I used poisons in many ways in Oblivion and Skyrim. My favorite in Skyrim was "slow" poison, which can be made in ESO as well. In skyrim you used it like that - you created a potion of "slow" - and you could use it either on the next shot with a bow or the next attack with a weapon - it is a one-time usage, but it applies the specific poison effect to the target.
So "slow" was pretty good to make your enemy act at half-speed - which basically made you twice as fast compared to him. A huge advantage - and when used with a bow, that target took twice as long to get near to you, so you could spike it with lots of arrows before it came even near to you. Quite useful on a bow as well.
I used poisons in many ways in Oblivion and Skyrim. My favorite in Skyrim was "slow" poison, which can be made in ESO as well. In skyrim you used it like that - you created a potion of "slow" - and you could use it either on the next shot with a bow or the next attack with a weapon - it is a one-time usage, but it applies the specific poison effect to the target.
So "slow" was pretty good to make your enemy act at half-speed - which basically made you twice as fast compared to him. A huge advantage - and when used with a bow, that target took twice as long to get near to you, so you could spike it with lots of arrows before it came even near to you. Quite useful on a bow as well.
So if you have a staff you can't use poison?
It's probably going to be similar to how it was in TESV: Skyrim. You craft a bottle of poison with Alchemy, then coat your blade or arrow with it. I don't know how it would work for Staves since those have never really played a big role in TES games before so it's new territory.