We are a recently reunited guild that is starting back up and we're looking for members! We are currently made up of AD players. We have members that play both PvE and PvP. On the PvE side, we are looking for people who are end game and are ready to run trials. We also run the Undaunted Pledges everyday. If you are just starting to play the game, that's awesome too! We have members at all different levels, so there will always be someone to quest or run dungeons with. Our leaders have multiple Veteran ranked characters, so there should be someone to answer any questions you have. Overall, we're all laid back and like to have a good time and play the game. Once we get enough members, we will host guild events (i.e. Trial days, PvP days, guild meetings, Skyshard and Lorebook runs.) We have a Kik chat group, Facebook page, and a website so it's easy to stay social and keep in touch. For more info check out our website.
To get an invite either apply online or leave your Gamertag here and I will send you an invite.
Thanks for looking!
~PMS Tipsy~