Exactly what the title says, help me make a man ;___;.
I know this is a very pathetic thread but I kid you not when I say my men end up looking like women all the time.
So here is the thing:
I am always playing as a woman, because it feels more comfortable, and I have no problem in making women look decent, but I cant say the same when it comes to men... in regular games with a male character I have no problem, as usually they already make the job for me by creating the man, but in games where I have to make my character, it is a total fail. My SIMS world is FILLED WITH WOMEN! I have maybe 3 men and even they look like women.
Dark Brotherhood is coming out soon, and I would love to be able to roleplay as a mysterious man, usually wearing an armor that covers the face, very Ezio from Assassins Creed style. Problem is, whenever I try to create a man, he always looks funny.
For example I saw this guy at a wayshrine:

THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT I AM GOING FOR! I messaged the guy/girl but they never answered, probably thought I am a stalker, and I cant blame them I rolled around their character to take a bunch of screenshots xD.
So lets see...:
*Dark elf
*Bushy eyebrows
*Face shape? Soft? Hard? I cant tell... but I still tried my best, HOWEVER my character ended up looking like Conchita Wurst ;___; and until I could get a breton armor that covers my face the girls would gather around me and probably laugh ;___;. I am not trolling in any way although it may sound like I am, but I am desperate, I need help, so PLEASE,
if you make male characters and have a few screenshots of the process, such as the face shape, cheeks, everything that could help I would appreciate it. Heck even just various screenshots of your character so that later on I try to recreate him would help.
Here is my attempt:

Although I have to say he looks fabulous, he seems more sassy than assassin ;___;...
I like sweetrolls and I cannot lie