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yellow tier reagents/bank space

so ive been struggling with bank space as im a new player but i managed to come across a yellow and 9 purple class mats , dunno if i should keep them or sell them for bank space, any thoughts at all ?.
  • FriedEggSandwich
    What are the yellow and purple mats called? All reagents (for alchemy) are green. There are plently of yellow and purple mats though, and your decision to keep or sell should depend on whether you intend to use them or not. Tell us what they're called and we can tell you what they're for.
    PC | EU
  • HebrewHatchet
    As a new player, you should probably sell them. You probably won't craft anything with them until much later levels, but you can always use gold.
    Edited by HebrewHatchet on April 6, 2016 2:29AM
    [PS4 NA]
    PSN: HebrewHatchet
  • AntMan100673
    Tricky one. As said above you wont need them for crafting until much later so you could sell them for gold (which would help with the bank space). Yellow/gold aren't that common though so you don't really want to end up needing to buy a load of them later on. I'd maybe sell just the purples.
    EU - EP - Dunmer - Dragonknight - Magicka DPS - CP160

    GT: AntMan100673
  • Parrot1986
    I'm a bit of a hoarder so I'd say keep them. Although don't need them now having a stockpile of mats to craft with makes levelling much easier later on.

    Assuming not playing multiple characters right now Id create some alts to acts as mules for you. Get 60 extra space each and have up to 7 so more than enough to have one for alchemy, enchanting etc.
  • Sunburnt_Penguin
    Create a new character and put everything on it that you'll need for later in the game. However, if you need the gold then only sell them via a guild trader or direct to players as it's worthless selling to merchants.
    Edited by Sunburnt_Penguin on April 6, 2016 1:03PM
  • WhiteTigre
    I f you want to be crafter then keep them to craft the purple and gold armor and weapons for later when you get to vr16. I did that and its paying off now as I do not have spend a fortune on them. I seldom but very seldom buy raw materials from other players I keep all mine and I farm them. The gold mats can cost you up 10k or more for like 2 or 3 of them. Are you willing to spend gold uselessly when you could have saved those mats ?

    Remember you have 7 pieces of armor plus 2 weapons.

    Gold/yellow gear is the best at the moment it gives high returns in damage as well protection etc. purples is your second best. So rather throw out white gear or stuff you do not really need.
  • MissBizz
    Parrot1986 wrote: »
    I'm a bit of a hoarder so I'd say keep them. Although don't need them now having a stockpile of mats to craft with makes levelling much easier later on.

    Assuming not playing multiple characters right now Id create some alts to acts as mules for you. Get 60 extra space each and have up to 7 so more than enough to have one for alchemy, enchanting etc.

    I'll echo this. If I were you I would keep them, and would make a new character just for holding "good stuff"

    Pro tip: Name and design that character as a character you actually want to play. That way you can slowly upgrade their bag space and horse carrying capacity and then when you feel like having a new character you already have one with big bags ;)
    Lone Wolf HelpFor the solo players who know, sometimes you just need a hand.PC | NA | AD-DC-EP | Discord
  • RexyCat
    so ive been struggling with bank space as im a new player but i managed to come across a yellow and 9 purple class mats , dunno if i should keep them or sell them for bank space, any thoughts at all ?.

    The higher you get in level and the more inspiration (xp for each crafting discipline), the more likely it is that you will need those items for your crafting. Low level material for crafting isn't a problem to find, so you can grind that to get your Gold for more bag and banks space, but items with higher quality like purple or yellow/gold is more rare to find, so those should you be more careful with what to do. Join Guild to trade and sell mats. Raw mats will often give you a better price then if you refine them, so just get out there and collect iron/maple or what every that fit your level and zone and sell that in chunks on GS. Doesn't take too much time to do each day and later you will not need to be sorry that you had sold items which you now need to grind for Gold just to get back.

    Guild as an optional way to store things or share mats/gear
    If you join a Guild with people you really can trust, then you can even use your Guild Bank to store some items. Be just aware that it is only that person who have created Guild and he/she delegate rights what each member can do. Often there is other member with same rights that have more or less full rights to help out with administration of Guild and ordinary members have limited rights to access items depending on what purpose that Guild have. This means that you are depending on who have those adm rights in your Guild and that you can be locked out in worse case or that other members can take out what you put into that space.

    Be also aware that you need to make sure that you really are in the correct Guild both when you are viewing Guild Bank and for Guild Store (look down where you have key binding on screen and press that key with Guild name to get option for those other Guild you have as a member and change it) to see which Guild you actually have access to now. Game default to one of your Guilds, so it might happens that you need to change this each time you get out of that viewing mode (like movement) just to be sure you will be in the right guild for what you want to do.

    You can at least put items for lower worth here and take them out again, if it is enough space and there is no Guild rules preventing you from doing that. By doing this you can save on some Bank space, but you need to transfer items into your inventory before you go to any crafting station and use those items as you don't have direct access to GB in the same way as your own Bank.

    Decon purple items for woodcrafting as an example will give you mats which you can use for improvement, so it is something you have to decide which is more worth for you. It also depends on which craft we are talking about. For Runes you would want to keep those purple and yellow as long as possible and only use green/blue for higher quality Glyphs (giving higher stats) when you are creating Glyphs as those higher level Aspect runes can be hard to find, at least in the low level zones of maps.

    When you create a new character for storage purpose, make sure to go into your collection (press U) and enable your mount/horse for each new character you create as that will give you access to upgrade your storage capacity with 60 more spaces in your inventory. You have to do this manually as you will not have a mount added to your new character by itself even when would have several mounts and doesn't matter which mount you enable. Duration between upgrade is 20 hour and cost 250 Gold.

    Suggestion for mods that can be helpful for multi characters crafting/inventory management
    If you use CraftStorage mod (link is down here) you will get a reminder when you mount is ready for next upgrade for every character which is ready and even get reminder when your research is finished on other characters when you change character or log in. With Mobile Bank Extended you will be able to keep track on each characters inventory incl what is in your bank and Guild Bank, so I recommend you to use both mods to keep track on what and where you have things for crafting. Use a filter mod so you avoid to decon by accident items when you are at a crafting station as those station have access to both your characters inventory and bank in the same view which can be easy to forget when you have plenty to decon and just want to get on to next quest.

    There are several types of filters, some which will give you an icon you click and other which enable you to lock items so you can't destroy them unintentionally, but you have to remember to unlock before you can use them again. If you have trouble to enchant an item, then make sure it has no icon which show it is being protected (basically it only locks items and give a name so you know what you can use that item for) as even items which are supposed to be used for enchants or reserved for research need first to be unlocked before you can use them again.

    This is especially handy when you have Yellow/Gold or high level gear that you want to keep in bank. CraftStore have a very handy mass crafting feature for runes (click right mouse button and CS will continue repeating decon or creating items up to max 50 items at a time; same for food/brews - read tooltip to be sure what each click will do), so it might be wise to even secure hard-to-find runes or Glyphs from being used while using CS mass produce feature.


  • scibur314r8t
    sorry for the lack in replying the yellow items i got were
    so ive been struggling with bank space as im a new player but i managed to come across a yellow and 9 purple class mats , dunno if i should keep them or sell them for bank space, any thoughts at all ?.

    The higher you get in level and the more inspiration (xp for each crafting discipline), the more likely it is that you will need those items for your crafting. Low level material for crafting isn't a problem to find, so you can grind that to get your Gold for more bag and banks space, but items with higher quality like purple or yellow/gold is more rare to find, so those should you be more careful with what to do. Join Guild to trade and sell mats. Raw mats will often give you a better price then if you refine them, so just get out there and collect iron/maple or what every that fit your level and zone and sell that in chunks on GS. Doesn't take too much time to do each day and later you will not need to be sorry that you had sold items which you now need to grind for Gold just to get back.

    Guild as an optional way to store things or share mats/gear
    If you join a Guild with people you really can trust, then you can even use your Guild Bank to store some items. Be just aware that it is only that person who have created Guild and he/she delegate rights what each member can do. Often there is other member with same rights that have more or less full rights to help out with administration of Guild and ordinary members have limited rights to access items depending on what purpose that Guild have. This means that you are depending on who have those adm rights in your Guild and that you can be locked out in worse case or that other members can take out what you put into that space.

    Be also aware that you need to make sure that you really are in the correct Guild both when you are viewing Guild Bank and for Guild Store (look down where you have key binding on screen and press that key with Guild name to get option for those other Guild you have as a member and change it) to see which Guild you actually have access to now. Game default to one of your Guilds, so it might happens that you need to change this each time you get out of that viewing mode (like movement) just to be sure you will be in the right guild for what you want to do.

    You can at least put items for lower worth here and take them out again, if it is enough space and there is no Guild rules preventing you from doing that. By doing this you can save on some Bank space, but you need to transfer items into your inventory before you go to any crafting station and use those items as you don't have direct access to GB in the same way as your own Bank.

    Decon purple items for woodcrafting as an example will give you mats which you can use for improvement, so it is something you have to decide which is more worth for you. It also depends on which craft we are talking about. For Runes you would want to keep those purple and yellow as long as possible and only use green/blue for higher quality Glyphs (giving higher stats) when you are creating Glyphs as those higher level Aspect runes can be hard to find, at least in the low level zones of maps.

    When you create a new character for storage purpose, make sure to go into your collection (press U) and enable your mount/horse for each new character you create as that will give you access to upgrade your storage capacity with 60 more spaces in your inventory. You have to do this manually as you will not have a mount added to your new character by itself even when would have several mounts and doesn't matter which mount you enable. Duration between upgrade is 20 hour and cost 250 Gold.

    Suggestion for mods that can be helpful for multi characters crafting/inventory management
    If you use CraftStorage mod (link is down here) you will get a reminder when you mount is ready for next upgrade for every character which is ready and even get reminder when your research is finished on other characters when you change character or log in. With Mobile Bank Extended you will be able to keep track on each characters inventory incl what is in your bank and Guild Bank, so I recommend you to use both mods to keep track on what and where you have things for crafting. Use a filter mod so you avoid to decon by accident items when you are at a crafting station as those station have access to both your characters inventory and bank in the same view which can be easy to forget when you have plenty to decon and just want to get on to next quest.

    There are several types of filters, some which will give you an icon you click and other which enable you to lock items so you can't destroy them unintentionally, but you have to remember to unlock before you can use them again. If you have trouble to enchant an item, then make sure it has no icon which show it is being protected (basically it only locks items and give a name so you know what you can use that item for) as even items which are supposed to be used for enchants or reserved for research need first to be unlocked before you can use them again.

    This is especially handy when you have Yellow/Gold or high level gear that you want to keep in bank. CraftStore have a very handy mass crafting feature for runes (click right mouse button and CS will continue repeating decon or creating items up to max 50 items at a time; same for food/brews - read tooltip to be sure what each click will do), so it might be wise to even secure hard-to-find runes or Glyphs from being used while using CS mass produce feature.



    thank you for your in-depth answer
  • scibur314r8t
    thank you every one for your input and the name of the materials were laurel x2 and kuta aspect rune x1.
  • failkiwib16_ESO
    thank you every one for your input and the name of the materials were laurel x2 and kuta aspect rune x1.

    Aaaamagaad a kuta <3<3 keep that one, they're rare and not easily farmable. Sell the laurels, they drop from endbosses in group dungeons. If you continue to play this game and do some group content, you'll end up piling those up :p
    Edited by failkiwib16_ESO on April 13, 2016 12:11PM
  • scibur314r8t
    thank you every one for your input and the name of the materials were laurel x2 and kuta aspect rune x1.

    Aaaamagaad a kuta <3<3 keep that one, they're rare and not easily farmable. Sell the laurels, they drop from endbosses in group dungeons. If you continue to play this game and do some group content, you'll end up piling those up :p

    thank you for letting me know ^_^
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