What I miss in ESO from other MMO's

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  • vyndral13preub18_ESO
    Seraseth wrote: »

    Pretty much every MMO out there made more money after going ftp/btp than they did with subs. If a company is solely interested in profit, it's the way to go. But without a stable constant revenue, it's much harder for them to plan and produce steady content. So you tend to get a much more erratic content delivery.

    I tend to look at it this way. I agree with you. But, and I dont have the numbers and never will, but i have to imagine that if they could keep the amount of players they think they will, they would make more money sub based. Or why would they ever launch sub based at all?

    I think they do make more money with out the sub once the crowds have left them.
    Edited by vyndral13preub18_ESO on April 22, 2016 4:27PM
  • cyclonus11
    I miss swimming under water.

    I miss the long treacherous treks and boat rides to get from one place to another. Just reaching your destination felt like an accomplishment.

    I miss epic weapon quests.

    I miss looting the item that the mob was swinging at you (and consequently, being able to pick-pocket the mob's weapon and replace it with a rusty piece as a method to reduce the mob's damage output).

    I miss being able to betray to another faction.
  • dday3six

    LoL, yes, I made a generalization. And all generalizations have exceptions. Mia culpa.

    The point is that generalizing doesn't actually further the discussion.
    ...Remember, they GAVE AWAY $1M US in a rather ineffective promotion. For that money they could have pretty much any hardware they wanted. And I assume they had that money to burn or they would not have done it.

    It was 50,000 USD per yer, for 20 years. No option for the million upfront. It also had heavy restrictions, and a back door way out that basically translated to the company's option to cease payment at any time. Playing it off like it was a cool mil that could have been spent all at once, elsewhere is a tad disingenuous.
    Edited by dday3six on April 22, 2016 5:06PM
  • cksupreme
    Soul Shriven
    Gotta vent man...I invested greenbacks in ESO for over a year and now I ask ZOS: how about a Barber Shop? Class and/or race changes? Better quest rewards during solo questing? Better loot system for group content that incorporates something like tokens, so that eventually if you grind a dungeon enough you can go use tokens to purchase the item you want if RNG doesn't smile upon you? Some kind of rare material that can be used to change an item trait? Getting rid of the silly time delay for mount upgrades? PvP dueling outside Cyrodiil (ya I know make it optional so PvE'rs don't have to get involved)? PvP arenas? Enhancing the UI and letting players customize their UI elements? An advanced item filtering system (ya I know addons got this covered but c'mon ZOS...just create a home grown solution already, you can hire that Advanced Filters creator since he's already done the work)? More starting bank storage? Buff trackers? Chat box for console users (I'm on PC but I can feel their pain)?

    Of course most of these stuff has already been posted in these forums multiple times over the 2 years since ESO went live...so how bout it ZOS? Got a game plan for doing any of this stuff in this thread that you care to share with us players? While you're at it, maybe you can actually ask for our feedback once in a while before and after content drops, ya know like a survey or something that jumps in a player's face when they log in so it seems like you really WANT to hear what we have to say? Maybe persuade those players that dont like surveys with some XP scrolls or something so that you really get some info from most of the players?
  • ContraTempo
    dday3six wrote: »

    See, and I thought that when people started talking about what they were disappointed/angry that ESO doesn't have, it was also worth considering why ESO does not -- and in some cases will never -- have some of those things.

    I was not aware of the specific terms, so I was not deliberately dissembling. Nonetheless, even the first two years worth, $100k, will buy some rockin' hardware. But ignoring the prize money for the moment, salaries alone always far exceed hardware costs for a project like this so it would be less than clever to skimp on getting hardware that would make a real difference. I don't buy the idea that their hardware choices have been primarily driven by lack of money. Of course, they would not want to spend extra on something that would not improve the game, but that's just smart business.
    Carpe DM
    Seize the Dungeon Master

  • eldermpsmithrwb17_ESO
    At this point I wanna chime in and say a couple of things I love about ESO over other MMO's I have played.

    The combat I love

    I love the graphics style, cartoon art style can get stuffed

    I love the crafting system

    Elder Scrolls lore

    Build variation

    Trials and 4 man content
    Selcouth Nexus V16 Templar Magika Healer/Dps
    Mrs Schadenfreude V16 Magika Sorc Dps/off heals
    Malevolent Lust v16 DK Stam Dps/tank
    Mephala's Rage v16 NB Magika Dps
    Lara Nipplestorm v16 DK Magika DPS
  • Zardayne
    Creating a legendary weapon like the gathering of motes and the creation of an Atlan weapon in Asheron's Call
    Name and guild tags over characters heads (I know this is coming ..soon..but until I see it...)
    Random or champion mobs roaming the zone or hidden among a pack of mobs to increase the difficulty.
    Barber shop (once again..until I see it..)
    A reason to PVP and have realm pride like I had in Daoc and Warhammer
    Scenario/battlegrounds for objective based small scale (15 V 15) combat.
    Auction House
    EQ2 style housing
    Crafting housing items like EQ 2 as well as items found in the main world to put in your house
    I'd love to see mini games added that are not just combat based. Things like poker (think Red dead redemption card games), chess, etc. Throw these in taverns to give people a place to hang out and meet others.
    Spell crafting!!!
    Spears like Lotro
    Music system like lotro
    Open world like UO where I can randomly run into a tough mob in an area you wouldn't think it should be
    Ships like in UO where I can not only use as more storage but also fish, hunt sea creatures, and look for lost treasures.
    Frost and dark warlock/necromantic spells
    Nature spells...give me my druid!!!
    Tamed animals like UO
    Animal hunter companion like WOW
    reactionary melee combat (ability works on parry/block) like Daoc, War, and AOC. Make me feel like I'm in actual combat not just holding down a button to block eternally. Add more sound effects to melee combat!

    Man I can go on forever...
    Edited by Zardayne on April 23, 2016 3:10AM
  • brandonv516
    I miss logging on a particular mmo in 2006...I think you know which one...and the enemy was attacking our home. I would love to defend Mournhold from AD.
  • Contraptions
    Large scale zone events with world/raid style bosses that everyone can come together to play like the zone invasions in RIFT

    Ability to scale high level characters down so high levels can play with low levels and gain items/XP.

    Necromancer and minions. Hireable companions that you can train/outift.

    Patroller and Editor at UESP
  • Flynch
    I love ESO, I really do. But it's stale and dull. There is so much they can do to expand the game and enrich the experience of playing it - but it seems they are more focussed on the DLC side (can't blame them I guess).

    God, there's so much that I could list that would merge fantastically with ESO, that it's border-line depressing knowing that it'll never come to pass.
  • AddictionX
    I would like the ability to make some armor and turn it into costume pieces and have it toggle
  • Zardayne
    Large scale zone events with world/raid style bosses that everyone can come together to play like the zone invasions in RIFT

    Ability to scale high level characters down so high levels can play with low levels and gain items/XP.

    Necromancer and minions. Hireable companions that you can train/outift.

    I always liked the scaling myself so if and when I went back to zones I still felt like the mobs could at least pose a threat. Like you said as well, it would allow you to play alongside your friends/low levels bringing back some of the MMO experience.
  • Averya_Teira

    - Absence of lag...

    - I'd really like a scaling system like GW2 where every zone is always relevant and you can gain relevant XP and gear, but I know that's not really popular...
  • Leogon
    - Content for groups smaller than 4
    - Instanced housing with indoor and outdoor customization.
    - Barber shop
    - Lore-friendly holiday events
    - More activities like playing lore-friendly board games against npcs and players.
    - Arenas with 2 different instances(2 doors). One for when you wanna PvE(solo or coop vs npcs) and the other for when you wanna PvP.
    Edited by Leogon on April 23, 2016 4:14PM
  • Genomic
    In-game events. Recurring or dev-run. ESO is sorely lacking in dev interaction with the community in general, and the world seems too vanilla, a 'clockwork MMO', without community-based events.
  • Wildx1337
    -Player Housing
    -Barber shop
    (I know that these two are coming "soon" but we're waiting over 2 years now and still nothing was added to the game)
    -Open world pvp
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