Takes-No-Prisoner wrote: »
Before you waste AP. Check the keep's siege guy to see if the keep leveled up to Level 5 defense. If the keep has been sitting with no one attacking it for awhile w/ all resources the same color-- it will level up over time and thus you will see the HP loss. This is a good thing as the walls have more HP, but have to sit and regain that health over time. This is nothing to worry yourself over if this if what you were talking about. If you do happen to see signs of it being under attack soon, pick and choose the right ones to get up to full health.
Everyone blaming each other... That's not why I started this thread. Zenimax is at fault here, not blues, yellows or reds. We pay a premium to play this game. ESO+ PS+ and an Internet connection. We pay Zenimax to manage this game, ask yourselves, are they doing enough to counter this lag?
DynastyIXII wrote: »
And the truth comes out. The problem isn't DC but the 7 man groups trying to take on the 24 man groups. Stop this please. You're not helping the problem lmao. Sure you may wipe them here or there but is that helping you win the campaign? is it helping moral in the faction? the score board says no.
I miss the old Freelance, the good days when they had a huge group always on, using tactics to take points away from the opposing faction.It seems like everyone got so caught up in beating bacons group that they started to lose the campaign in their pursuit. Do you boo boo.
FatKidHatchets wrote: »I give blue their credit. I ain't even mad at them.
Forward camps have proven to be such a nuisance. Folks don't care about capturing a keep, they don't even set up siege. They want a camp nearby so they can run in with their attack and help kill someone. Respawn and repeat. AD spent 6 hours outside allessia this morning.
Then you have the PUGs of AD and EP who say, ' Wow their tryna dethrone lets attack them from behind, lots of AP!' both sides do this its always been ***.
If they don't do the above they do things like push up and take BRK and arrius. Or vice versa reds come down and attack alessia and fargyl.
Freelance lost quite a few active players to other games, some just before TG and some after. We barely pull a 15 man group together, and over half of them are new players just learning pvp.
Their needs to be some sort of training simulation mandatory for players so people learn how to play. Personally I am tired of teaching the same stuff over and over, just to roll up to a castle and find pugs took a resource and set up 6 fire ballistae and that they blame zergs as to why they can't take a castle.
Soon as AP gains from kills gets nerfed to hell we might start seeing folks actually defend a castle. Until then folks could give a rats ass about winning long as their in the top 2%. No prize, motivation, or Roleplaying incentive.
Let's be real, at this point most folks just want dueling so they can jump into a match making lobby and play like its COD. Throw some defend the resource in their and your good to go. Cyrodil is busted I have more fun playing Paragon atm.
Moglijuana wrote: »My entire guild re homed to Chillred/Skull. It was fun farming bacon at his gates a few times but then the rest of DC seemed to rally out of the blue (see what I did there?). I've only been in Scourge a couple of times since the last campaign ended, and when I start lagging in the starting gates lol I'm outtttt. P.S. Chillrend has been a blast. Lots of competitive/respectful players from all sides. While the PUGs are great for AP farming in Scourge, they continue to bunch up and never think twice about the performance strain they cause. It's not their fault, who wouldn't follow baconator? He goes where the AP is.
This truly is a game of perception.
TheGreatPumpkin wrote: »
Thanks for your insight (although I know all of this). Per my comment: I mentioned severely damaged walls...so it goes beyond the natural process of HP "loss" due to the walls being stronger. As for anticipated incoming attacks, certainly I would expect (or hope) people would ensure the walls are secure and built up, especially "hot spots" or--of course--right where they're prepping to siege.
My AP is usually plenty, but those little things add up (like pennies in a jar), and frustrate people. Sometimes I really take care of what other should have, and other times I don't bother as much. More than anything, it's a sign of people not giving a sh*t anymore, so it's kinda sad...but not surprising. (Or, a sign The Golden's a-comin' and everyone's saving up their AP...lol....)
The-Baconator wrote: »
For the first part, I assume sarcasm. As for the pugs stacking, I know you didn't play on Azuras during early janurary\feburary, but PLENTY of guilds were willfully stacking with other guilds and pugs. I could go to aleswell with 12 and get 3 guild raids from two guilds to chase us all the way back to glade. The only reason your not seeing it on chill\skull is there simply aren't enough people left to stack to do so on multiple campaigns. IF scourge becomes a full fledged buff server ( or when zos removes more campaigns because plenty are nearly empty prime time) you'll notice the massive zergs and horrible lag in these servers as well.
TequilaFire wrote: »@The-Baconator not sure why you did it but props to you for abdicating emperor and letting the campaign breathe a little.
Only problem now we have Elementz to deal with. lmao
DynastyIXII wrote: »I find it funny how this campaign is a clone of Azura's, DC goes on a rampage for the 1st week and then the campaign levels out. This is why you don't give up hope so early in a 30 day campaign. It's 30 days long! hopefully people return now and this campaign can become really competitive like that campaign late 2015 when AD won by 2 or 3 points, the good ol'days
Moglijuana wrote: »
No Sarcasm. We farmed you and the pugs following you at your gates (before this new Pop Locked Scourge Campaign). I can find the video from Hollykills if you'd like. And I never played in Azura because I don't like power points that are considered games. I do see PUGS stack in skull...but only the EP side does it since they follow their emperor around 24/7. Chillrend is full of good players who know better and the lag has only been bad when there's a 3 way fight for the last keep to dethrone.
Ah elementz scrubbing with his vicious death and QQing lol. Saw AD try and take Roebeck from DC yesterday tons of players from both sides hardly Nd lag while yellow is fighting. Elementz is hiding in a corner chugging pots trying to get an ult so he could set and tether shame that my caltrops landed on him so he couldn't cloak away. @Moglijuana lol you farming at gates you left scourge because it became competitive since EP can't pvdoor the entire map at night anymore you left to go fight DC scrubs in skull and pvdoor there
Lol you're just precious I run solo you have never killed me and you tried to prox det me tonight and when you realized you weren't going to kill me you tried to cloak away.lol all you have ever done is play FOTM trash in the infamous words of TY Cobb "git good".
Oh man I don't know where to start.
First, you're stupid if you don't use vicious as emperor or even not as emperor. That's like telling me to stop spamming ultimates to give the enemy a chance.
Second, who are you, you random?
Third, I used cloak maybe a total of 10 times in my 1 and a half day emperor reign, making almost 3 million AP in that span.
Fourth, If your not talking about when I was emperor, why do you care so much about me cockroaching around? I must have blown your full group a couple of times if that's the case.
Even if that is the case, why do you get so blood thirsty on one dude like every other random?