampires, who have feed bound to the same key. Would rather bind it to interrupt instead, no one should accidentally interrupt from stealth, unlike feeding or attacking.

    Do you have any other general feedback?
    Can we have wayshrines nearer to repeatable quest givers please? Really annoying to go through 4 load screens just to complete one daily. (applies to Orsinium and other content as well)

    Actually I'd love it if we could simply 'wayshrine' into the Dark Brotherhood sanctuary :)

    I am already sick of running back and forth from the Sanctuary to the Gold Coast Wayshrine and vice versa - and that's after only 3 days on the PTS. The other one that really irks me on a daily basis is that there is no wayshrine in Morkul Stronghold in Wrothgar.
    Edited by Epona222 on April 29, 2016 2:28AM
    GM - Ghost Sea Trading Co - NA PC

    Epona was a Romano-Celtic goddess dating back to around 1800 to 2000 years before computer games were invented.
  • fwr.phoenixub17_ESO
    Did you find that all the quests were working correctly and as expected?
    I couldn't find out if Contracts work at all as it sends me to the other Alliances' zones and while I am using L50CP300 template I still don't have access to another Alliances' wayshrines. How am I supposed to travel there without completing the mainquest TWICE? And that kinda defeats the purpose of PTS.
    Maybe I'm missing something, but I searched everywhere and still have no answer.
  • Epona222
    Did you find that all the quests were working correctly and as expected?
    I couldn't find out if Contracts work at all as it sends me to the other Alliances' zones and while I am using L50CP300 template I still don't have access to another Alliances' wayshrines. How am I supposed to travel there without completing the mainquest TWICE? And that kinda defeats the purpose of PTS.
    Maybe I'm missing something, but I searched everywhere and still have no answer.

    On live, once you hit level 50, you are immediately given a wayshrine in each other alliance starting zone, you no longer need to complete the main quest at all - so this is an issue with template characters not being given the wayshrines. (Zeni - you need to give template characters that are level 50 access to all wayshrines, or at the very least 1 in each zone).

    EDIT: @fwr.phoenixub17_ESO - I am currently in PTS doing nothing more important than chatting, if you need a port anywhere, send me a friend request - I have Lvl 50+ characters in all alliances and may be able to help you port to the zone you need.
    Edited by Epona222 on April 29, 2016 2:43AM
    GM - Ghost Sea Trading Co - NA PC

    Epona was a Romano-Celtic goddess dating back to around 1800 to 2000 years before computer games were invented.
  • fwr.phoenixub17_ESO
    Epona222 wrote: »
    this is an issue with template characters not being given the wayshrines. (Zeni - you need to give template characters that are level 50 access to all wayshrines, or at the very least 1 in each zone).
    This is exactly what I was trying to say.
    Thanks for your offer, I'll try to contact you in the game. Are you on NA or EU server? I'm on EU.
  • Epona222
    Epona222 wrote: »
    this is an issue with template characters not being given the wayshrines. (Zeni - you need to give template characters that are level 50 access to all wayshrines, or at the very least 1 in each zone).
    This is exactly what I was trying to say.
    Thanks for your offer, I'll try to contact you in the game. Are you on NA or EU server? I'm on EU.

    Doesn't matter, on PTS it is only 1 server, so just send a friend request to Epona222
    GM - Ghost Sea Trading Co - NA PC

    Epona was a Romano-Celtic goddess dating back to around 1800 to 2000 years before computer games were invented.
  • fwr.phoenixub17_ESO
    Epona222 wrote: »
    Doesn't matter, on PTS it is only 1 server
    Yeah, figured it out.

    So, update. I've sent Epona222 a friend request which they accepted (kudos), but when I'm trying to travel to player the message appears: "Can't mix alliances"!
  • Epona222
    Epona222 wrote: »
    Doesn't matter, on PTS it is only 1 server
    Yeah, figured it out.

    So, update. I've sent Epona222 a friend request which they accepted (kudos), but when I'm trying to travel to player the message appears: "Can't mix alliances"!

    I was trying to PM you telling you that I was currently on my EP character, but was going to log onto my AD character so that I could help out

    I'm logged onto my AD now, I'm in Riften if that would be a useful place for you to port to
    GM - Ghost Sea Trading Co - NA PC

    Epona was a Romano-Celtic goddess dating back to around 1800 to 2000 years before computer games were invented.
  • fwr.phoenixub17_ESO
    Another update. Epona222 logged in with AD character (my current alliance), so I could travel to Windhelm. Now we are heading to Daggerfall.
    Thanks for your efforts, very appreciated.
    ZOS, there is something you could do to improve the situation though.
  • Epona222
    No problem, happy to help.

    (Zeni - give template characters at least 1 wayshrine in each alliance, at the very least; better yet, just have the entire map discovered for them).
    Edited by Epona222 on April 29, 2016 3:13AM
    GM - Ghost Sea Trading Co - NA PC

    Epona was a Romano-Celtic goddess dating back to around 1800 to 2000 years before computer games were invented.
  • Ra'Shtar
    The Hide Offline option resets every time you relog its quite useless this way same with the option to not receive notifications about friends completing content they keep resetting and that makes them useless if you have to do the activate process every time you change characters.
    Some of my favorite screenshots
    My opinions and posts are mostly on a PvE setting.
  • runagate
    Did you find that all the quests were working correctly and as expected?

    Aside from missing audio and the 2nd DB quest, titled something about "Silence", is extremely minimalistic, not what I expected, had horrible pacing, and seemed pro forma. Go to room, spy on people for a moment, leave.

    How did you like the Blade of Woe?

    Very, very cool. The best is pulling their legs out from under them. The camera angles go completely berserk sometimes, such as in doorways, and make recovering in case you're caught very difficult due to cursor/window focus priority problems.

    Did it function as you expected?


    Did you find any exploits while using it?

    Not yet.

    Did it feel good functionally as a synergy?

    Absolutely not. This is clearly a terrible problem for vampires judging from others' feedback, and it's obvious this is going to cause a conflict further down the road since synergies are for... synergies.

    Do you have any other general feedback?

    The zone is too small. It is lovely looking, especially the DB's HQ (which is breathtaking, well done!). The zone is sparsely populated with nondangerous mobs which don't seem to have anything to do with one another as a theme - wolves, minotaurs, some kind of goblin thing, lightning bugs... ? huh? I guess inasmuch as it's part of Cyrodiil that sort of makes sense. It doesn't feel right for some reason, though.

    I'm quite certain badgers aren't silent. Also, lynxes don't strike me as something that would ignore people jumping into a tree to sit with them. Perhaps at some point we'll learn why there's little pixies all over. They do drop mats, though! ;)

    The giant minotaur boss is terrifying! Good job on that.

    There's something profoundly wrong with stamina and health regen... sometimes. I kept looking for a status effect that could be causing this and never found it.

    Doesn't it seem a little odd that the two cities are within sight of one another, with one of them having no raison d'etre... no port, just sort of pressed up against the boundary wall to the Colovian Estates. And about 50' outside is an enemy plantation. Why?

    You did a good job of fencing off escape from the zone. I've not yet found a way to even approach it. Which of course I'm terribly disappointed by.

    Why are there Dorian pillars with roofs on top of them that look like little wayshrines dotted around the landscape?

    The first assassination quest of the preachers strikes a good balance of not sticking targets in too easy nor too difficult of places to reach them.

    The CP 160 scaled zone main story line enemies are absurdly non-dangerous, even more so than Wrothgar.

    It's odd that the introductory quest to the DB storyline is so good, and the follow up so pro forma, and badly paced. It's almost "Welcome to Coldharbour" in pointlessness, unless that missing dialog is brilliant.

    There's much more that I'd say but it's late. It certainly isn't a place which lends additional PvE content. You could almost just remove all the silly wolves that simply emphasize the newbie-zone feel of the place, as they lend nothing to the pastoral feel. The thunderbugs are particularly inappropriate for the feel of the place. Is there a reason there's suddenly minotaurs around? I noted no lore about it in testing game mechanics. Are there NPC ones that explain why they're hanging around right outside cities without gates?
  • Cogo
    @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom

    I have been playing ESO since launch and love pretty much everything ZoS released.

    The only things I havn't liked is nerfed content (making it easier), lowered exp for level/ranks, the crownstore and champion points ACCOUNT BOUND. The champion system is awesome! But having all points to spend on all chars just made it boring to play alts.

    ZoS showed that they can have a Crownstore without ruining the game. BRAVO =)
    My worry about the crownstore was wrong! (Something I am happy about)

    My feedback on DB, it all looks great! But the lack of any progress other then champion points made me feel bored, for the first time in 2 years. Maybe there is a new progress system I simply missed?

    My suggestion:
    Make all champion points character specific, just like skill points = Will make alts interesting again, and all content fun and challenging again! It simply isnt fun when you can solo everything, one-handed, while drunk and with any gear.

    I am one of the players with a lot of CPs, so I am NOT saying this for that reason.

    Please make CPs harder to gain. Even with 400+ CPs, they are way to easy to get.

    There needs to be some sort of "Never-ending-Advancement". Or this great MMO will turn boring.
    Oghur Hatemachine, Guild leader of The Nephilim - EU Megaserver
    Orc Weapon Specialist and Warchief of the Ebonheart Pact - Trueflame Cyrodiil War Campaign
    Guildsite: The Nephilim

    "I don't agree with what you are saying, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it"

    "My build? Improvise, overcome and adapt!"
  • mainarhont
    No icons in an item in the Collection:
    - Appearance> Personalities, Polymorphs
    - Mounts

  • Wolfkeks
    Did you find that all the quests were working correctly and as expected?
    Quests were amazing. Sometimes quest givers would not speak, (So I actually had to read the text ;) ) but otherwise everything was fine.
    How did you like the Blade of Woe?
    Loved it, just the animation was a bit off. Sometimes it looked like I tried to stab myself instead of other people.
    Did it function as you expected?
    See above ^^
    Did you find any exploits while using it?
    Did it feel good functionally as a synergy?
    Do you have any other general feedback?
    Sometimes, when I murdered someone and an NPC saw me, they told me things like:
    "Maybe you should try something else." or "Well, this looks suspicious to me." which was a bit awkward and awesome at the same time. I think it's find and kinda funny, but I thought I should write this here :)

    "Sheggorath, you are the Skooma Cat, for what is crazier than a cat on skooma?" - Fadomai
    EU PC 2000+ CP professional mudballer and pie thrower
    Former Emperor, Grand Overlord, vAA hm, vHelRa hm, vSO hm, vMoL hm, vHoF hm, vAS+2, vCR+3, vSS hm, vKA, vRG, Flawless Conquerer, Spirit Slayer
  • Tiny_Templar
    Soul Shriven
    I can't argue that the quest's aren't working correctly, but I wasn't expecting to come across the Dark Brotherhood quest-line the way I did. In fact, without any apparent shred of a clue with how to begin I nearly gave up on the whole thing entirely and I was convinced that the Dark Brotherhood Quest would join the PTS at a later date. That is, until I went to launder the goods I stole out of boredom and found the beginning of the quest. I can't be the only person who didn't find it straight away...

    I like the Blade of Woe, it's nice to see a gory death scene on ESO - to be fair it's pretty rare to even see blood unless you're a vampire. I was always expecting the Blade of Woe to be synergy based, and was pretty sure that it would be a sneak attack, because you know - Dark Brotherhood lore and all. However that close up death? That was a nice surprise.

    I haven't personally found any exploits, although I do find it sometimes hard to get it to synergise. Perhaps I have a sticky key. And I can completely understand how the Blade of Woe could be difficult for Vampires - although personally I haven't tried it myself I can see how it could potentially be frustrating.
    Shaetha - Little Wood Elf Shaetha was born in Falenesti. Unlike many of her Bosmer peers, the natural talent for archery missed a generation.
    J'izul Silent Paws - Stealthy nightblade born in Rawl'kha. When he's not thieving for skooma, he enjoys fishing and cooking.
    Kynirah Tyrathem - Dunmer elder of Mournhold, wise in the ways of the Dragon.
    Kynreth Tyrathem - Daughter of Kynirah, new to the abilities dragon blood offers. A skilful young alchemist and chef.
    Estelia Thalvokina - An Altmer Mage who dreamed of being a healer, before learning her talent for dark destruction magic.
    Horatius Colonia - A dashingly good looking Imperial knight, born in Anvil.
    Wyress Gwyneth - Born in Skyrim, this young Breton Mage spends her days protecting nature in Valenwood.
    Forge-Wife Morag - Betnikh-born Morag showed aptitude for smithing from a young age, and now never leaves her station.
  • Ra'Shtar
    I would like to provide feedback on crafting, its been a long time since we all got to vr16 why are things still taking 10x the normal amount of mats to craft and why are things that you deconstruct still giving only 1 material (non stolen items to avoid confusion) it has definitely been more than enough time to put things to normal no need for this kind of tactics anymore its just became annoying.
    Some of my favorite screenshots
    My opinions and posts are mostly on a PvE setting.
  • deleted008293
    Did you find that all the quests were working correctly and as expected?
    Quests were working just fine. Not a single issue encountered. Except some missing voices.

    How did you like the Blade of Woe?
    I loved it.

    Did it function as you expected?
    Working almost perfect. You can't kill certain persons that partially sees you especially those laying down and staying with their back at the wall.
    As an extra feature, it would be nice a ranged version so we can kill certain targets from a large distance, especially the lantern mobs.

    Did you find any exploits while using it?

    Did it feel good functionally as a synergy?

    Do you have any other general feedback?
    I do have a feeling that we will see much death in the Tamriel in the nearby future. Hundreds of players trying to assassinate same target wouldn't be nice. Neither empty or dead towns.

    Negative Aspects
    - Not a single new group dungeon? Old or New? Fee or Free?
    - Medium sized DLC.
    - Not many main story quests.
    - I don't like the reputation system much and I hope it won't be used with each future DLC's. Having to wait days to get reputation to do one more quest isn't nice.
    - I was hoping to interact more with the "Night Mother". Her voice is beautiful and scary at the same time. Perhaps you should add a series of daily quests with her as a quest giver.
    - Heists, Sacraments are awful. It was a great idea but it need more love. :)
    - Arena Boss could be improved more. Add random bosses in the arena. The default one is boring... lots of hp and thats it.

    Positive Aspects
    + I loved the fact we were sent to distant lands too, not only to local areas. I loved even more the different climate zones we were visiting during the main quests. Could those distant lands be treated as a solo dungeon too in the future? But available only after we finish the main story ofc.
    + Very very high level of detail. Some quest areas I wish we could revisit after the main story too.
    + Very nicely detailed cities. Both Anvil and Kvatch looks great. Surroundings also are interesting. The 2 solo dungeons are nice too. A small downside is that we can't go up on the walls or on the towers to have a better view of the city.
    + Lots and lots of other small and big changes to the game. Potions being one of them. Nothing more pleasant than having additional crafting ingredients at our disposal.

    Great job overall. Looking forward next DLC... Perhaps Vvardenfell? :)
    Edited by deleted008293 on April 30, 2016 3:42PM
  • Krysalan8415
    Blade of Woe is pretty awesome, although I came across an audio bug after using it. After the kill-cam action the audio in the game becomes completely muted except for footsteps.
    This is with the 64bit client - which I have to say has been very buggy for me from an audio perpective.

    EDIT: Only a complete game restart fixes the bug until I use the blade again. And it's the same for the 32 & 64 bit client.
    Edited by Krysalan8415 on April 30, 2016 5:07PM
  • Caff32
    FYI, I'm using a template Lv 50 AD character who does not have access to Caldwell's Silver or Gold but I keep getting assassination missions in Shadowfen or other Silver/Gold locations where I have no wayshrines unlocked so I cannot travel to them. At a real standstill when it comes to missions.
  • Caff32
    Also, if you go into the lighthouse before you begin the quest line, the dead lady in the chair is just floating there with no chairs in the room.
  • Elsterchen
    This is the official feedback thread for Dark Brotherhood. Specific feedback that the team is looking for includes:
    • Did you find that all the quests were working correctly and as expected?

      Hmm, actually... I can't find the starters quest. Using a template level 50 char, starting in glenumbra. Transfered to goldcoast. Searched a bit ... but no Questmarker exept the "daily one" caught my eye. Leaving the town to meet more questgivers, but I have to admit I am a bit lost finding "Start".
    • How did you like the Blade of Woe?
      • Did it function as you expected?
      • Did you find any exploits while using it?
      • Did it feel good functionally as a synergy?
    • Do you have any other general feedback?

    ... will add more, once I got started...
  • DeathToTheDovah
    Soul Shriven
    So yeah I was trying to do the Dark Brotherhood inititation quest: Where do I post a bug for this? Got stuck in wall and ran to corner of wall and ended up falling through to "the underMAP" :) ,it was fun until I fell to my death in the endless void(see screenshots)
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