Ourorboros wrote: »
This might have been a valid excuse when Customer Service was fielding lots of phone calls QQing about 'forced respec", but SURPRISE, there is no more telephone CS to be overwhelmed. Are we to believe we're forced to pay for respecs so the CS email doesn't get overwhelmed by QQ? A poll on the topic of respec was OVERWHELMING in favor. zos is just lame. They are like little kids, responding to the shiny thing in front of them instead of adults able to look at the bigger picture and make decisions with a plan.
Did anyone complain when they offered respecs for one gold?
Vicente Valtiere, Dark Brotherhood, OblivionSpill some blood for me dear brother
Gothlander wrote: »
For new players, one of your goals should be to make as much gold as you can while lvling up. It is easy to make gold in this game.