You know, it really doesn't look like we will get a new class to play with for god knows how long.
You know, it really doesn't look like we will get a new class to play with for god knows how long.
Know what? I still hope in the future we will have no more classes.. meaning the 4 current ones will get cancelled.. and we'll have a more "Elder Scrollish kind of advancment with the difrferent magical schools, necromancy, axes, swords, hamers (instead of 1h shield or 2h) ecc ecc :P
I wonder how much hate i will get for telling this but well... it's just a personal opinion everyone is free to disagree with xD
Dark Brotherhood DLC Game Pack Features & Content
A new passive skill line exclusive to members of the Dark Brotherhood
Weren't you kinda hoping for new skills? Wasn't this a good DLC to give us new skills a la Fighter's Guild Skill Line?
You know, it really doesn't look like we will get a new class to play with for god knows how long. Would have been nice to get new skills introduced via these type of DLCs. But then I suppose that would add a kind of pay 2 win since you would have to have the DLC to access the new skills. Then again, we can't put the potential fun we can have in ESO on hold based on ppl's budget.
I know we need more balance before we can get new skills but why wait for another to get done to have another when it really all boils down to hard work and priorities. I mean if you had 7 figures to give away (of course over time in small payouts) then you could have hired more staff to really make this game bloom. Bloom before a big BOOM of ppl lose interest.
Dark Brotherhood DLC Game Pack Features & Content
A new passive skill line exclusive to members of the Dark Brotherhood
Weren't you kinda hoping for new skills? Wasn't this a good DLC to give us new skills a la Fighter's Guild Skill Line?
You know, it really doesn't look like we will get a new class to play with for god knows how long. Would have been nice to get new skills introduced via these type of DLCs. But then I suppose that would add a kind of pay 2 win since you would have to have the DLC to access the new skills. Then again, we can't put the potential fun we can have in ESO on hold based on ppl's budget.
I know we need more balance before we can get new skills but why wait for another to get done to have another when it really all boils down to hard work and priorities. I mean if you had 7 figures to give away (of course over time in small payouts) then you could have hired more staff to really make this game bloom. Bloom before a big BOOM of ppl lose interest.
Any try to make a proper Dark Brotherhood skill line with active skills would result in being a mirror of Nightblade skill lines. We already got a Nightblade reminiscent skill line with vampire.
You know, it really doesn't look like we will get a new class to play with for god knows how long.
Know what? I still hope in the future we will have no more classes.. meaning the 4 current ones will get cancelled.. and we'll have a more "Elder Scrollish kind of advancment with the difrferent magical schools, necromancy, axes, swords, hamers (instead of 1h shield or 2h) ecc ecc :P
I wonder how much hate i will get for telling this but well... it's just a personal opinion everyone is free to disagree with xD
dodgehopper_ESO wrote: »Its a mixed bag. A lot of us would like to see the openness we experienced in previous versions of the series. Some prefer the more static mmo class style. I don't think that will ever change. Everyone has an opinion. I favor your way though, @Svalinn at least a variation of it. I like the idea of starting classes, with the option to learn other classes skills through the College/Spellcrafting. This might kill the point of alts, but it would also make it so someone could change a build if they really hate playing as a Khajiit Sorcerer, and wishing they had gone Nightblade, for instance.
tinythinker wrote: »ZOS said no new active skills until they finish sorting the ones they already have, which they are working on in this update.
Hmm, yeah, if you can only join with the DLC I see your point. Shame, too, as everything up to now from DLC (including the DB), except for Orsinium, is something that, if I were just buying ESO, I would expect to be part of the base game for an Elder Scrolls title. Honestly, I would be miffed to find out I had to pay extra for access to the Imperial City, Thieve's Guild, and the Dark Brotherhood. Maybe there will eventually be a moving wall where such DLC will eventually be folded into the base-game or at least see a major price drop.Silver_Strider wrote: »I don't think ZOS will add any skills to TG or DB skill lines at all because those would be locked behind a paywall (DLC) and then people would b**** about P2W nonsense.
The only way would be to make those 2 DLC free (which would be very poor business practice) as well as any other DLC that includes skill lines so that everyone had access to those skills.
The most likely way that they could include new skills/skill lines would be to add them to fighters/mages/world/alliance skill lines as those are all base game available.
Once I realized that the TG didn't have any active skills, I practically knew DB wouldn't either.