Personally.I believe that most of the people who come here,myself included,are interested in the interaction in the forums.Not that many people who play games are into that.They could care less.
This is the only forum I have ever been a part of for a game.
Sometimes I think I shouldnt have joined though.XD
Well, to me that just proves my point. The forums attract all sorts. I really don't care much about the interaction on the forums. I come here to see what's going on and to make my voice heard by ZOS whenever something I think is important is discussed. I am somewhat pessimistic about its impact, but ZOS does keep claiming that they do follow the discussion on these forums, and thus I post just in case.
The thing is, that there are still plenty of people on these forums. And I do think that it is large enough a pool to be a meaningful representation of the whole population. Obviously, based on the results of the poll, I am in the minority who thinks so, but based on my experience that's the way I see it.
The reason I posted on this thread at all, is because I see it quite often used as a counter argument to whatever people are talking about on the forums - the notion that only a small fragment of players follow the forums, so whatever we say is not really important. But I find that not to be true. The thing about people, who do take part in public discourse, is that they are passionate. They are the loudest critics, but also the most avid fans of the game. The people who do not participate in the discussion, do not feel about things quite as strongly, but most of them do still share the same general sentiments.
Let's take the lag as a simple example - the forum is flooded with rage about the lag in Cyrodiil. Just about everyone who posts here and is a PVP player is screaming bloody murder because of it. There are also those who do not PVP at all, and say it isn't really an issue, and that the PVP crowd are just constantly QQ:ing bunch of haters.
The reality is, that the lag is a serious issue, and anyone who has PVP:d at all is not happy about it. Some of those who are not all that passionate about the game, will not bother to voice that concern on these forums and just try to enjoy PVP:ing as best as they can. They are still bothered by it and do hope that it would get fixed. Others will just shrug and go play something else, and maybe occasionally log on back to see if things have improved. At the same time, those who do not spend any time PVP:ing at all, and do not feel passionate enough to spend time on the Forums arguing with those who are screaming about it, will just think that it doesn't affect them, but can see how it would annoy those who do PVP, and that doing something about it might be a good move for the longevity of the game. That or ditching PVP form the game altogether.
Thus the bottom line here is, that the lag is a real issue, and it does affect all who PVP, and ZOS really should do something about it. And that is what I see on the forums. And the sentiment expressed here mirrors what players express in game and on other platforms for discussion.
The general wibe I get from the Forums is that people are not happy with the way things are going. The forums themselves do tend to express it in a fairly toxic manner, but that's due to the passionate bit. The thing I take from such threads, is that there is a fair bit of unease in the player population. It hasn't yet reached a point that is critical for the future of the game, but the amount and consistency of the complaints on these forums, do paint a picture that all is not well in the ESOverse. It also provides insight on what particular issues do bug the population as a whole.I do not share this sentiment. What forums attract are the most passionate people. Add if the majority of people, who are passionate about whatever the forum deals with, are not happy, then that is a clear sign that maybe there really is something wrong with the way things are. Your experiences may of course vary, but that is what I've seen on the various forums I've frequented in the past.lordrichter wrote: »Forums tend to attract people who are not happy playing. As such, they tend to be heavy with people who have beefs, or want something to change.
Also - it is quite natural that people voice their concerns, or post about things that bug them. Very few people need the urge to voice their opinion about stuff that is performing just fine. But if some thing bugs someone strongly enough to prompt them to post about it and propose changes to it, you can bet that there are tons of other people who arr also miffed by it, but not strongly enough that they would bother to do something about it. But should it be changed, they too would be quite happy. That is the nature of public discourse. It tends to begin with someone perceiving a problem with the world. Then people will either rally to support the claim or will do their best to defend the way things are.
Most of the nerf this or change that or this thing is OP threads do also attract people who disagree with the original poster,. So while the thread may have started as a complaint, the comments in it might not be. However, if most of the people who bother to participate in the discussion voice similar opinions, then that is a strong indicator that maybe there is something to the original complaint. Undoubtedly its no as bad as the posters make it sound, and it probably does not need quite as drastic changes as they are proposing. But if most people, who bother to post about something, do not disagree with one another, then ZOS should listen to them and maybe do something about it. - A good example of this is the topic of "No text chat for consoles."
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When I say interaction,I mean the give and take of people's ideas and thoughts about ESO.
We, the forum posters are not special snowflakes. We are no different than other people playing the game. What we are is passionate enough to voice our concerns. Thus for every player who comments that they do not play the game anymore, and just follow what way it is developing, there are tons of people who used to play but do not play anymore. For every rage quitter there are much more people who just went meh, and moved to another game. And the amount of people who do bother to come to the forums to state things like that is in my mind fairly alarming. And all I need to do is check my old guild rosters and friends list and see how many of the people who I played with when the game launched have not logged on in ages.In no way, shape, or form. The people on forum only represent the people on forum - many of which often state how they don't play the game anymore (which kind of make their arguments extra invalid, because how can you assess a game if you don't know it's current state). Also, I know TONS of people who play every day, but who never touch the forums.
All in all, the forums are an excellent place to voice concerns, criticism, praise, and ideas. But to say it represents the whole player base would be inaccurate - if not downright wrong.