Distillateur wrote: »Yeah, if a buddy wants to get his Emp, sure PvDoor happens. But rolling the whole UNDEFENDED map, then actively camping every resource when the opposing faction is nearly nonexistent... show some interest in competition! Don't glut yourself on making a sleeping map Red. You shame your whole faction.
Show some class.
PrinceFabious wrote: »Haddy was night capped? I thought we had EMP for a whole day before this lol. You mean the night capped resources and home keeps right? Just trying to get all the details here
PrinceFabious wrote: »Haddy was night capped? I thought we had EMP for a whole day before this lol. You mean the night capped resources and home keeps right? Just trying to get all the details here
Did you read anything I posted? I acknowledged that every alliance does this. I didn't say haderus was nightcapped last night. I was using this image as an example for my claim. You always have something negative to say. You should try reading the entire post and not just skim and pick out a few words to make your points.
PrinceFabious wrote: »PrinceFabious wrote: »Haddy was night capped? I thought we had EMP for a whole day before this lol. You mean the night capped resources and home keeps right? Just trying to get all the details here
Did you read anything I posted? I acknowledged that every alliance does this. I didn't say haderus was nightcapped last night. I was using this image as an example for my claim. You always have something negative to say. You should try reading the entire post and not just skim and pick out a few words to make your points.
Then why even post this because everyday the factions will reclaim their keeps and we will be down to one EMP keep. Someones gotta post the hard truth even its negative. Get a group and recap. Yes, I know 2vXers dont like setting up siege but dirty work needs to be done to prevent a map like this.
PrinceFabious wrote: »PrinceFabious wrote: »Haddy was night capped? I thought we had EMP for a whole day before this lol. You mean the night capped resources and home keeps right? Just trying to get all the details here
Did you read anything I posted? I acknowledged that every alliance does this. I didn't say haderus was nightcapped last night. I was using this image as an example for my claim. You always have something negative to say. You should try reading the entire post and not just skim and pick out a few words to make your points.
Then why even post this because everyday the factions will reclaim their keeps and we will be down to one EMP keep. Someones gotta post the hard truth even its negative. Get a group and recap. Yes, I know 2vXers dont like setting up siege but dirty work needs to be done to prevent a map like this.
I'm posting it to make a point that we as a community shouldnt do this. I also dont always small group but I caught your drift there. I just dont think its necessary for a single faction to own the entire map to include every single resource. Lets make pvp competitive, not kill it.
PrinceFabious wrote: »Get a group and recap. Yes, I know 2vXers dont like setting up siege but dirty work needs to be done to prevent a map like this.
AbraXuSeXile wrote: »Its because of emp people night cap
AbraXuSeXile wrote: »Its because of emp people night cap
I know every Alliance does this and it is wrong. But, night capping the entire map has to stop. Doing this literally kills morale and pvp. People are going to come onto Haderus and campaigns like this a literally leave because nobody wants to deal with this. I am perfectly fine with an alliance capping emp over night. But, this every single resource and keep? Come on now. We as a community need to stop this.
I know every Alliance does this and it is wrong. But, night capping the entire map has to stop. Doing this literally kills morale and pvp. People are going to come onto Haderus and campaigns like this a literally leave because nobody wants to deal with this. I am perfectly fine with an alliance capping emp over night. But, this every single resource and keep? Come on now. We as a community need to stop this.
heystreethawk wrote: »I do not believe that people who flip the map in the dead of night are actually interested in PvPing; at the least, they are not interested in PvPing without the benefit of extraordinary advantages.
You can play the time zone card, certainly -- and we can point out that Trueflame has opponents available to fight around the clock. It isn't laggy at the hours which the subjects of this thread flip the entirety of unpopulated, undefended Haderus to their control, so the rationale here starts to wear thin.
If you want to PvP during your area's primetime, or the unusual time of day which you have available for leisure activities, you know, walk with Christ, of course you want to do that, so why aren't you doing that on the campaign that actually has some Ps to V during the timeframe that works for you? PvDoor is anathema to any serious PvP guild. We are here to fight people, not guards; if you are unable to achieve victory when/where there are players capable of defending against you, then you have not earned that victory. Go to Trueflame, or go run a pledge.
Obliterate wrote: »Why is it not justifiable
dylanjaygrobbelaarb16_ESO wrote: »you realize that a lot of "night capping" is people in other parts of the world playing during their day and/or their primetime- like the australians. you do understand this right.
night capping simply dosent exist(in a literal way) on an international server with people repping all timezones.