strikeback1247 wrote: »
If they added very hard to get legendary weapons to the game, all the plebs will revolt because they are 'impossible' to get :^)
Giles.floydub17_ESO wrote: »
And all those reasons are why I enjoy ESO. Not the stale boring reskinned version of WoW so many MMOs are.
eldermpsmithrwb17_ESO wrote: »
- Meta world bosses in GW2, that brought scores of people together once or twice a day for chance of great drops, and needed multiple full groups to do, lag was uber but was fun
- Legendary Weapons, that took weeks/months of gathering to put together
And seriously, no, no on the legendary weapons. We don't need another reason for elitist people to be judging against newer players.
ContraTempo wrote: »
The whole approach of ESO is different. They started with a single player questing world like Skyrim and added multiplayer capability. THAT is why it is so different from most MMOs, esp the PVP oriented ones. If you loved Skyrim you will like ESO. If you loved some other PVP MMO games ESO will feel wrong and you will notice a lot missing.
I'm not dissing the suggestions but it's important to realize that ESO is not and never will be run like those other MMOs.
ContraTempo wrote: »If you loved Skyrim you will like ESO.
I have been using this website a lot:An actual Auction House where I don't have to spend 20 or more minuets of my life looking for 1 item in a slew of different vendors in different zones with wildly different prices.
Ruze is a veteran of the PC Beta, lived through the year one drought, survived the buy-to-play conversion, and has stepped foot in the hells known as Craglorn. He mained a nightlbade when nightblades weren't good, and has never worn a robe. He converted from PC during the console betas, and hasn't regretted it a moment since.
He'd rank ESO:TU (in it's current state) a 4.8 out of 5, loving the game almost entirely.
What exactly is the difference between battlegrounds and arenas? (Asking for a friendPvP for more than a few hours every evening, meaning battlegrounds - couldn't give a shite about arenas, unless they're locked to first person, non champion point, and has;
And seriously, no, no on the legendary weapons. We don't need another reason for elitist people to be judging against newer players.
IcyDeadPeople wrote: »What exactly is the difference between battlegrounds and arenas? (Asking for a friend)
Ruze is a veteran of the PC Beta, lived through the year one drought, survived the buy-to-play conversion, and has stepped foot in the hells known as Craglorn. He mained a nightlbade when nightblades weren't good, and has never worn a robe. He converted from PC during the console betas, and hasn't regretted it a moment since.
He'd rank ESO:TU (in it's current state) a 4.8 out of 5, loving the game almost entirely.
ContraTempo wrote: »
The whole approach of ESO is different. They started with a single player questing world like Skyrim and added multiplayer capability. THAT is why it is so different from most MMOs, esp the PVP oriented ones. If you loved Skyrim you will like ESO. If you loved some other PVP MMO games ESO will feel wrong and you will notice a lot missing.
I'm not dissing the suggestions but it's important to realize that ESO is not and never will be run like those other MMOs.
MercyKilling wrote: »Auction house.
The fact that I could make a single group/guild and invite all my alts to it via a single outside helping source.
Then being able to build my very own instanced base.
I miss grouping to do missions, be it random door missions or perhaps a storyline.
Oh, then there was the Mission Architect System, where players could design their very OWN mission/story lines and villains. Costume content and customization was only matched by one other game(and still is, in my experience)...oh, yeah.
Being able to hit a tailor and change my appearance for a scaling fee based upon my level. Max level, max cost. But the currency for a max level rework could be done in about....half an hour to 45 minutes worth of missioning.
Being able to set my SOLO DIFFICULTY LEVEL to be as if a full team of eight was walking in the door of the mission and all enemies were +4 levels to my own.
And a metric you-know-what-ton of other features that are absent in this game. It sincerely baffles me that a game made in 2006 STILL has better quality of life features than a game in 2016 does.
vyndral13preub18_ESO wrote: »
Id Agree with you if they hadnt done so much hyping of the pvp before launch. It basically leaves me with two options. If what you say is true, then the pvp and all the talk was added as a cash grab since they never really planned on supporting it.
Or what i think happened, is when they launched and couldnt support the cost of several of the systems they wanted to support as people left and pay modes changed, they had to redirect their focus. And since most of those people who liked the normal features most mmos had or those not still playing the story had left, that is what they focused on.
I know several players who loved Skyrim, got ESO and hated it. You cannot generalize a favor of one automatically translating into favor of the other. Particularly when ESO is very watered down compared to Skyrim simply due to Skyrim actually being single player title.
ContraTempo wrote: »
It's clearly not about the cost. Remember, they GAVE AWAY $1M US in a rather ineffective promotion. For that money they could have pretty much any hardware they wanted. And I assume they had that money to burn or they would not have done it.
But if you had a single player world and you were going to add Multiplayer and PVP, what would you hype? The addition of Multiplayer and PVP, of course. But that does not mean it will ever be as PVP oriented as something built as a PVP world from the ground up.
vyndral13preub18_ESO wrote: »So you are saying they made the change from sub based to buy to play because their plan worked so well they could make even more money dropping the sub and not because they were forced into it because so many people left the game....
That is an intersting take.