I just read that OP wants gold back... should you not uhm maybe ... you know have made a set in a cheaper mat & lower lvl to see what it looks like first or gone to the forums & asked?
So much lolz ...
You have people ( myself included ) who have crafted legendary pieces only to realise we didn't add traits or forgot to add a set ect.
Yet none of us have ever called for a refund because it's our mistake.
Take responsibility OP.
Learn from your mistake OR learn to love this new armour you initially thought was ugly, as it might grow on you
Yeah,too many people b-itched about women ingame having..(gasp!),..boobs!
So they nerfed the Ladies armor.
If anyone thinks this is being done for ANY reason other than cutting ZOS' work in half, you're fooling yourself.
lordrichter wrote: »
I wish more people would do that about the barrel chest effect that quite a bit of the female clothing in the Crown Store has. They crank these things out and I am not sure that they ever really look back at what they have done. They may have some technical reason for doing it (male only torso) but it just looks wrong.
It is main reason I have stopped buying Crown Store outfits.
Making stuff for both male and female characters is really, really hard. They need to crank this stuff out in bulk quantity for the Crown Store and if they have to do both male and female stuff it would just take too long.
We complained a lot about that. I still point it out every time they add a new one that has the same problem. You might have missed the threads.
BlueViolet wrote: »I fail to see what's perverted about boobs.
I'm female, and I would like to see leather / cloth armour or costumes that doesn't make my character look like she's wearing a half filled potato sack, even if it does mean that her boobs are outlined.
I think that I could stand to see that without falling into a Victorian styled faint and calling for smelling salts.