What I miss in ESO from other MMO's

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  • Callous2208

    If they added very hard to get legendary weapons to the game, all the plebs will revolt because they are 'impossible' to get :^)

    To be fair though, the original legendary system in GW2 was absolute trash. A Korean grind fest type feat of the worst kind, topped off by the fact that acquiring certain key components were totally RnG based. I haven't played in a while, so I don't know if that system was ever changed.
  • Loves_guars
    From the mmos I've played:
    • Content for groups smaller than 4 like heroics in Swtor.
    • Housing like in Archeage, Wildstar or Lotro.
    • Warzones like in Swtor, GW2 or Wildstar.
    • Trade runs like in Archeage.
    Edited by Loves_guars on April 21, 2016 9:58PM
  • ContraTempo

    And all those reasons are why I enjoy ESO. Not the stale boring reskinned version of WoW so many MMOs are.

    The whole approach of ESO is different. They started with a single player questing world like Skyrim and added multiplayer capability. THAT is why it is so different from most MMOs, esp the PVP oriented ones. If you loved Skyrim you will like ESO. If you loved some other PVP MMO games ESO will feel wrong and you will notice a lot missing.

    I'm not dissing the suggestions but it's important to realize that ESO is not and never will be run like those other MMOs.
    Carpe DM
    Seize the Dungeon Master

  • Miszou
    - Lockboxes for loot rewards, but keys are only available on the store
    - Store items that let you unbind bound gear so you can sell it
    - random chance items in the store, guaranteed to contain a potion, but might contain an epic mount.
    - Legendary weapons, only available in the store, that expire after a week.

  • Blevil
    I just miss player housing and maybe a larger player base like maybe the combined xbone and ps4 player base.

    And I'm happy without the auction house. Gives diversity in pricing and no major undercutters ie. "market board watchers"
    |--| /-\ \/\/ /-\ | | `"*-.,
  • Silver_Strider
    I want the ability to alter my gear to look however I want.
    I hate the look of the marksman set, I should be able to convert it to look like the outlaw armor, or glass, or Trinimac, so on and so forth.
    The technology is already there, as you can convert stuff to be imperial, so why not expand on that and make it so you can convert the look of whatever we wanted and all it would take would be a crafting stone for that style and knowledge of said style to do so.
    Edited by Silver_Strider on April 22, 2016 5:48AM
    Argonian forever
  • LorDrek
    Better gear from trials.
    Imperial DK stamDPS, Nord DK magTANK
    YDoA CZ/SK Guild
  • Taisynn
    • Meta world bosses in GW2, that brought scores of people together once or twice a day for chance of great drops, and needed multiple full groups to do, lag was uber but was fun
    • Legendary Weapons, that took weeks/months of gathering to put together

    Please no on these. Lag is horrible in Cryodil and having a 900 ping in PVE would just tick me off. These are NOT fun.

    And seriously, no, no on the legendary weapons. We don't need another reason for elitist people to be judging against newer players.
    PC - @Taisynn - NA - CP 268
    Shizuko url=https://docs.google.com/document/d/1CvZa0PPdzAfUv9h_rd8J2vwc1B4NnZGkPL_n4WfgYfs/edit?usp=sharing"]RP Profile[/url - Bosmer - LVL50 - Nightblade 50 Provisioning, 50 Woodworking, 50 Clothing, 50 Alchemy Ebonhart Pact
    Nev'e - Bosmer - LVL 18 - Templar 50 Enchanting Ebonhart Pact

    Proud Member of the Guilds:
    Rusty Old Dragons (Trade) | Children of Skyrim (RP/EP) | Goldleaf Acquisitions (RP/EP)
    Spicy Economics (Trade) | The Jackals (RP/EP)
  • Knightpanther
    And seriously, no, no on the legendary weapons. We don't need another reason for elitist people to be judging against newer players.


    As a casual player one of the draws for me to this game was that I could craft my own decent weaponry and not have to go back to grinding raids to get even half decent gear.
    I did all the long, long, long assed epic/legendary multimillion faceted quest for that stuff back in Everquest, when I was young, had no life, and no family, good times but never again.

    Be safe
  • dtm_samuraib16_ESO
    It is so incredibly sad, that these posts are made.
    As if none of you had played the Elder Scrolls before ESO.

    Such a shame...

    ESO could be so incredibly more, but everyone treats it as the next moronic MMO like, what, 9 Dragons and the likes...

    So sad...
    Earthdawn Game Master Role Play Quotes by me:
    "If it looks like a bear, if it feels like a bear, smells and tastes like a bear, then be VERY aware, it could be something ENTIRELY different..."
    "Be careful what you wish for, you might get plenty of it..."
  • bloodenragedb14_ESO
    Rift Dimension Housing system
  • actosh
    1. Auction House
    2. Factions that mean something(not that have a char in any of em
    3. Guildperks/Guildxp (not that be in 5guilds crap)
    4. Heavy Armor that acts as it is heavy
    5. No stack and burn grp content
    6. Pvp without lags deluxe

    Well.......i think thats why i spent more time in Bless Online recently ^^

    First year was so much fhn in eso. Wish u all the best.
  • dday3six

    The whole approach of ESO is different. They started with a single player questing world like Skyrim and added multiplayer capability. THAT is why it is so different from most MMOs, esp the PVP oriented ones. If you loved Skyrim you will like ESO. If you loved some other PVP MMO games ESO will feel wrong and you will notice a lot missing.

    I'm not dissing the suggestions but it's important to realize that ESO is not and never will be run like those other MMOs.

    I know several players who loved Skyrim, got ESO and hated it. You cannot generalize a favor of one automatically translating into favor of the other. Particularly when ESO is very watered down compared to Skyrim simply due to Skyrim actually being single player title.
  • Svalinn
    If you loved Skyrim you will like ESO.

    Actually it seems to work the other way around... If you loved Skyrim ESO will probably be a big disappointment and, sadly, i see skyrim fans always getting disappointed at ESO when they try it out.

    I myself as a fan of the ES serie was in need of a little time to "get over" some changes that just made the game so much worse compared to other titles like Oblivion and Skyrim... the class system beeing one of those, the lack of the illusion, distruction, etc magic school another.. when you get over these differences and realise that ESO is not a "Pure" Elder Scroll game but is an "Hybrid" of Elder Scroll AND MMOs, meaning that they made it different in order to try and please not only the ES fans but also the "MMO players" then the game become extremly enjoyable... but the "first impression" as an ES fan is negative for many people.

    What i mean is: ESO is a great game BUT absolutly must not be compared to Skyrim or you're going to "enrage", or maybe "pi*s off" is a better term, a lot of Skyrim fans :P
    Edited by Svalinn on April 22, 2016 12:23PM
  • Eshelmen
    Skyrim got boring for me after the 100-150 hour mark.
    PC and PS4 EP only player
  • Zerok
    Kozer wrote: »
    An actual Auction House where I don't have to spend 20 or more minuets of my life looking for 1 item in a slew of different vendors in different zones with wildly different prices.
    I have been using this website a lot:

    It's handy when you're looking for specific stuff.
    Zeerok (the sneaky ruffian) - LV50 Bosmer stamblade DPS (AD)
    Gontrand de Bourbon (the greedy aristocrat) - LV50 Breton magsorc tank (DC)
    Augustus Aquilarios (the imperial claimant) - LV50 Imperial stamDK PvP (EP)
    Zeerokk (the AD zealot) - LV50 Altmer magblade PvP (AD)
    Lianna Storm (the inferno maiden) - LV50 Dunmer magDK DPS (EP)
    Fights-With-Khajiit (the gullible faithful) - LV5 Argonian templar (EP)
    Miner'va (the skooma addict) - LV3 Khajiit sorcerer (AD) - chaotic neutral
    Siggy Thorvaldsson (the charismatic baroness) - LV50 Nord stamwarden tank (DC)
  • Ser Lobo
    Ser Lobo
    I see a lot of conflicting things, where one side argues for easier, another for harder. As an argument for the mentality of game development, one could point out that ZOS addressing all of our varied wants and desires would destroy what the game already is, and more than likely push us away.

    I lived through the New Game Enhancements in SWG. They were ALL requested by a portion of the playerbase, but I never saw any of them say 'I wanted this' after the fact. Just a bunch of diehards left wondering 'why did they ruin what I loved, only to quit it two weeks later for something new?'

    But I have my own wants! And at the risk of being a complete hypocrite, here they are:

    - New PvP Skirmish modes, where players can join 4v4v4 and 12v12v12 matches over crucial keeps, passes, and important relics in new locales outside of Cyrodiil proper. 6 and 12 minute time limits, drop in/drop out capability, matched by character skill (win/loss/kill/death/assist/heal ratings). Pre-made against pre-made. Earns alliance points and ranks, but with less frequency.

    - 1v1 Duel modes, restricted to outside city limits (criminal offense if done within a city, disrupting the peace). Player is 'knocked down' instead of killed, knock down ends the duel. No armor damage. Cannot duel within dungeons, trials, or Cyrodiil. Must be accepted. Can turn on 'duel flag' similar to NPC's, accepting any and all duel requests one at a time. Can choose to immediately block all duel requests. Can only duel one opponent at a time. Wandering a certain distance away from oppenent causes duel to automatically end.

    - Optional unified inventory windows that applies to banks, guild banks, stores, and even future crafting bags. Uses 'tabbed' system instead of Skyrim's 'page' system, but leave original system as an option. Same functions for d-pad and stick presses (keyboard functions on pc) no matter the page. Left stick to lock item (prevents stacking, deletion, moving, or enchanting). Right stick to mark as junk (flags with bright colors similar to stolen item tag, to make it easier to deconstruct, sell, or delete). Left d-pad stacks in section (does not stacked locked items). Right d-pad moves to (options include bank, one of several guild banks, or store, or trash as secondary delete option). Bumpers jump left and right on tabs, triggers jump up and down sections.

    - Player housing in two forms: instanced apartments, houses, manors and castles spread throughout the game world, allowing players to personalize interiors and custom-fit rooms; instanced 'island lands' where players can build houses, farms, etc and more fully customize their exterior and interior designs. Adds new features to current crafting skill lines for the creation of furniture and decorations, but also allows whole themed sets, and even a few special houses, sold through crown store.

    - Pet skill line, possibly under the soul line, allowing the 'capture' of creatures, critters and monsters as full-fledged combat pets (limited control scheme done through use of emotes like point, pat leg, etc). Can be healed or buffed, and would be aided more by summoner skill line (and summoner pets benefit from soul pet passives, allowing summoners to be the height of pet control). Pets have generally the same skills as their real-world counterpart, but may need to have essense collected over time to allow control, creating a grind mechanic to collect larger and more viable pets. Pets can't be used in Skirmishes, IC or Cyrodiil, and are restricted from cities (though auto summoned when you leave city).

    Just a few.
    Ruze Aulus. Mayor of Dhalmora. Archer, hunter, assassin. Nightblade.
    Gral. Mountain Terror. Barbarian, marauder, murderer. Nightblade.
    Na'Djin. Knight-Blade. Knight, vanguard, defender. Nightblade.

    Ruze is a veteran of the PC Beta, lived through the year one drought, survived the buy-to-play conversion, and has stepped foot in the hells known as Craglorn. He mained a nightlbade when nightblades weren't good, and has never worn a robe. He converted from PC during the console betas, and hasn't regretted it a moment since.

    He'd rank ESO:TU (in it's current state) a 4.8 out of 5, loving the game almost entirely.

    This is an multiplayer game. I should be able to log in, join a dungeon, join a battleground, queue for a dolmen or world boss or delve, teleport in, play for 20 minutes, and not worry about getting kicked, failing to join, having perfect voice coms, or being unable to complete content because someone's lagging behind. Group Finder and matchmaking is broken. Take a note from Destiny and build a system that allows from drop-in/drop-out functionality and quick play.
  • IcyDeadPeople
    Shogunami wrote: »
    PvP for more than a few hours every evening, meaning battlegrounds - couldn't give a shite about arenas, unless they're locked to first person, non champion point, and has;
    What exactly is the difference between battlegrounds and arenas? (Asking for a friend ;) )
  • Soleya
    Taisynn wrote: »

    And seriously, no, no on the legendary weapons. We don't need another reason for elitist people to be judging against newer players.

    This, plus the horrible RNG system that was needed in GW2 to get a legendary. Mixing 4 exotic weapons in a forge for a super small chance to get one of the items needed for the legendary.

    Imagine crafting 4 purple V16 weapons, and then throwing them away, 1000s of times until you get 1 item (of 4 items) needed.

    From GW2, I do miss the ability to reskin any armor or weapon like something else using transmutation stones (or whatever they were called).

    I also liked their crafting inventory system, but it sounds like we are getting something similar with crafting bags.
  • Ser Lobo
    Ser Lobo
    What exactly is the difference between battlegrounds and arenas? (Asking for a friend ;) )

    Arena fights have smaller areas, a limited number of combatants, and almost always revolve around kills. Think 'deathmatch'. Arena's work great for games where balance is easy to maintain (games with same starts, uniform movement speed and abilities, etc). As FPS's have evolved to become more complex, the smaller arena types are harder to handle, as they highlight any and all imbalances between players (skill, lag, or actual character abilities and the like). In an MMO, this can be a huge issue.

    Battlegrounds are larger, larger areas, and sometimes objective based. Due to the fact that there are more variables, it's harder to put balance on the table, and focus too hard on one overpowered class or skillset.
    Ruze Aulus. Mayor of Dhalmora. Archer, hunter, assassin. Nightblade.
    Gral. Mountain Terror. Barbarian, marauder, murderer. Nightblade.
    Na'Djin. Knight-Blade. Knight, vanguard, defender. Nightblade.

    Ruze is a veteran of the PC Beta, lived through the year one drought, survived the buy-to-play conversion, and has stepped foot in the hells known as Craglorn. He mained a nightlbade when nightblades weren't good, and has never worn a robe. He converted from PC during the console betas, and hasn't regretted it a moment since.

    He'd rank ESO:TU (in it's current state) a 4.8 out of 5, loving the game almost entirely.

    This is an multiplayer game. I should be able to log in, join a dungeon, join a battleground, queue for a dolmen or world boss or delve, teleport in, play for 20 minutes, and not worry about getting kicked, failing to join, having perfect voice coms, or being unable to complete content because someone's lagging behind. Group Finder and matchmaking is broken. Take a note from Destiny and build a system that allows from drop-in/drop-out functionality and quick play.
  • LordSock

    ZOS can implement this pretty much any time but they is too lazy to do it. :(

    Current trade system sucks.
  • vyndral13preub18_ESO

    The whole approach of ESO is different. They started with a single player questing world like Skyrim and added multiplayer capability. THAT is why it is so different from most MMOs, esp the PVP oriented ones. If you loved Skyrim you will like ESO. If you loved some other PVP MMO games ESO will feel wrong and you will notice a lot missing.

    I'm not dissing the suggestions but it's important to realize that ESO is not and never will be run like those other MMOs.

    Id Agree with you if they hadnt done so much hyping of the pvp before launch. It basically leaves me with two options. If what you say is true, then the pvp and all the talk was added as a cash grab since they never really planned on supporting it.

    Or what i think happened, is when they launched and couldnt support the cost of several of the systems they wanted to support as people left and pay modes changed, they had to redirect their focus. And since most of those people who liked the normal features most mmos had or those not still playing the story had left, that is what they focused on.

    Edited by vyndral13preub18_ESO on April 22, 2016 2:38PM
  • CromulentForumID
    Auction house.

    The fact that I could make a single group/guild and invite all my alts to it via a single outside helping source.

    Then being able to build my very own instanced base.

    I miss grouping to do missions, be it random door missions or perhaps a storyline.

    Oh, then there was the Mission Architect System, where players could design their very OWN mission/story lines and villains. Costume content and customization was only matched by one other game(and still is, in my experience)...oh, yeah.

    Being able to hit a tailor and change my appearance for a scaling fee based upon my level. Max level, max cost. But the currency for a max level rework could be done in about....half an hour to 45 minutes worth of missioning.

    Being able to set my SOLO DIFFICULTY LEVEL to be as if a full team of eight was walking in the door of the mission and all enemies were +4 levels to my own.

    And a metric you-know-what-ton of other features that are absent in this game. It sincerely baffles me that a game made in 2006 STILL has better quality of life features than a game in 2016 does.

    I am pretty sure I know what game you are talking about, it it was easily my favorite MMO. However, we do need to realize that the mission difficulty features only worked because they were instanced. When you entered the instance, enemies were spawned based on your settings as the mission owner. Nothing then respawned until the mission holder left the instance.

    ESO could maybe do this for dungeons, but all of the rest of the quests are open-world. I don't think it would be possible to do what you are asking for with open-world quests.

    The lack of instanced quests is also why things like Architect would be really difficult - at least in the form you are thinking of.

    I know one complaint about instanced quests is the game world can feel empty. However, I definitely prefer it for the features you list above, and also immersion. You don't run past 10 other Vestiges while completing your task :)

  • ContraTempo

    Id Agree with you if they hadnt done so much hyping of the pvp before launch. It basically leaves me with two options. If what you say is true, then the pvp and all the talk was added as a cash grab since they never really planned on supporting it.

    Or what i think happened, is when they launched and couldnt support the cost of several of the systems they wanted to support as people left and pay modes changed, they had to redirect their focus. And since most of those people who liked the normal features most mmos had or those not still playing the story had left, that is what they focused on.

    It's clearly not about the cost. Remember, they GAVE AWAY $1M US in a rather ineffective promotion. For that money they could have pretty much any hardware they wanted. And I assume they had that money to burn or they would not have done it.

    But if you had a single player world and you were going to add Multiplayer and PVP, what would you hype? The addition of Multiplayer and PVP, of course. But that does not mean it will ever be as PVP oriented as something built as a PVP world from the ground up.
    Edited by ContraTempo on April 22, 2016 2:58PM
    Carpe DM
    Seize the Dungeon Master

  • ContraTempo
    dday3six wrote: »

    I know several players who loved Skyrim, got ESO and hated it. You cannot generalize a favor of one automatically translating into favor of the other. Particularly when ESO is very watered down compared to Skyrim simply due to Skyrim actually being single player title.

    LoL, yes, I made a generalization. And all generalizations have exceptions. Mia culpa.
    Carpe DM
    Seize the Dungeon Master

  • Serkazong
    SWTOR or WoW style PvP battles. You queue for them and when you are done it puts you back where you were.

    LOTRO style music system.

    SWTOR style housing.

    Non-existing MMO style vendor where you can search for items and it will tell you what trader has it, that way you preserve the trade guild system, but give players a global auction house search.
  • Asherons_Call
    Text chat, armor/weapon crafting preview, and more readily accessible data (total XP, XP to next level, better UI overall when it comes to the numbers)

    It looks like they are actively working on some of this so I am happy with this MMO :)
    Edited by Asherons_Call on April 22, 2016 3:43PM
  • vyndral13preub18_ESO

    It's clearly not about the cost. Remember, they GAVE AWAY $1M US in a rather ineffective promotion. For that money they could have pretty much any hardware they wanted. And I assume they had that money to burn or they would not have done it.

    But if you had a single player world and you were going to add Multiplayer and PVP, what would you hype? The addition of Multiplayer and PVP, of course. But that does not mean it will ever be as PVP oriented as something built as a PVP world from the ground up.

    So you are saying they made the change from sub based to buy to play because their plan worked so well they could make even more money dropping the sub and not because they were forced into it because so many people left the game....

    That is an intersting take.
  • Seraseth
    1) AH - doesn't have to be global, but better than the guild trader system we have now
    2) single guilds - so you can actually be part of a single community
    3) wildstar like housing - instanced with indoors and outdoors, full control over placing items, cool additions to add
    4) AH - I really hate almost every aspect of the guild trader system
    5) personal bank - I love when games have some shared banking, but I really want some character bank space too
    6) transmog ability - able to change the look of any item you're wearing
    7) barber shop - it's a standard feature in pretty much every mmo out there, and been waiting on it since launch
    8) AH - did I mention AH? :tongue:

    As to legendary weaps, I've done some of the FFXIV relic weapon grind, it's not remotely 'fun'. Other than the initial quest, it's nothing but grinding and rng.

    However I wouldn't mind some sort of epic quest, with multiple solo instances to get yourself a powerful weap equivalent to the trials/vet dungeons. Something a soloer could work hard at, on their own time, that's not grinding.

    Edit: Note that most of these things are 'nice to have' features, not I hate the game without them. I'm actually really enjoying ESO, and with crafting bags so I'll have less inventory hassle, that will be one of my only major negatives gone.

    The guild trader system however has been a huge negative for me since day one. I hated it then, I still hate it now, and if I leave ESO, it will likely play a huge part in it.
    Edited by Seraseth on April 22, 2016 4:19PM
  • Seraseth
    So you are saying they made the change from sub based to buy to play because their plan worked so well they could make even more money dropping the sub and not because they were forced into it because so many people left the game....

    That is an intersting take.

    Pretty much every MMO out there made more money after going ftp/btp than they did with subs. If a company is solely interested in profit, it's the way to go. But without a stable constant revenue, it's much harder for them to plan and produce steady content. So you tend to get a much more erratic content delivery.
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