ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Short answer is DKs likely won't be seeing a ton of changes before we go live; this class is still quite powerful (as it should be being a tank), even after some of the adjustments we've made to other classes and abilities.
"Ongoing Cyrodiil performance improvements"
timidobserver wrote: »The question is whether this is going to be a combat mechanic or just a PvE mechanic to be used in DB activities.
^ I agree. They put it as base game so it SHOULD be useful outside of DB but I'm having a really hard time imagining how it will work.
Don't worry, you'll soon be able to add an extra 5k poison initial tick on your one shot wonder builds for more "balance" with the new DLC.
Prepare the salt...
1. When do you apply the poison, before or during combat?
2. Once applied, is it one hit, then you need to reapply it, or will it last some duration. What is that duration, a number of hits, or some amount of time (Buff Timer)
3. Will poisons be the negative effect potions we have now (which would be fine) or are they new potions with new ingredients
4. Does this mean Mushrooms will now have some value or will there be new reagents introduced to the game world (I vote mushrooms as they are already here)
5. What will the counter be? There always has to be a way to counter an attack
6. Is the poison applied to a weapon or thrown in the face of the enemy? Or Both?
7. Will we get one of those Atomizer things to spray the poison if it is not weapon applied or thrown at the enemy?
8. If it gets applied to a bow, will the posion get removed by the wind as it flies to target?
Ok, the last two questions were kind of silly. But the first 6 would be nice to know. I can bet that for DB activities, there will be times we posion someone's food or drink, we did that in Oblivion IIRC. However that can't be the only way something like this would be used in the game.
myrrrorb14_ESO wrote: »
Can't wait to find out!
Assumptions are deadly. But I can't imagine them being too different from current potion use. I never planned on using potions, but was looking forward to them anyway.
Although, I did recently make a nightblade. So maybe I will use it.
#8 it becomes an airborne pathogen! Which is against the White-gold Accord...
I bet the meta shifts hard next patch to stamina
HoloYoitsu wrote: »Show me the poison you make that makes anything you kill blow up in a 15k aoe and has no cooldown.
For balance reasons they might have it apply to light or heavy attacks only, which would still be pretty cool.
vortexman11 wrote: »
But....weapon enchants already do that
Scrub, Blue Entolomas are already good for invis pots.Joy_Division wrote: »Also: been glad I was harvesting all those Imp Stools and Blue Entolomas for the past two years ...