Templar Healer - Build Question

Hey folks!

I am currently leveling a templar healer and it's V12. The build i am aiming for is this one: Click Here

I currently run 5 piece magnus and 3 piece seducer (5 Light, 2 Heavy) and get around 1700 regen when scaled to V16 and nearly 1300 Spell dmg. Due to the low spell dmg i am using Entropy instead of Mystic orb.

Someone told me i should use Kagrenac's Hope for healing and i wonder which sets should i use? (For all armor, weapons, and jewelry)

What should be my target spell dmg, regen, and max magicka for V16 vet content like vWGT and new trial.

Also, should i go all light armor to help with resources if i have low spell dmg (to be able to spam heals more?)

Thanks for helping a noob ^^


After using 5 Julianos, 3 Torug's Pact, with soulshine Willpower jewelry: I achieved 32k Magicka, 1200 regen, 2400 spell damage unbuffed (w/ Atronach mundus stone)

Current Build (for Dungeons): Click Here

I'm placing Breath of Life on both bars as suggested below since a random group doesn't always perform well enough to risk it. Healing springs seems great but only if a group stays still or stacks. I'll drop Breath of Life from one/both bars in trials and use some other utility and use healing springs as primary heals.
Edited by Serpace on April 19, 2016 4:39PM
  • Canadianeh71
    If you wanna be a devoted healer, u cant worry too much about Spell dmg....its possible to make a decent hybrid..but you need to decide what your goal is.

    kagernac's is good cuz it gives u spell dmg + res speed etc aswell......but as a healer in dungeons u shouldnt be the one ressurectin...

    if you wanna be a str8 healer. ide recommend 5 peice seducer, for magicka regen, and spell cost reduction. then remaining peices magnus w/ willpower jewlery........5 light 1 medium 1 heavy...all max magicka glyphs
  • Acsvf
    1. Kagrenac's Hope is great. You might also want willpower or healer's habit rings, or the monster set Engine Guardian.
    2. That, I'm not completely sure of.
    3. Yes. As you're not a DPS or a tank you don't really want the 2-4% extra stats as much.
    Lightarray Level 50 Dunmer Magicka Templar Healer

    CP: 192

    Add @Acsvf when quoting me to give me a notification!
  • Serpace
    @Acsvf @Canadianeh71

    It seems healers are very easy to gear o_o

    I had another idea. Wouldn't 5 piece spell power cure w/ 3 Magnus/Seducer work better since it will provide the group with more spell/weapon damage? I will have lower magicka recovery/reduction compared to Seducer + Magnus but with magicka potions and all 7 light armor i think i can mitigate the downside.

  • Acsvf
    Probably, but the question is: Do you have spell power cure?
    Lightarray Level 50 Dunmer Magicka Templar Healer

    CP: 192

    Add @Acsvf when quoting me to give me a notification!
  • Lightspeedflashb14_ESO
    That is really low spell damage, the guy that said dont worry about spell damage is wrong, the bigger your heals are the less you have to heal, so you need to pump spell damage up, at vr12 you ought to have like 1600 to 1800 spell damage, regen doesn't matter as much for a healer as you can always heavy attack to get mana back, plus you get major mending(+25% to your heals for 3 secs) now on completing one of those.

    So the best for your level, crafted, is 5 krags with 3 tourags with prolly soulshine jewels, it is cheap at the guild stores, till you get willpower. I run around 1k regen on my temp and have healed all content in the game. My mutagen hits for 3.7k crits, with healing Ritual down it is 25% more.

    Engine guardian is a terrible set for a healer.

    So a target for you to hit is at least 35k mana 1k regen with 2.5k spell damage at vr16. With at least 50% crit.
    Edited by Lightspeedflashb14_ESO on March 30, 2016 3:18AM
  • failkiwib16_ESO
    Currently the best healing set is Spell Power Cure, but since you aren't v16 yet don't bother with farming it.

    The current best alternative is:
    • 5 pieces Julianos
    • 1 piece Molag Kena
    • 2-3 pieces Torugs Pact (including weapons)
    • 3 Willpower jewelry
    5 light, 1 heavy, 1 medium for the undaunted mettle passive.
    Head, chest and legs with Infused trait - the rest Divines.
    The Thief mundus stone - but if you struggle with resource control then switch it for The Atronach. If you still struggle, then change the 5 pieces of Julianos for 5 pieces of Kagrenacs Hope.

    For normal pledges and veteran dungeons put 10 attributes into health, the rest into magicka.
    If you decide to farm vWGT for Spell Power Cure set, then put all attributes into magicka.

    With this build you will have to rely a little on casting Siphon Spirit (on bosses) and Rapid Regeneration, so don't spam Breath of Life when it is not needed - you will run out of magicka fast if you do. Your hots will be stronger than with a regen build, and all your resource management skills such as Mystic Orb will be much stronger.

    Btw. if you decide to farm vWGT, then do it. If your team is not good enough to make full runs, then just farm the first boss for Daedric Embers.
    Edited by failkiwib16_ESO on March 30, 2016 3:53AM
  • Excelsiore
    Healer Sets and Weapons:

    5 x Spellpowercure (MUST HAVE)
    3 x Willpower
    2 x Torugs (Staff's and 1 Armor piece)
    1 x Kena (Mid. Armor / Heavy Armor)

    1 x Torugs Healstaff in precise
    1 x Torugs Firestaff sharpent, nirn

    Mundus: the thief
    Excelsiore (Templar Heal), Raidguild: Unchained Animals
    World First Veteran Maw of Lorkhaj Hard Mode clear
    World First Sanctum Hardmode Clear (Dark Brotherhood)
    World First AA Hardmode Clear (Shadows of the Hist)
    World First Hel Ra Hardmode Clear (Shadows of the Hist)
  • Serpace
    @Excelsiore Why the fire staff?
    @Lightspeedflashb14_ESO I tried 5 Julianos + 3 Torug's Pact with Soulshine jewelry.
    When scaled to V16 i get a little over 2000 spell power, 1450 regen, 45% Crit and 30k Magicka.
    All this is with Atronach mundus stone. I will switch to Theif/Mage as i get more comfortable with not using Breath of Life as much. But over my heals have improved as rapid regen allows me to spam heavy attacks more to help with sustain.
    Edited by Serpace on March 30, 2016 9:38AM
  • Shaiba

    I'm playing a v16 healer and I've done all the endgame content with this char. I'll talk only about PvE purposes. If you need advices about PvP, i'll add these later.

    Gear for healers :
    Crafted : Julianos, Kagrenac, Torug
    Loot/Chest : Spell Power Cure, Willpower, Molag Kena
    The best thing to do at your lvl is to follow @Lightspeedflashb14_ESO 's advices. At v16 try to get Spell Power Cure and Willpower accessories.
    I wouldn't go 7 light, i'd prefer the extra stats from the undaunted passives (im playing with 5 light/1 med/1 Heavy) for better healings/dps and a little more survivability. +you won't be so squishy. But it's all a matter of preferences. You won't lose much if you go 5L/1M/1H in comparison to what you gain. It's all about optimization. If you're not looking for optimization, 7L would do the job anyway.

    1k7 regen is a lot, you don't need that much (i have 985 atm). 1k3 spell power is kinda low for your lvl. At v16 your stats should be at least (it's easy to get those stats):
    ~900/1k regen magicka (you won't need more) - ~2k3/2k4 spell power (unbuffed) - ~40k magicka (with food buff)- ~18k HP (with food buff) - more than 50% mag crit (unbuffed)(really easy to get with the thief mundus stone)

    About the skills :
    The only skills you'll really need for Healing are Rapid regen/mutagen + BoL + Purifying ritual/extended ritual. Rest of your skills will be for support/dps purposes. Quick siphon is bad for healing, if you want to support your teammates (and if they're magicka) go for Siphon Spirit. Channeled Focus isn't that bad, but I haven't the use of it (i don't get hit and i don't need the extra mana from this skill), i only use it in some trials. You can try to play without it maybe it will work for you too. I hate Lingering Ritual, too long to cast, really you can put better skills instead of this one. Shards/Repentance are great skills (shards does great AoE dmg, gives stamina back/repentance gives health and stamina back), your stamina tank/dds will appreciate those. Practice Incantation is the worst ulti of the game. If you want damage mitigation go for Solar Prison, if you don't need damage mitigation go for aggressive warhorn. Radiant Oppression is a great skill too, does great damage. Inner Light is a great skill too (5% max magicka and 10% critical). You're right about structured enthropy it's a great skill to have, cause more spell power means more healing power.

    @Canadianeh71 You're completely wrong. It isn't optimal for endgame purposes. The spell power is a very important stat for a healer, the more you have the better are your healing skills. You won't need that much magicka regen. Don't use spell cost reduction glyphs, you'll lose too much, just use Spell Damage glyphs on your future v16 accessories.

    @Acsvf Engine Guardian is bad for PvE Healers. The only monster set that is good for PvE Healers is one piece of Molag Kena. But for PvP purposes, Engine Guardian is kinda good :) At v16 Willpower Accessories > v14 Healer's Habit accessories.
    I play all Healers in endgame content but my main is my Khajiit Nightblade.
    My Youtube Channel
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    PC EU Daggerfall Covenant
  • Serpace
    Thanks for the detailed reply. It helped a lot :smile:

    I was wondering, until i unlock the undaunted passives, should i go 7 light or 5 light/2 heavy?
    Edited by Serpace on March 30, 2016 10:50AM
  • Shaiba
    Until you unlock it, go 7 lights. That's what I did on my rerolls.
    I play all Healers in endgame content but my main is my Khajiit Nightblade.
    My Youtube Channel
    My Twitch Channel
    PC EU Daggerfall Covenant
  • Excelsiore

    Firestaff for Elemental Drain, and Flamewall.

    Don't go 7x light!
    5 x light, 1 Heavy, 1 Mid. Armor
    Excelsiore (Templar Heal), Raidguild: Unchained Animals
    World First Veteran Maw of Lorkhaj Hard Mode clear
    World First Sanctum Hardmode Clear (Dark Brotherhood)
    World First AA Hardmode Clear (Shadows of the Hist)
    World First Hel Ra Hardmode Clear (Shadows of the Hist)
  • Refuse2GrowUp
    My healer is set-up more as a Trials healer.

    5 pc Spell Power Cure (Kagrenacs or Julianos are both suitable until you collect up SPC)
    3 pc Willpower w/ Sp Dmg glyphs
    Kena Shoulder (helm would work; simply 1 pc Kena)
    Torogs Helm (see same note about Kena shoulders)
    Torogs Resto Staff w/ precise (you want the crits)
    Torogs Destro Staff w/ precise

    Note 1: Maelstrom Staffs are definitely better than Torogs, but I don't have then yet. If you have Maelstrom Staffs, then swap the Torogs helm for your choice of monster helm that gives 1pc health.
    Note 2: I have not yet tried Twilights Rememdy but it may be great combined with SPC. And with Worm Cult now scaled and coming with jewelry and wpns, it may be viable to combine Worm Cult and SPC, though I think it would be better for the Tank to wear the Worm Cult.


    Front bar (Resto): Combat Prayer, Blazing Shards, Healing Springs/BoL, Repentance, Inner Light, and Nova
    Back Bar (Destro): Elemental Drain, Siphon Spirit, Purifying Light, Rune Focus, Channeled Focus, Purifying Ritual, and Aggressive Warhorn

    Just remember, a good healer can keep everyone alive. A great healer will keep everyone alive, provide superior utility, and buff the groups dmg. I find lot's of healers that worry about their dmg and want to DW and try to DPS. That is fine for most dungeons. That is not your job in trials.

    About the skill selection:
    * Combat Prayer is a cone aoe heal and buffs dmg by 8%
    * Blazing Shards over Luminous because there are better ways to help with magicka sustain and Blazing's stun is an effective interrupt. Keep Shards on bosses and large adds at all times. It is a great DoT and ensures shards are there if the tank needs or DPS needs them.
    * Healing Springs. We stack in most trials so Healing Springs is a great and cheap heal. Plus, with Purifying Ritual providing Major Mending, it is a pretty powerful heal. Can cast HS forever and never run out of magicka.
    * Repentance is amazing utility. It is a free heal in mobs, plus massive stam boost. Not too mention, it is extra regen for you, therefore I keep it front bar.
    * Inner Light. No explanation needed...crit and extra magicka
    * Nova. I use this for big add pulls as wide AoE DoT and as because it reduces mobs dmg by 30%. Meteor is an exceptable alternative if you only slot it for Mage Guild passives; don't cast it as dmg is not your job most of the time.
    * Elemental Drain. This is usually over looked by healers and it forces one or multiple DPS to run it. The teams DPS should have a AoE skills slotted vice Ele Drain. This is why good healers have Destro vice DW. Elemental Drain goes a very long way towards keeping Mag DKs and Mag Sorcs pumping out massive DPS and not worrying about sustain.
    * Siphon Spirit is a sustain skill for your magicka compadres. 1% magicka return on every attack, plus a small heal.
    * Purifying Light is a great way to buff your teams DPS. Plus it has two fringe benefits: 1) it procs your Illuminate passive, thus buffing the team's dmg. 2) It leaves a HoT on the ground, making your job as a healer easier, and helping proc Spell Power Cure. Recast Purifying Light every time it expires.
    * Rune Focus. You will be casting a LOT of spells. Your rune is pivotal for your sustain.
    * Purifying Ritual. The heal on this isn't great. We largely use it because it is a medium duration, very wide area HoT...it helps keep SPC proc'd and, most importantly, it makes your heals 25% (Major Mending) more powerful.
    * Aggressive Warhorn. You, the other healer, and the Tank will keep Warhorn in a constant rotation to buff the teams DPS. It is a MASSIVE boost.

    Now, because there will be two healers in most Trials groups, you do have some flexibility. The two of you should work the following out:
    * One of you should definitely be running Mutagen (preferably the one who has a Maelstrom Resto Staff).
    * Only one of you needs to run Elemental Drain. The other can DW for slightly more powerful heals.
    * Only one of you needs to run Siphon Spirit. The other should ideally run Orbs.
    * If the group has good synergy, you can have only one healer running Combat Prayer; the other can slot an extra heal.
    * Some Trials groups like for a healer to run Propelling Shield (Siege Shield) for the skills range increase. It is an expensive skill. The healer with better sustain should have this responsibility.

    Hope this helps~
    PS4 NA Server

    CP160 DK Firemage
    CP160 StamSorc
    CP160 Templar Healer
    CP160 Stam NB
    CP160 Magica Sorc
    Cp160 Stamplar
    CP160 Magicka NB
    CP160 DK Tank
    CP160 Stam DK
    CP160 Mag Templar
    CP160 Blazing Shield Templar

    EP Loyalist
  • BurningLance
    My healer is set-up more as a Trials healer.

    5 pc Spell Power Cure (Kagrenacs or Julianos are both suitable until you collect up SPC)
    3 pc Willpower w/ Sp Dmg glyphs
    Kena Shoulder (helm would work; simply 1 pc Kena)
    Torogs Helm (see same note about Kena shoulders)
    Torogs Resto Staff w/ precise (you want the crits)
    Torogs Destro Staff w/ precise

    Note 1: Maelstrom Staffs are definitely better than Torogs, but I don't have then yet. If you have Maelstrom Staffs, then swap the Torogs helm for your choice of monster helm that gives 1pc health.
    Note 2: I have not yet tried Twilights Rememdy but it may be great combined with SPC. And with Worm Cult now scaled and coming with jewelry and wpns, it may be viable to combine Worm Cult and SPC, though I think it would be better for the Tank to wear the Worm Cult.


    Front bar (Resto): Combat Prayer, Blazing Shards, Healing Springs/BoL, Repentance, Inner Light, and Nova
    Back Bar (Destro): Elemental Drain, Siphon Spirit, Purifying Light, Rune Focus, Channeled Focus, Purifying Ritual, and Aggressive Warhorn

    Just remember, a good healer can keep everyone alive. A great healer will keep everyone alive, provide superior utility, and buff the groups dmg. I find lot's of healers that worry about their dmg and want to DW and try to DPS. That is fine for most dungeons. That is not your job in trials.

    About the skill selection:
    * Combat Prayer is a cone aoe heal and buffs dmg by 8%
    * Blazing Shards over Luminous because there are better ways to help with magicka sustain and Blazing's stun is an effective interrupt. Keep Shards on bosses and large adds at all times. It is a great DoT and ensures shards are there if the tank needs or DPS needs them.
    * Healing Springs. We stack in most trials so Healing Springs is a great and cheap heal. Plus, with Purifying Ritual providing Major Mending, it is a pretty powerful heal. Can cast HS forever and never run out of magicka.
    * Repentance is amazing utility. It is a free heal in mobs, plus massive stam boost. Not too mention, it is extra regen for you, therefore I keep it front bar.
    * Inner Light. No explanation needed...crit and extra magicka
    * Nova. I use this for big add pulls as wide AoE DoT and as because it reduces mobs dmg by 30%. Meteor is an exceptable alternative if you only slot it for Mage Guild passives; don't cast it as dmg is not your job most of the time.
    * Elemental Drain. This is usually over looked by healers and it forces one or multiple DPS to run it. The teams DPS should have a AoE skills slotted vice Ele Drain. This is why good healers have Destro vice DW. Elemental Drain goes a very long way towards keeping Mag DKs and Mag Sorcs pumping out massive DPS and not worrying about sustain.
    * Siphon Spirit is a sustain skill for your magicka compadres. 1% magicka return on every attack, plus a small heal.
    * Purifying Light is a great way to buff your teams DPS. Plus it has two fringe benefits: 1) it procs your Illuminate passive, thus buffing the team's dmg. 2) It leaves a HoT on the ground, making your job as a healer easier, and helping proc Spell Power Cure. Recast Purifying Light every time it expires.
    * Rune Focus. You will be casting a LOT of spells. Your rune is pivotal for your sustain.
    * Purifying Ritual. The heal on this isn't great. We largely use it because it is a medium duration, very wide area HoT...it helps keep SPC proc'd and, most importantly, it makes your heals 25% (Major Mending) more powerful.
    * Aggressive Warhorn. You, the other healer, and the Tank will keep Warhorn in a constant rotation to buff the teams DPS. It is a MASSIVE boost.

    Now, because there will be two healers in most Trials groups, you do have some flexibility. The two of you should work the following out:
    * One of you should definitely be running Mutagen (preferably the one who has a Maelstrom Resto Staff).
    * Only one of you needs to run Elemental Drain. The other can DW for slightly more powerful heals.
    * Only one of you needs to run Siphon Spirit. The other should ideally run Orbs.
    * If the group has good synergy, you can have only one healer running Combat Prayer; the other can slot an extra heal.
    * Some Trials groups like for a healer to run Propelling Shield (Siege Shield) for the skills range increase. It is an expensive skill. The healer with better sustain should have this responsibility.

    Hope this helps~

    nice tho i see one error in it.

    Siphon Spirit is an Resto Staff skill so it doesnt work on a Destro Staff tho i guess you could swap swap the placement for Blazing Shards and Siphon Spirit.

    i may use the skills on my healer as well.
    Go beyond the impossible and kick reason to the curb!

  • Refuse2GrowUp
    My healer is set-up more as a Trials healer.

    5 pc Spell Power Cure (Kagrenacs or Julianos are both suitable until you collect up SPC)
    3 pc Willpower w/ Sp Dmg glyphs
    Kena Shoulder (helm would work; simply 1 pc Kena)
    Torogs Helm (see same note about Kena shoulders)
    Torogs Resto Staff w/ precise (you want the crits)
    Torogs Destro Staff w/ precise

    Note 1: Maelstrom Staffs are definitely better than Torogs, but I don't have then yet. If you have Maelstrom Staffs, then swap the Torogs helm for your choice of monster helm that gives 1pc health.
    Note 2: I have not yet tried Twilights Rememdy but it may be great combined with SPC. And with Worm Cult now scaled and coming with jewelry and wpns, it may be viable to combine Worm Cult and SPC, though I think it would be better for the Tank to wear the Worm Cult.


    Front bar (Resto): Combat Prayer, Blazing Shards, Healing Springs/BoL, Repentance, Inner Light, and Nova
    Back Bar (Destro): Elemental Drain, Siphon Spirit, Purifying Light, Rune Focus, Channeled Focus, Purifying Ritual, and Aggressive Warhorn

    Just remember, a good healer can keep everyone alive. A great healer will keep everyone alive, provide superior utility, and buff the groups dmg. I find lot's of healers that worry about their dmg and want to DW and try to DPS. That is fine for most dungeons. That is not your job in trials.

    About the skill selection:
    * Combat Prayer is a cone aoe heal and buffs dmg by 8%
    * Blazing Shards over Luminous because there are better ways to help with magicka sustain and Blazing's stun is an effective interrupt. Keep Shards on bosses and large adds at all times. It is a great DoT and ensures shards are there if the tank needs or DPS needs them.
    * Healing Springs. We stack in most trials so Healing Springs is a great and cheap heal. Plus, with Purifying Ritual providing Major Mending, it is a pretty powerful heal. Can cast HS forever and never run out of magicka.
    * Repentance is amazing utility. It is a free heal in mobs, plus massive stam boost. Not too mention, it is extra regen for you, therefore I keep it front bar.
    * Inner Light. No explanation needed...crit and extra magicka
    * Nova. I use this for big add pulls as wide AoE DoT and as because it reduces mobs dmg by 30%. Meteor is an exceptable alternative if you only slot it for Mage Guild passives; don't cast it as dmg is not your job most of the time.
    * Elemental Drain. This is usually over looked by healers and it forces one or multiple DPS to run it. The teams DPS should have a AoE skills slotted vice Ele Drain. This is why good healers have Destro vice DW. Elemental Drain goes a very long way towards keeping Mag DKs and Mag Sorcs pumping out massive DPS and not worrying about sustain.
    * Siphon Spirit is a sustain skill for your magicka compadres. 1% magicka return on every attack, plus a small heal.
    * Purifying Light is a great way to buff your teams DPS. Plus it has two fringe benefits: 1) it procs your Illuminate passive, thus buffing the team's dmg. 2) It leaves a HoT on the ground, making your job as a healer easier, and helping proc Spell Power Cure. Recast Purifying Light every time it expires.
    * Rune Focus. You will be casting a LOT of spells. Your rune is pivotal for your sustain.
    * Purifying Ritual. The heal on this isn't great. We largely use it because it is a medium duration, very wide area HoT...it helps keep SPC proc'd and, most importantly, it makes your heals 25% (Major Mending) more powerful.
    * Aggressive Warhorn. You, the other healer, and the Tank will keep Warhorn in a constant rotation to buff the teams DPS. It is a MASSIVE boost.

    Now, because there will be two healers in most Trials groups, you do have some flexibility. The two of you should work the following out:
    * One of you should definitely be running Mutagen (preferably the one who has a Maelstrom Resto Staff).
    * Only one of you needs to run Elemental Drain. The other can DW for slightly more powerful heals.
    * Only one of you needs to run Siphon Spirit. The other should ideally run Orbs.
    * If the group has good synergy, you can have only one healer running Combat Prayer; the other can slot an extra heal.
    * Some Trials groups like for a healer to run Propelling Shield (Siege Shield) for the skills range increase. It is an expensive skill. The healer with better sustain should have this responsibility.

    Hope this helps~

    nice tho i see one error in it.

    Siphon Spirit is an Resto Staff skill so it doesnt work on a Destro Staff tho i guess you could swap swap the placement for Blazing Shards and Siphon Spirit.

    i may use the skills on my healer as well.

    Lol, I was trying to go off memory. Wasn't sitting in front of the game. Yes, I would highly advise keeping Resto Skills on your Resto bar :p
    PS4 NA Server

    CP160 DK Firemage
    CP160 StamSorc
    CP160 Templar Healer
    CP160 Stam NB
    CP160 Magica Sorc
    Cp160 Stamplar
    CP160 Magicka NB
    CP160 DK Tank
    CP160 Stam DK
    CP160 Mag Templar
    CP160 Blazing Shield Templar

    EP Loyalist
  • Serpace
    @Refuse2GrowUp Let me just say, thanks for the great advice!

    Also why do you think mutagen is better than rapid regen? Rapid has like a 20% stronger HoT.
  • Lightspeedflashb14_ESO
    Serpace wrote: »
    @Refuse2GrowUp Let me just say, thanks for the great advice!

    Also why do you think mutagen is better than rapid regen? Rapid has like a 20% stronger HoT.

    mutagen last for 20 seconds, with a burst heal if they drop below 20% AND it removes a debuff, makes it much more valuable per cast.
    Edited by Lightspeedflashb14_ESO on March 31, 2016 4:02AM
  • Joy_Division
    Serpace wrote: »
    Hey folks!

    I am currently leveling a templar healer and it's V12. The build i am aiming for is this one: Click Here

    I currently run 5 piece magnus and 3 piece seducer (5 Light, 2 Heavy) and get around 1700 regen when scaled to V16 and nearly 1300 Spell dmg. Due to the low spell dmg i am using Entropy instead of Mystic orb.

    Someone told me i should use Kagrenac's Hope for healing and i wonder which sets should i use? (For all armor, weapons, and jewelry)

    What should be my target spell dmg, regen, and max magicka for V16 vet content like vWGT and new trial.

    Also, should i go all light armor to help with resources if i have low spell dmg (to be able to spam heals more?)

    Thanks for helping a noob ^^


    Kagrenacs and Seducer are both good healer sets. I like Seducer because it is the best sustain set which allows you to load up with spell damage pretty much everywhere else (e.g. jewelry glyphs). The difference isn't huge since you can always put a spell damage/regen glyph on the jewelry to reach your target values. Spellpower cure is probably the best, but it takes forever to farm. Couple them with 3 willpower jewelry. Must must must, they are way more efficient that any jewelry in the game atm. Your spellpower is low; it will get better with Willpower jewelry. My instinct is that your regen is a bit high, but I have max CPs. If you dont, you might need that 1700.

    Once you have the undaunted passives, I would go 5 heavy - 1 medium - 1 heavy.

    For you other 3/4 pieces, fill out with torgus, seducer, mara's, etc depending on what you think you'll need (regen or spell damage)

    As for your skills, drop Lingering Ritual like a bad habit. Cast time on a heal is bad. Period. I would use Radiant Destruction over Reflective light. RD is an awesome DPS skill for healers because it allows them to make a high contribution with a single skill. Especially can be critical at an execute phase when burning a boss.

    I am of the opinion that Breath of Life should be on both bars. If I am running with pro players that can do dungeons blindfolded, this is not necessary. but with content that is actually challenging, a bar swap will get people killed.

    I am also of the opinion that siphon spirit is the most inefficient skill in the game. It healing power is nil, the resource return is pointless for stamina players, bosses die too quick for it to even matter anyway, and this thing locks you into a cast-time. It is terrible. It is only necessary on Trial bosses that last for 8 minutes or what not. Orbs are more than enough to sustain your magicka DPS and actually do something in addition to returning resources.

    Healing Springs is the best healing spell in the game. I know Vet dailies can be cleared without it. But I can also ride a horse to work, but why make things unnecessarily complicated.

    My final piece of advice would not to run double restoration staff.

    I am of the opinion the other weapon-set a "healer" should run is two swords and it should be a dps bar. Even in the most difficult dungeons like ICP and WGT, I spend 80% of my time as a "healer" DPSing. ESO wasn't always like this. But that's the way the game has developed. I prefer puncturing sweep as my main DPS skill over Dark Flare because DF has a cast time (something I think healers should avoid) and Sweeps is AOE. If I need range, I just use Radiant Destruction.

    I know a lot of healers advocate using mage light, but I prefer versatility. DPS can get away with using only 3 skills or what not because their job is just damage and stay out of red circles. Healers are typically asked to heal, DPS, and provide resources. You need more skills than they do.
  • Beruge
    How has combat physician not been mentioned? As a healer this is the only one i would swap out my julianos with.
    My youtube channel: Beruge Casualgaming
  • Serpace

    Based on my experience with random groups who aren't always good at doing runs and your advice i created this build, have a look. > CLICK HERE <

    If its a group that actually listens and knows what they are doing, i can drop Breath of Life from one (or both) bar. Also i could replace Mystic Orb with combat prayer, what do you think?

    Currently i have like 2k spell damage (with staff), 21k health, 32k magicka and 1500 regen (while scaled to v16).

    Thanks for your input ^^

    @Beruge That set does look great to help with survivability but wouldn't increasing group DPS be more important than a shield that would get used very fast? If spellpower cure doesn't stack then maybe i could have both sets and have one healer run spellpower and other run combat physician. Ideas?
    Edited by Serpace on March 31, 2016 7:03AM
  • Shaiba
    I tried Combat Physician, it's a really bad set. It could have been a good one, but it isn't. Only one person at a time can have the shield on him. In comparison to spell power cure Combat Physician sucks. And I feel really sad about it cause I wanted to use it on my NB Healer... Increasing group DPS makes boss/mobs die quicker and makes things easier. In my guild we had so much hopes about it for trials, one healer with SPC and the other one with Combat Physician, but it's really too bad to use it (especially for raids).
    ESO wasn't always like this. But that's the way the game has developed. I prefer puncturing sweep as my main DPS skill over Dark Flare because DF has a cast time (something I think healers should avoid) and Sweeps is AOE. If I need range, I just use Radiant Destruction.
    You can't stop casting puncturing sweep, you can't use a skill while you're in puncturing sweep animation. If you hate being blocked in casting time, you should avoid being blocked in a skill animation, like puncturing sweep. Though i still prefer it over Dark Flare, but new templar healers should be warned about this.

    You really don't need BoL in both bar, even in PuG. But if you have lags, run it on both bars.

    Don't use regen enchant on your accessories, you'll loose too much spell power and you won't need the extra regen anyway :/

    @Serpace your new build is way better than the old one :) Your magicka seems a bit low, but maybe it's cause of the scale thing. You can drop Mystic orb for Combat Prayer when you're not playing with magicka tank/dd, or if they don't need the extra magicka. For Trials, one of the healer must have combat prayer.
    Edited by Shaiba on March 31, 2016 8:51AM
    I play all Healers in endgame content but my main is my Khajiit Nightblade.
    My Youtube Channel
    My Twitch Channel
    PC EU Daggerfall Covenant
  • Serpace

    The low magicka is mostly due to bad enchants and me having about 21k Health. I'll get more magicka enchants when i start using undaunted passives, but so far it seems to work out quite well.

    I was able to heal Veteran CoH and got the undaunted achievement for it, which makes multiple wipes in fungal grotto surprising :l I guess a group is only as strong as the weakest link. Veteran content takes a lot of practice :sweat:
  • Lightspeedflashb14_ESO
    Shaiba wrote: »
    I tried Combat Physician, it's a really bad set. It could have been a good one, but it isn't. Only one person at a time can have the shield on him. In comparison to spell power cure Combat Physician sucks. And I feel really sad about it cause I wanted to use it on my NB Healer... Increasing group DPS makes boss/mobs die quicker and makes things easier. In my guild we had so much hopes about it for trials, one healer with SPC and the other one with Combat Physician, but it's really too bad to use it (especially for raids).
    ESO wasn't always like this. But that's the way the game has developed. I prefer puncturing sweep as my main DPS skill over Dark Flare because DF has a cast time (something I think healers should avoid) and Sweeps is AOE. If I need range, I just use Radiant Destruction.
    You can't stop casting puncturing sweep, you can't use a skill while you're in puncturing sweep animation. If you hate being blocked in casting time, you should avoid being blocked in a skill animation, like puncturing sweep. Though i still prefer it over Dark Flare, but new templar healers should be warned about this.

    You really don't need BoL in both bar, even in PuG. But if you have lags, run it on both bars.

    Don't use regen enchant on your accessories, you'll loose too much spell power and you won't need the extra regen anyway :/

    @Serpace your new build is way better than the old one :) Your magicka seems a bit low, but maybe it's cause of the scale thing. You can drop Mystic orb for Combat Prayer when you're not playing with magicka tank/dd, or if they don't need the extra magicka. For Trials, one of the healer must have combat prayer.

    i would drop springs for that, mutagen is more than enough for a hot, with breath as the oh sh*t button, springs is a waste on a temp. unless you are doing trails. i agree with everything else, mystic orb is too good for mana regen, i have see over 1k return for the 10 seconds for everyone in the blast zone. and i have had the orbs hit for 20k when i used them while i dpsing, so there is that too

    also, try to work Purifying light into your rotation as healer, that extra 5% spell damage for everyone in your group is too good to pass up and the skill is instant cast so it fits into you not using channel skills recommendation.

    this is what i use http://eso-skills.com/skill?z=54XqVkU_@cI0sxf%DSgbQPE@DIORW8i
    Edited by Lightspeedflashb14_ESO on March 31, 2016 10:47AM
  • puffy99
    It helps if you find a space for Harness Magicka since it is one of the best defensive skills in the game and also returns regen.
    It will prevent you from getting one shotted and a dead healer can't heal.

    Healing Springs I think is a must, for all Vet stuff, Trials maybe you run something else.
    Pop Harness, Set your focus, P Light, then DPS away with Shards and or start a few H Springs.
    Pretty simple, if you have a lot of movement H Magicka will keep you alive in a suboptimal group and with good regen you can contribute to the DPS/BoL moments. If you have no regen you wont.

    In a high DPS group you can pretty much go get coffee and pop a springs or two and then execute when it comes your time.
    That type of group it doesn't matter.

    I am going to try Monster Set Skoria, 4 Jul, 4 seducer and Willpower and see if all the HoT's us Temps put out will get Skoria to proc a bit more post TG.
    Edited by puffy99 on March 31, 2016 1:37PM
  • Joy_Division
    @Serpace -

    In general, I do not like changing my bars. I think it best to find something that works well, you know instinctively, and don't mess up your muscle memory. I do occasionally slot a skill like harness magicka or purifying light depending on a specific boss fight (or if another templar keeps using Repentance). What you have for you "PuG" bar looks fine to me ... and it should since 9 of your 10 skills are the ones I use :wink:

    The BoL of both bars philosophy is similar to the hardened ward on the front bar argument for sorcerers. Those who count on a bar swap to cast their most important skill is going to die (or cause the death of someone else) more often than those who always have access to the skill in competitive situations. That's the way it is. It's not "wrong" to use a 10th skill. It's just not as safe or reliable.

    Just to clear a few things floating in this thread about puncturing sweep.

    You will see a lot of PvP players complaining about Radiant Destruction, but puncturing sweeps is *by far* the best templar skill and it's not even close. Using puncturing sweeps, I can tank, heal, and DPS - all at the same time - most veteran dungeons, i.e. do your pledges with 3 DPS and 1 templar tank/healer. Back in the day when Dragonstar Arena was a thing, no skill was as impactful on high scores as a puncturing sweep "healing" templar. Maybe it's the lag in PvP, I dunno, but skills with actual cast time (e.g. dark flare) are not as fluid or quick to stop whereas the a channel like sweeps responds instantly to attempts to cancel it. I would not use this skill if I were healing Trials as those raids typically require a more specialized support build, but there is a reason why templars who "grind" content and take on 20+ mobs at the same time use this skill.

    As for Combat Physician, that even a bigger pain to grind than Spell Power Cure. I wouldn't worry about it as something better will come along long before you get 5 pieces of it.
  • USMCAggie0351
    I'm going 4 piece Transmutation, 1 piece Molag Kena, 5 piece Kag's, 2 Julianos weapons, and if I every get it, Maelstrom resto staff. Either the Thief or the Ritual mundus stones. If I can farm for it and get it, I'll swap Spell Power Cure for Kag's. 59 points into magicka, 5 into health, 4 max magicka armor glyphs and 3 max health. What are people's thoughts on this set up?
  • Lightspeedflashb14_ESO
    I'm going 4 piece Transmutation, 1 piece Molag Kena, 5 piece Kag's, 2 Julianos weapons, and if I every get it, Maelstrom resto staff. Either the Thief or the Ritual mundus stones. If I can farm for it and get it, I'll swap Spell Power Cure for Kag's. 59 points into magicka, 5 into health, 4 max magicka armor glyphs and 3 max health. What are people's thoughts on this set up?

    too much health, aim for around 18k. no reason to put any health into the attributes. and no reason to put health glyph on the armor, find some jewelry that has health. best armor for a healer is SPC and worm cult right now, but if you can't get those, use willpower jewelry with spell damage enchants(maybe 1 or 2 recovery if you feel you need it), 1 kena, 2 torag pack and either 5 Julianos or krags depending on your comfort level with health and mana recovery. aim for 35k mana, 18k health (use blue mana and health food) and about 2.5k spell damage unbuffed. Thief is the best mundas for dps and healers as well. you want at least 50% crit, without the mundas with the mundas it is up to around 60ish%, also around 1k mana regen is enough for healers, no reason to have more, give up too much spell damage or max mana to get more.
    Edited by Lightspeedflashb14_ESO on April 18, 2016 5:31AM
  • Flameheart
    My healer is set-up more as a Trials healer.

    5 pc Spell Power Cure (Kagrenacs or Julianos are both suitable until you collect up SPC)
    3 pc Willpower w/ Sp Dmg glyphs
    Kena Shoulder (helm would work; simply 1 pc Kena)
    Torogs Helm (see same note about Kena shoulders)
    Torogs Resto Staff w/ precise (you want the crits)
    Torogs Destro Staff w/ precise

    Note 1: Maelstrom Staffs are definitely better than Torogs, but I don't have then yet. If you have Maelstrom Staffs, then swap the Torogs helm for your choice of monster helm that gives 1pc health.
    Note 2: I have not yet tried Twilights Rememdy but it may be great combined with SPC. And with Worm Cult now scaled and coming with jewelry and wpns, it may be viable to combine Worm Cult and SPC, though I think it would be better for the Tank to wear the Worm Cult.


    Front bar (Resto): Combat Prayer, Blazing Shards, Healing Springs/BoL, Repentance, Inner Light, and Nova
    Back Bar (Destro): Elemental Drain, Siphon Spirit, Purifying Light, Rune Focus, Channeled Focus, Purifying Ritual, and Aggressive Warhorn

    Just remember, a good healer can keep everyone alive. A great healer will keep everyone alive, provide superior utility, and buff the groups dmg. I find lot's of healers that worry about their dmg and want to DW and try to DPS. That is fine for most dungeons. That is not your job in trials.

    About the skill selection:
    * Combat Prayer is a cone aoe heal and buffs dmg by 8%
    * Blazing Shards over Luminous because there are better ways to help with magicka sustain and Blazing's stun is an effective interrupt. Keep Shards on bosses and large adds at all times. It is a great DoT and ensures shards are there if the tank needs or DPS needs them.
    * Healing Springs. We stack in most trials so Healing Springs is a great and cheap heal. Plus, with Purifying Ritual providing Major Mending, it is a pretty powerful heal. Can cast HS forever and never run out of magicka.
    * Repentance is amazing utility. It is a free heal in mobs, plus massive stam boost. Not too mention, it is extra regen for you, therefore I keep it front bar.
    * Inner Light. No explanation needed...crit and extra magicka
    * Nova. I use this for big add pulls as wide AoE DoT and as because it reduces mobs dmg by 30%. Meteor is an exceptable alternative if you only slot it for Mage Guild passives; don't cast it as dmg is not your job most of the time.
    * Elemental Drain. This is usually over looked by healers and it forces one or multiple DPS to run it. The teams DPS should have a AoE skills slotted vice Ele Drain. This is why good healers have Destro vice DW. Elemental Drain goes a very long way towards keeping Mag DKs and Mag Sorcs pumping out massive DPS and not worrying about sustain.
    * Siphon Spirit is a sustain skill for your magicka compadres. 1% magicka return on every attack, plus a small heal.
    * Purifying Light is a great way to buff your teams DPS. Plus it has two fringe benefits: 1) it procs your Illuminate passive, thus buffing the team's dmg. 2) It leaves a HoT on the ground, making your job as a healer easier, and helping proc Spell Power Cure. Recast Purifying Light every time it expires.
    * Rune Focus. You will be casting a LOT of spells. Your rune is pivotal for your sustain.
    * Purifying Ritual. The heal on this isn't great. We largely use it because it is a medium duration, very wide area HoT...it helps keep SPC proc'd and, most importantly, it makes your heals 25% (Major Mending) more powerful.
    * Aggressive Warhorn. You, the other healer, and the Tank will keep Warhorn in a constant rotation to buff the teams DPS. It is a MASSIVE boost.

    Now, because there will be two healers in most Trials groups, you do have some flexibility. The two of you should work the following out:
    * One of you should definitely be running Mutagen (preferably the one who has a Maelstrom Resto Staff).
    * Only one of you needs to run Elemental Drain. The other can DW for slightly more powerful heals.
    * Only one of you needs to run Siphon Spirit. The other should ideally run Orbs.
    * If the group has good synergy, you can have only one healer running Combat Prayer; the other can slot an extra heal.
    * Some Trials groups like for a healer to run Propelling Shield (Siege Shield) for the skills range increase. It is an expensive skill. The healer with better sustain should have this responsibility.

    Hope this helps~

    Really nice summary. Especially I like the statement concerning Elemental Drain. My guess is that a magicka DK won't even function properly right now in end game content (The Maw) without that buff applied. The best is...you are even able to apply it quickly to several mobs.

    As the groups I (mainly PvEer) usually run with have magicka build DDs in 98% of all cases, I use Aura instead of Repentance.

    Otherwise a templar healer will experience sooner or later that skill bar setups aren't set in stone. You have to adapt to certain boss encounters :-)
    Edited by Flameheart on April 18, 2016 2:13PM
    Sometimes the prey turns and nips us... it's a small thing.

    So let the snow flakes and unicorns dance alone until they melt or vanish from existence, we will finish up with those smart enough to stay in the glowing circle of love.

    Selissi - CP 1k+ Redguard Stamina Nightblade (Ebonheart Pact)
    Silmerel - CP 1k+ Breton Magicka Templar (Ebonheart Pact)
    Sunja - CP 1k+ Dunmer Magicka Nightblade (Ebonheart Pact)
    Suldreni - CP 1k+ Dunmer Magicka Dragonknight (Ebonheart Pact)
    Sulhelka - CP 1k+ Altmer Magicka Sorcerer (Ebonheart Pact)
    Sylundine - CP 1k+ Breton Magicka Warden (Ebonheart Pact)

  • LadyNalcarya
    Speaking of crafted sets, Kagrenac is really good until you get Spell Power Cure (or if you dont have the dlc or just dont wanna farm it). Especially if you pug or occasionaly play pvp. Dat rez speed :D
    You can add 3 pieces of Magnus Gift or Seducer to the mix, and I would recommend destro/resto instead of resto-resto. I see no good reason to have 2 restos, and sometimes you might need elemental drain for your dds.
    Ulties on the build you linked are highly questionable for a healer. Healer in this game=group support, and ice comet wont help that much. Healing ulti is kinda crappy as well, you can get the same effect by spamming healing springs. Best ulties for the healer imo are Agressive war horn and Nova. The first one increases your and your teammates stats and critical damage, which normally adds more damage that you would do with your ice comet. Second one does good aoe damage and more importantly it reduces damage that your group takes, which means less oneshot and less heals required.
    Extended ritual is not really needed in dungeons, but is useful in trials. Lingering ritual is a *** spell overall and it indicates a common mistake many aspiring healers do - you dont need over 9000 different healing spells on your bar. You can heal dungeons just fine with healing springs and occasional breath of life, the rest would be support/dps skills.
    Also, why there's no blazing spears? They do great aoe damage and stun all the peasky archers/casters, AND restore stamina. And templar execute, radiant opression, is just too good to ignore.
    I would recommend you to take a look at this build, I recently returned to healing after a huge break and using something similar (well, almost similar XD). Works really great, both with newbie pugs and glass cannon 30+k dps dds. :)

    P.S. Ah, saw your update XD
    Speaking of BoL on both bars, I usually have combat prayer on one bar and breath on another, both on the same button. So even if my bar swap is not working, I can heal :)
    Edited by LadyNalcarya on April 18, 2016 12:42PM
    Dro-m'Athra Destroyer | Divayth Fyr's Coadjutor | Voice of Reason

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