How about an option to actually just HAVE female armour models.
How about an option to actually just HAVE female armour models.
^ That is something that does not require a poll IMO. Female characters SHOULD have female armour models.... I have no idea why zos is using male mesh for female toons. This poll is about the more specific things like boob plates etc. Female characters having female models shouldnt even be up for debate.... This isnt the 1900s.....
How about an option to actually just HAVE female armour models.
^ That is something that does not require a poll IMO. Female characters SHOULD have female armour models.... I have no idea why zos is using male mesh for female toons. This poll is about the more specific things like boob plates etc. Female characters having female models shouldnt even be up for debate.... This isnt the 1900s.....
Well the current situation about us not even getting female armour models needs more discussion....will worry about how it looks later.
I would like to have an option like "We should have options for realistic and for non-realistic armors alike".
The "I don't care" option is not applicable because I DO CARE, I care for variety. If there is too much of any and none of the other, it is bad in my book.
I usually pick more realistic options when they are available and I don't like boob plates on MY characters, but I want the option to be there for people who like them.
KhajiitiLizard wrote: »Where's the light and medium armor showing a bit of skin is fine... but heavy shouldn't option?
JamieAubrey wrote: »I don't really care as I'm always looking at the back
KatzMainTank wrote: »Variety is key. I'd rather have options for both "realistic" and "fantasy" variants across all armor types. As @Abeille stated, there should AND CAN BE ZoS...options for both sides.
Boob plates are all the rage!
Well. Im down for sexy armor as long as it isnt a threat. Lets be sexy AND practical, yes?
MornaBaine wrote: »I actually want BOTH "smexy" armor choices AND realistic armor choices. Most of all....I want armor made FOR female characters instead of just turning them into deformed boys!
I didnt vote because I didnt like the way the choices were worded.
I want my characters to look normal with the proper shaped anatomy.
I like variety and choice in armor, however I dont care for super skimpy armor. I do prefer practical and realistic armor. However, sexy armor that shows off the character's figure in a tasteful way is fine.
How about an option to actually just HAVE female armour models.
JamieAubrey wrote: »I don't really care as I'm always looking at the back
Would u like to have butt-plate armours then?
With all the debate going on about how female armour looks etc, I thought Id make a poll to see where the community stands. Ill do my best to incorporate as many choices I can think off. Also do note, female characters should have female armour models and that isnt what this poll is about. Imo, female toons having female armour mesh isnt even up for debate.
Note: Option 1 falls in line with a choice. We can have realistic armor while boob plates/skin showing is fine also. (AKA choices are fine). Whereas option 2 is more along the lines of boob plates and skin showing shouldnt be in game.