I accidently deleted the undaunted enclave invitation

Soul Shriven
I accidently deleted the undaunted enclave invitation in one of my toons, so now I'm unable to do the daily pledges on that character. Is there anyway to fix this? I'm pretty sure I submited a ticket but have gotten no helo
  • VodkaVixen1979
    You should still be able to walk to the enclave on that character and pick it up directly.... Have you tried that yet?
  • Reverb
    It shouldn't be a problem. I've deleted mine before, and on the last one I finished the "intro" and started doing pledges before even taking the invitation from my mail.

    Just go to your Undaunted Enclave, talk to both NPC where prompted, sign the book, get your bronze key, and you're off slaying beasts and collecting keys to your heart's content.
    Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster, and if you gaze into the abyss, the abyss gazes also into you. ~Friedrich Nietzsche
  • ahovzz
    Soul Shriven
    Yes, i went to the location, and neither of the NPCs are there

  • DocFrost72
    Go to the first group dungeon in your native zone (spindle, banished cells, or fungal). Outside is an NPC connected to the undaunted. Their quest will give you the skill line in stead of the invite (had to do this a few times cause I'm not the brightest with mail xD)
  • ahovzz
    Soul Shriven
    DocFrost72 wrote: »
    Go to the first group dungeon in your native zone (spindle, banished cells, or fungal). Outside is an NPC connected to the undaunted. Their quest will give you the skill line in stead of the invite (had to do this a few times cause I'm not the brightest with mail xD)

    Ive got the skill line though, i went to BC and there is a quest giver, but its for a random quest

  • failkiwib16_ESO
    That is the start of The Undaunted initiation quest.

    You should try joining The Undaunted first, then you can go and see if you can complete the quest for pledges at The Undaunted Enclave afterwards.

  • Enodoc
    That quest you have in the screenshot - One of the Undaunted - you need to finish that one first, then you should be able to take the Pledges.
    ahovzz wrote: »

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  • Bofrari
    Yeah this happened to be on my 3rd toon I'm oN dc side all you have to do is whatever tavern your supposed to get the quest from then goto whatever dung your supposed to run to finish for me it was splindle after I complete go back to enclave turn it in then your good to go its just like your assigned your 1st pledge ever after you complete you'll be able to pick up pledges.
    Edited by Bofrari on April 6, 2016 9:30AM
  • DocFrost72
    Tbh, only ever had to fix this on DC, so Mighty Morda (who is right outside spindle) was my fix. @Enodoc is correct, if you finish that *quest* the undaunted sing you in, and apologize with the right to do pledges xD

    Edit for accuracy
    Edited by DocFrost72 on April 7, 2016 5:33PM
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