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Hi all, completely new to the game. I started about 4 days ago as an Orc Templar, I didn't really read any of the racial stuff as I was keen to play (stupidly) I'm currently level 29 with all my attribute points in Magicka. I haven't really tried PVP but in PVE I seem to get slaughtered, I mean I don't always die I can stand my ground but 99% of the time I run out of magicka almost instantly and I just take so much damage its hard to heal through it, then I see other classes just come by and *** *** up. I'm wearing light armor and was wondering if anyone had any proved ideas for me to respec with, even if I have to try and get heavy armor or reset my attribute points?

The crafting has also puzzled me, do I craft stuff then have to enchant it to get any stats at all from it? I'm completely new and didn't play any elder scrolls.
  • Obliterate
    Also, how long does it take to get from 30-50 and V1 to V16 (roughly)
  • mertusta
    If you going to play an Orc, focus on Stamina not Magicka. Orc has nice stamina racial passives. Use two hand, bow and morph your puncturing strike to biting jabs. Stamplars are pretty great if you know how to play. As an armor prefer medium. All stamina. Use your skills do not just swing light attacks, when I wander around low level maps almost whole newcomers just light attacking not using skills...

    At low levels I do not suggest you to craft items. Destroy what you found to increase your crafting skills but do not craft. Wear drop items. Because every hour you will level up, crafting items unnecessary.

    Leveling is depend on your playstyle, are you questing or grinding? If you are experienced player grinding approximately takes 1 week, to reach v16. 30-50 is easier. My advice is do your quests, explore the map.
  • puffy99
    Craft when you can or buy the warlock sets/Sun sets in game a you level every 10 levels or so.
    stay in 5 light but it would be good to level 1 med and 1 heavy as you go.
    level dual wield as you go/staff if you are magicka.
    level all crafting lines, for me I did not do alchemy or food but it could help if you want.
    channeled focus and harness magicka once you get those will give you a lot of protection, then you will have BoLife also
    30-50 maybe 8-10 hours of play time? depends on xp pots and if you are questing or PvP or normal maelstrom arena< will level you fast. If you want mage tree and this is your first character and you enjoy questing I would stick to questing.

    V1 - V16 took me about 3 weeks I think or about 2-4hours per day of play time for me, rough guess. normal M/A and XP pots is the fastest I think, but I was not doing much questing (I hate the fetch quests) and this was mainly PvP and M/A.

    Also you many consider specing to Stamina due to your race or reroll high elf or something else if Magicka.
    Not critical but may consider it. You could watch some YouTube videos on the different styles and stamins vs magicka to help decide.
    Edited by puffy99 on March 21, 2016 2:23PM
  • Obliterate
    Thanks for the fast and in depth response, it's much appreciated! Right I will reset them later when I'm on, and I'll take your advice and destroy all the armor I find and start collecting/wearing the medium armor.

    I have just been questing really but I don't read any of the quest script I just skip it all, want to just get to end levels so I can PVP. The issue at the moment is I'm trying to quest but its difficult fighting mobs because their literally dealing so much damage on me so I'm going to struggle to re-gear with medium armor, think I need to buy some basic armor from someone.

    If anyones on DC/EU/PS4 let me know please
  • Obliterate
    Thanks to you aswell puffy for your fast response. If I was to stick to magicka where would I buy these warlock sets you're talking about? I've seen a post saying that before but I have no idea where to buy them, also how much are they?
  • myrrrorb14_ESO

    With the new DLC, I'm not sure how it will work. But I assume not a huge change from before. Templars are pretty easy to solo with. All magicka while leveling up is probably not a good idea. I put 2:1 magicka to health.

    See if you can get some crafted sets. Seducer is a nice one to start with. End game you will want to go with something else like Julianos / Willpower. Make your chest piece Heavy, Legs medium, and everything else light to level up the skill lines.

    Useful skills: Purifying Ritual, Channeled Focus gives you major mending to boost your heals.

    Rapid regeneration is a nice HoT

    Puncturing Sweep is a self healing aoe. Learn to love it!

    I like Honor the dead instead of breath of life, but I'm in the minority.

    Read up on Tamriel Foundry, there is a lot of info there.

    Should be able to get 1-3 levels per day casually and maybe 1 vet levels every other day. People who are really good get to 50 in a day or two and max out a day or two later.
  • Obliterate
    Thanks man :)

    Can anyone tell me where to buy Warlock sun sets or something?
  • Spacemonkey
    Guild traders. Or just ask in chat

    Solo Templars are actually one of the better solo PvE classes. Your self heals will be efficient regardless if you go stamina OR magicka.

    Your attributes should go depending on the skills you intend to use. Since you have magicka, you should be thinking range - since you're solo this actually adds a bit of difficulty because you'll be using magicka both to damage and heal, meaning start roll-dodging and blocking more to mitigate damage. You should ONLY use BoL or HtD for emergencies (the first healing skill) as it has a huge cost for an 'okay' insta heal. People will try to hang me for sayign this, but at your level, that second channel heal (healing ritual) is actually better, especially if you're struggling to keep your magicka up. The trick is to cast your rune aura and keep it up throughout close combat fights (it lasts fairly long) and then when you need healing, roll away to create distances, and hit the channel heal, it will slow you but keep going away from the enemy. This will help a lot for you magicka management.

    The second thing you can do is to get Two Handed. And lvl it up until you get the last skill. (Rally). Its a huge heal over time based on stamina. Even if you're magicka it'll still help in resource management. Lastly, I'd advise some Heavy Armor for solo while leveling up to the vet lvls, mostly for indomnitable. (the active heavy armor skill). It gets you immune to all CC effect mob attacks and actually adds a bunch of armor.

    Solo magicka templar ; you should be thinning the herd always from way afar. You have 3 good skill in PvE for this. Javelin (28 meters + knockdown), this skill also has a stamina morph, Dark Flare (do NOT take solar barrage, its great super early in the game, not so much later) and dark flare is the hardest hitting magicka thing in the game, and Spear shards. Your strategy should be to Dark Flare as much as you can before the mobs get to you, then cast rune followed by spear shards ON YOUR LOCATION. This means enemies surviving your darkflare attack you while you are now buffed, and spear shards will further keep one mob stunned etc... Bob and weave in your rune, when in need of healing, run out of it (buff remains for a while) and heal up. Stamina skills can also be used. If your get the 2Hander, Wrecking blow is lethal and has an awesome CC and Crit charge is a great gap closer, Cleave is also great if fighting multiple enemies for the damage shield it keeps giving you.

    My primary advice would be though, if things arent working at your level, just change it up, try different things, and keep doing those quests.
  • Triumviri
    as a magika orc templar v16, myself,

    ranged is dark flare>vampires bane> puncturing sweeps>Radient Destruction>Prox Det.

  • Obliterate
    How does your character fair in PVP Triumviri?

    Thanks spacemonkey :)
    Edited by Obliterate on March 21, 2016 3:36PM
  • DHale
    You will do better as a Stam Templar all attributes into stamina quite good in fact. That said leveling is an individual thing I can level to vr 1 in four days and to vr 16 in two weeks easily or a week if I rush. I do not recommend rushing on a first toon there are too many game mechanics to learn. Go med armor five piece and level all armor so heavy chest and light belt. If you are going to stay magic just stay 7 light armor with all attributes into magic. It will be tough with a non magic race. Once you Craft armor then you have to add separate magic or stamina glyphs to it.
    Sorcerna, proud beta sorc. RIP April 2014 to May 31 2016 DArk Brotherhood. Out of retirement for negates and encases. Sorcerna will be going back into retirement to be my main crafter Fall 2018. Because an 8 k shield is f ing useless. Died because of baddies on the forum. Too much qq too little pew pew. 16 AD 2 DC. 0 EP cause they bad, CP 2300 plus 18 level 50 toons. NA, PC, Grey Host#SORCLIVESMATTER actually they don’t or they wouldn’t keep getting nerfed constantly.
  • failkiwib16_ESO
    Puncturing Sweep (morph of Puncturing Strikes).
    This spell will be your bread and butter for levelling up.

    You can level up all weapons, armor types and skills by having them slotted while you gain xp. So I recomend you to wear 5 light armor, 1 medium and 1 heavy with training trait, choose whatever weapon you wish to level up with training trait also.
    • Put magicka glyphs/ enchantment on your armor, this is very important.
    • Put all your attributes into magicka.
    • Buy a set of jewelry, if you don't have one already ...they can usually be bought from mageguild merchants, and put reduced magicka cost glyphs/enchantment on them.
    • If things go wrong in battle, cast Breath of Life (morph of Rushed Ceremony) to heal yourself.

    If possible, get a friendly guildie or friend to craft you a 5 seducer armor pieces, and provide them with the materials they need. If you don't have a friend who can do that, it's fine.. it's nice to have but not needed.
    I've been levelling up a stamplar on and off since xmas playing very casually, questing and looking in all crates and corners and book shelves along the way. Just reached level 49 and kicked molag bal yesterday. I would guess at 100 hours gameplay from level 1 to 49. Lo
  • maciopa
    I have a magicka Templar, Imperial race, and she is doing great. She is lvl 9 tough, after some time of playing (I am an altoholic so I do not focus on one char) - and I play since previous Sunday, casually just 2 - 3 hrs per day. Imperial is not meant to be a magicka race but she holds herself great! with destro staff.
  • Eiagra
    I have an Orc Templar (Magicka) as my main and first character. I'll detail what my level-up procedure was, and where I'm standing now.

    First off: Race doesn't matter that much unless you are min-maxing. Yeah, there are other classes better suited to a Templar build, but play what you like. I mean, Altmer and Breton might have bonuses to magicka offense/defense, but Orcs have a monopoly on the sexy. That said, a stamina-based Orc Templar will take better advantage of racial passives over a magicka-based one.

    Early on, I realized how crucial crafting would be, so I made certain to be able to craft the same tier of equipment that I could find resources on for the zone I was questing in. I highly recommend you do likewise. Especially when it comes to researching traits. Start early on everything, and you will find your hard work rewarded. Note: Writs are bound to passive level, not skill line level, and it's easy to max out Provisioning (Recipe Improvement) and discover you can't do the later writs (either because you can't get to Craglorn or you haven't bought the Orsinium DLC), but don't be afraid to respec to lower your crafting passives if you went too far too fast.

    For most of the game, I focused on learning all Class abilities and maxing their skill lines to 50, raising all Armor skill lines to 50 (just wear a mix of heavy/medium/light -- with Training trait if you want it to go faster), and all Weapon skill lines to 50 (even the ones I felt I would never ever use, like Bow). Of particular value will be One-Handed/Shield (for tanking), Dual-Wield (for DPS and a 5% damage boost with Twin Blade and Blunt + 2x Swords once it reaches 50), Destruction Staff (useful debuffs and spells), and Restoration Staff (complimentary heals, useful tactical spells). Heavy Attacks on Staff weapons restore Magicka, so if you're running out of resources, zap your enemy with a long attack.

    Oh, and fyi, Restoration Staff does not heal the target with Light and Heavy attacks... don't target friendly NPCs like I did on day one (also, turn on "Prevent Attacking Innocents" under Gameplay options).

    Also, for a large part of the game, I was actually running a stamina-based build. I was also partnered with my sister, a stamina-based Nightblade. My main problem with early running was that I was having trouble taking advantage of many of my class abilities (some morph to Stamina, but especially early on you are trapped in all Magicka). My sister made up the difference, but weaker heals and being trapped into a very specific set of class skill morphs made things feel painfully constricted.

    When I respecced to Magicka (somewhere around the 30-40 range I think it was), everything felt so much better, and I found myself doing a lot more damage and sustaining health/resources better. By then, the class skill morphs that required Stamina were maxed, so I never had to touch them again (though I did have to re-max the alternate morphs to Rank IV).

    On a side note, you do get an XP bonus for having a teammate, so if at all possible, find a questing buddy and go through the game content alongside them. The mobs will be easier to take down, and you'll level up faster.

    As you play, the most useful thing you can do is study the abilities from all the different skill lines. Fighters Guild and Mages Guild has some useful abilities (Magelight and Meteor, for example). It may be a hassle, but the more you can understand, invest points in, and level up abilities from every skill line, the more flexibility you will have towards the end when it comes to picking a build that suits your playstyle.

    This can create a skill point crunch, so balance what you need with what you are raising -- and don't be afraid to put it off a little while, since you get far more XP once you hit Veteran Rank areas that you can boost learning skills with. Seek out those skyshards, and do the regional quests (many reward skill points as well). Respec if you find yourself completely strangled with a lack of skill points -- it costs 50 gold per skill point, I believe.

    Where I'm at now, I'm Magicka-based (as mentioned earlier) and mostly using Puncturing Sweeps for my main attack, with Radiant Glory/Oppression for an Execute move (channel it on bosses when they're below 30% health) -- some will protest my use of Radiant Glory, and yes it does less damage, but I've been experimenting to see how well it compliments Sweeps in terms of keeping me healed when I'm running around solo and trying to execute a boss. It seems to do well enough, so I might swap between the two morphs depending on mood.

    I basically have everything maxed out, so I can swap in and out various abilities depending on the situation. I perform adequately for damage (still working on improvements there), am just tanky enough with various abilities to not worry about getting clobbered in most situations, and excel as a healer. My main weakness is PvP (I'm not competitive, and I don't gear my abilities and equipment towards what PvP demands of a player).

    That's kind of a large wall of text, but I guess it'll do for my general experiences for now. There's lots of advice you can get from lots of different players, and you'll get plenty of contrasting arguments, but make sure to take your own playstyle into account. Do what works for you. For me, what works is being a sexy orc flinging spears of light and healing folk. :)
          In verity.
  • Obliterate
    Thanks everyone, and Eiagra (I read all of it) ;p much appreciated, if anyone wants to play ingame with me PSN: Craiglf95 (EU DC)
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