Night Mother's set bonus not set

I have 2 swords v15 purple as Night Mother's I can see the bonus set for the swords but I add a Hat v14, and legs v14 in blue and the bonus still show 2 not 4. I added a Night Mother's neckless blue v16 and still I don't have the bonus for the 5 item or 3 items.

Are all the set need to be in blue? I know I have mix different level and colors before without any problem, is the Night Mother's set glitch? Can you make set base on Weapon and Armor?

Can I upgrade a neckless to purple?

  • nudel
    There are two different Night Mother's sets....Night Mother's Gaze and Night Mother's Embrace. Sounds like you have pieces from both of them and so will not activate full set bonuses for either.
  • ZorroDeMar
    I will have to ck the neckless but the other ones were made on the same location.
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