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Feedback - Provisioning Writs

WARNING....... Wall of text crits you for 178809324812 points, you are no more.......

I have a Combat level 29, Provisioning level 50 toon. I have had quite a bit of trouble with writs, since the patch where writ recs were added for sale via NPC vendors.

1st off, it appears that crafting writs are contingent upon combat leveling. I can't pull a level 6 writ due to not having Vet status on this toon. However, ALL of the NPC for sale recs are at end game that include that vet level, level 6 crafting. They do me no good what-so-ever. So, I'm stuck, for the moment with fulfilling level 5 writs. #1 problem was Mammoth Snout Pie. Didn't have the rec. That ended up with a 3 day grind in Coldharbor with my V4 toon grinding boxes out of the city and the only 1 decent single player dungeon that has any amounts of containers in it. Finally got that 1, with getting about 10-15 recs per evening and passing the ones I couldn't use down to my wife so she didn't have to run into this one. Now? I pulled the 2nd writ this toon has to do and get Blue Road Marathon required. Don't have that one either. Asked in guild chat if anyone had this one for sale, again, and got the same thing I received last time, dead silence. So that set me off on another multipal day grind (I suppose, as I've just started that grind today, got about 10 so far but not the one I need). Altho, I have 2, count em, two, Mammoth Snout Pies this time around. The reasoning I'm doing writs at all is I've read here that the writ rewards include the gold recs and had no idea of that fact when I leveled the toon by, (gasp), making food/drink.

Now, I'm sure not afraid of grinds in MMOs. I ground jedi in SWG before the holo-grind. But, this is a game mechanic that is required to fulfill yet another game mechanic. IE; specific quest lines. But yet the game mechanics are just about "programmed to fail" development depending solely on drops and the loot tables for completion, loot tables that have so many items in them the drop rate surely is so low that hardly anyone is going to fulfill these requirements the 1st time thru, or even the 10th time thru. You get a bunch of time doing a 3 day grind (and yet another Sunday afterwards) which ends up showing the player all the problems associated with the mechanics. Here's what I came up with so far;

The for sale receipes for writs. ALL of the writs should of been added to the NPC vendors and not just the recs based on crafting level. Players should not be pigeon-holed into playing the game the way developers think they would play the game and leveling. Basing a crafting toon, or the recs required, on Combat leveling is also in error. I would imagine that this was due to the Vet levels being tacked on to an existing game and developers never figure out what 1 change is going to effect and cancel all the problems associated with that change. They seem to be too busy just trying to get out the change itself. That's the Producer's job, but very few actually live up to that standard. (I ran an SWGEMU server as Producer myself and developers there had all kinds of ideas, some that sounded "way cool" but after just a little bit of thought changed too much of the base game and left all kinds of problems, such as this one).

Get rid of all ties of crafting leveling to combat leveling. They are 2 separate game systems. You should not have to be Vet1 Combat to pull an in-game writ if your crafting is leveled in it's entirety. Crafting has it's own leveling. Base requirements on that and that only.

Next, is the NPC "guildvendor" system". I'm in a trade guild but no1 has the required rec up for sale and no one has the rec not even listed for sale either, that is willing to part with it. At least the people on at the time I spammed I needed and was willing to pay for it. VERY poor game design and game limiting mechanics. So, what do I do now? Drop this guild and community so I can spam "looking for guild that has "Blue Road Marathon rec" for sale as my ONLY requirement to join their guild so I can head to their vendor, buy the rec, and then drop that guild also? And the next time I get in the same position, rinse and repeat? That surely does not foster community within an MMO nor does it help the in-game economy at all, not to mention that community is what basicly keeps your players subbing after they reach end-game and have done all the themepark content. Then you have the ever luvin spam in general chat "looking for X item for sale" or "selling X item" that your database/engine has to deal with also. And in a game where you have your engine just about as taxed as the next item you program for it to do will cause crashes on top of all the lag, timed out missed key-stokes, dropped packets, hitting the same button 5 times to get the gap closer, etc etc etc, it just does not make much sense to have your engine taking care of nothing more than chat spam due to the fact you have limited the game mechanics to players who want to buy something or sell something.

Make the guild vendors open to ANY1 to look thru them and buy what they want. OK, so ZOS, or somebody at ZOS with some amount of decision making power, read Koster's paper on how the bazaar ruined the economy in SWG. I happen to not /agree with him as I was there and played his game for 8 years+. I knew Raph, in game, on the forums, and as the SOE SWG producer, still email him from time to time, but Raph didn't play his own game! Therefore, he just didn't quite make the connection why all the players wanted the bazaar to have a search feature. His idea of making people go thru countless 100 item pages to find an item, to make them go to the "neighborhood vendor" was wrong then and it's still wrong now. Much less to say what that did to the Berkly Database that SWG used. No1 wants the buying of an item to be a grind, there is plenty enough grinds in MMOs to cover that requirement without making the simplest transaction to be a large grind also.

Ok, I have tried to be as "constructive" as I can be, I didn't like it when some1 came to my forums yelling "YOU SCREWED UP!!!!!!!" without even telling me what I did-much less a way to fix it to their satisfaction, full well knowing that I most probably have days of checking boxes and running 1 single player instance, over and over and over, yet AGAIN. Fighting a loot table that has 50-100+ items in it, including lockpicks and water that have the most chance of spawning. I believe if I see 1 more of them, I'm going to have a breakdown. I think every one of my toons (8) have close to a full 200 stack of lockpicks and the provisioner has a full stack of 200, at that level water. The idea to add the crafting writs to NPC vendors was a good one but tieing the writs to vet levels does away with all the benefit of your change. And then there's the economy "feature" of sole guild vendors (see above). Sorry, but I just had to log out, get a break from the same ole, same ole, and come vent my frustrations. Hopefully ZOS will do a better job of reading and taking in "feedback" than Smedley and SOE did.
Edited by Esquire1980g_ESO on March 20, 2016 8:35PM
  • BenevolentBowd
    My understanding that the chef vendor would sell all recipes up to your recipe improvement rank. Unfortunately, I couldn't test it because the template characters on the PTS had no provisioning skill and were vets.

    If you play on the PC, there are several useful add-ons that would help you with your recipe management and improve your guild trader experience: Craftstore, souschef (not sure if updated), awesome guild store, etc.. They add icons to the UI to search for unknown recipes.

    If you haven't already done so, submit an in-game bug report / feedback.
    Megaservers: PC NA (sometimes) / EU (sometimes) Xbox NA (mostly)
    Luxury Furniture Gallery [PC/NA]: Moon-Sugar Meadow
    Website:BenevolentBowd.ca, "Shared My Notes With the World to Help Others"
    ESO Calendarmancer - Retired
  • helediron
    Make the guild vendors open to ANY1 to look thru them and buy what they want.
    Guild vendors are open to everybody to browse and buy - that's their purpose.

    I also suggest to not grind loot those recipes, but spend few days to level up to veteran. You seem to have pushed through the game and therefore stumbled to a rare bug. If you are in Coldharbour at level 29, you have skipped most of the content. I have set of crafting-only characters. They are vet1 minimum and at least 120 skill points. Then you can go to Craglorn. You probably should have also Orsinium DLC, because top tier writs then all return to Orsinium.
    On hiatus. PC,EU,AD - crafting completionist - @helediron 900+ cp, @helestor 1000+ cp, @helestar 800+ cp, @helester 700+ cp - Dragonborn Z Suomikilta, Harrods, Master Crafter. - Blog - Crafthouse: all stations, all munduses, all dummies, open to everyone
  • Esquire1980g_ESO
    helediron wrote: »
    Make the guild vendors open to ANY1 to look thru them and buy what they want.
    Guild vendors are open to everybody to browse and buy - that's their purpose.

    I also suggest to not grind loot those recipes, but spend few days to level up to veteran. You seem to have pushed through the game and therefore stumbled to a rare bug. If you are in Coldharbour at level 29, you have skipped most of the content. I have set of crafting-only characters. They are vet1 minimum and at least 120 skill points. Then you can go to Craglorn. You probably should have also Orsinium DLC, because top tier writs then all return to Orsinium.

    All I get when I open the page to a guild vendor is a blank screen. I've tried a few now, but not been a member of their guild, so I assumed that I was not getting any screens of items listed due to not being in their guild as this game was advertised in that manner. I'll look again but not sure I'll find anything different.

    It's certainly been more than a "few days" for me to level. In fact, in been a few months and not 1 toon up to V16 yet. In fact, quite a bit from it. I've seen these post of hours to level a vet level but all I've been able to do so far is a vet level in about 4-6 days so far. Doesn't help the equation when I have to stop leveling and go back to an area where little to no XP is gained to farm drops for another toon.

    I started at launch, left a month or so afterwards and just came back about 3 months or so ago, and quickly found out that leveling a combat toon without crafters was almost impossible going on just drops and the loot tables to gear that toon for combat. I was getting cloned about everywhere I went. So, this time, I took up a combat toon to 20, figured that all out again and back-burnered my purely combat toons entirely. 1 is 20 and the other is 25 (did that 1 at launch) and been that way for quite a while and I anticipate will be that way for quite a while yet.

    So I started working on crafters, hitting just enough points to still have some skills in combat to go on. My heavy armor/Enchanting toon is now V4 and has not missed any content. In fact that toon is in the combat area of Cad's silver V2 and is 2, almost 3, levels ahead of the content. (I quickly came to the impression that over leveling and doing a bit of grinding kept the cloning to a minimum also). The toon that is provisioning/alchemy made crafting levels 50 in both quite fast due to handing down materials from the V4 toon. I took this toon to 29 to have enough points to point up crafting in both, with the exception of extra time points/etc. So, I'm not farming coldharbor with a level 29 toon, I'm farming Coldharbor with a V4 toon and handing recs down (highest I've got so far). I finally got the last rec last night, 5 days of grind for 2 recs, so far. It would seem they have "rares" in the loot tables, ones that are required for writs. Not a very good design there having rares in the loot tables that are required for yet another game system (writs).

    All of that problem would be gone if they would of placed ALL of the writs required on the NPC vendors OR/AND not built a game mechanic that tied crafting levels to combat levels, to even see the recs that are needed on the NPC vendors. I read on these forums that armorers, light, medium, and heavy need to be V16 just to get mats for V16 gear/etc, so I am acting accordingly and leveling these toons (the light/med armorer/Woodworker is still on the newby Ils but with handed down items, he's in the low 30s in crafting now). But, I had no idea that I would have to combat level a provisioner/alchemy as well to V-1 status, but it appears I will be doing a boat-load of leveling before I ever get into PVP or any of the other gameing systems, raids, etc.

    Having combat leveling tied into crafting leveling may not be all that foreign to the WoW generation of MMO players as crafting was an "add-on" to builds, but it certainly is to the generation that played SWG. This game interested me due to having skill points, build freedoms, not having 8 tool bars loaded with specials that only could be used if....., and housing coming. All of it, SWG had way back on 2003. It's not a problem with me to have interdependance between combat toons needing items from crafters for leveling/etc. In fact, I'm of the accord that this is very good MMO design being an SWG player. The 1 there I have a problem with is making drops better than the crafters can make. And time to excel in a game doesn't bother me that much either. I played SWG for 8+ years. Grind is certainly not a biggee, (should of been there for the pre-CU jedi grind), either but making grind just to make grind isn't really a design that's going to keep many players for long term.
    Edited by Esquire1980g_ESO on March 21, 2016 4:43PM
  • Tarukmockto
    All I get when I open the page to a guild vendor is a blank screen. I've tried a few now, but not been a member of their guild, so I assumed that I was not getting any screens of items listed due to not being in their guild as this game was advertised in that manner. I'll look again but not sure I'll find anything different..

    You may need to click the search button or hit 'R' to get the inventory list to show up.
    NA - DC - DK - PC
  • Nestor
    All I get when I open the page to a guild vendor is a blank screen. I've tried a few now, but not been a member of their guild, so I assumed that I was not getting any screens of items listed due to not being in their guild as this game was advertised in that manner. I'll look again but not sure I'll find anything different.

    You have to choose what your looking for and hit Search. Otherwise, you see nothing when you open the trade window. If you are a member of the guild, all you see is the Guild Taberd when you first open the window before you choose what to search for. Note, if you don't put in any criteria and just hit Search, you see all that is in the store, sorted by price. Good for finding the odd bargains.

    As for Mammoth Snout, you should be able to find that in Zone 5 Chefs and Brewers. But, it won't be cheap, so look in Guild Kiosks where the price is reasonable.

    If your on PC/NA, send me an email, I can get you enough Snout Pie to choke a Clanfear to get you through the recipes search.

    Edited by Nestor on March 24, 2016 10:02PM
    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
    Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

  • Esquire1980g_ESO
    Thanks for the info. I've hit guild vendors several times since posting this and still got nothing but I'll try the R/Search/etc tonight and see if I can bring anything up.

    After another 2 day grind, I found the rec(s) I needed in coldharbor with my now V6 toon. I now know that I'll have to finish combat leveling the provisioner (level 50 crafting/level 29 combat) to V1 just to be able to get the endgame writs (tier 6). All I can get now is tier 4 writs and have no idea if these drop the "shards" of end-game recs or not.

    As far as finding tier 4 writs on the NPC vendors, at level 50 crafting, ALL the vendors show tier 6 writs, doesn't matter which area you go to, it's the crafting level the toon is at. The vendor at Davin's Watch has the same writs for sale as the vendor in The Rift. ZOS could fix that one by adding writs as you level crafting and not just the writs for the specific crafting level, ending up with every 1 of the recs for sale via the NPC vendors.

    The V6 toon is my blacksmith and I'm taking that 1 up to V16 so he can get mats needed. Have a combat toon that is clothier/Woodworking, crafting level about 40+ now, that is combat level 6, so I'm leveling toons for a long, long, time. No PVP/raids for me for quite a while.
    Edited by Esquire1980g_ESO on March 28, 2016 8:21PM
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