Like others have stated, I'd be down for an additional campaign if they lowered the population caps on all the campaigns by a proportional amount.
It seems like we are stuck between to bad choices. All Pop-locked campaigns, or 1 pop-locked campaign with the other campaigns all being dominated by one of the three factions with 3:1:1 bar ratios.
I agree. The CP experiment proved that vet CP is what most vet players want. It was nice before. Azuras for massive battles, Trueflame for smaller battles.
Yolokin_Swagonborn wrote: »
Nope. It didn't prove that at all. All it proved is that people are lazy and hesitant to re-gear and re-theorycraft their builds even if non-CP gameplay is much better than the ridiculous burst meta of CP.
Also, some people enjoy their advantage over newer players and are hesitant to give it up after "all that hard work earning CP" by killing goblins in crackhead cave.
We will never know if gated Imperial City Campains would have been better for PvP because you cant introduce something that takes more effort then make it optional. Not having easybutton CP points and infinite resources is much harder so a lot fewer people will voluntarily do it.
Azuras NO-CP wasn't a unbiased test. Should have disabled CP in all campains for a few weeks. INB4 muh progrezzunz.
Yolokin_Swagonborn wrote: »
Nope. It didn't prove that at all. All it proved is that people are lazy and hesitant to re-gear and re-theorycraft their builds even if non-CP gameplay is much better than the ridiculous burst meta of CP.
Also, some people enjoy their advantage over newer players and are hesitant to give it up after "all that hard work earning CP" by killing goblins in crackhead cave.
We will never know if gated Imperial City Campains would have been better for PvP because you cant introduce something that takes more effort then make it optional. Not having easybutton CP points and infinite resources is much harder so a lot fewer people will voluntarily do it.
Azuras NO-CP wasn't a unbiased test. Should have disabled CP in all campains for a few weeks. INB4 muh progrezzunz.
Joy_Division wrote: »
Normally you make a lot of sense with your posts, but this is just a biased call all to play the way you think is best for the game.
Really? Zos should have just forced us all to play the campaign you enjoy/think is best for the game and just completely ignore a core character advancement mechanic that is an integral part of the game? Just shut us out of options or what we want to do? It isn't often the developers compare favorably to the posters, but in this instance I'm glad they are calling the shots.
I'm not lazy or hesitant to re-gear or re-theorycraft. I just don't have any interest in playing a campaign under a ruleset you find appealing. Why is that so hard to believe? If anything I would do better in AZ because my builds have always emphasized sustain over raw damage.
Have you tried playing on Azura's for a significant amount of time?
Joy_Division wrote: »
Yes mom. I tried the broccoli and didn't like it.
Joy_Division wrote: »
Yes mom. I tried the broccoli and didn't like it.
I don't know what 's so hard for people in this game to understand that not everybody shares their playstyle preference. People like AZ? Great. Wonderful. But people lose me when they try to force their preference upon me or imply that my behavior is somehow wrong.
If people want to play in a CP campaign, Zenimax should accommodate them so they don't have to be 48 in queue. It's that simple.
Except that no one is trying to force anything on you...and in fact most of us here in my thread are agreeing with you that we should have another CP campaign. I merely invited everyone to try Azura's out until another CP campaign is provided. I've kept the yellow zerg pushed back with my group, and the other DC there have agreed not to aggress on EP until they gain more players. The campaign isn't so bad. No reason to be so antagonistic...
Sallington wrote: »I just think it's funny that they're trying to "fix" a problem by removing their only form of end game progression. A system that pretty everyone who knew how the game worked said was awful from the start.
I supported this over the past weekend when the lag was so bad it was un-bearable in either TF For Haderus. However, seeing as how people act during the week - a third campaign is absolutely not required.
A third campaign would only lead to an IC farming camp for another faction.
Right now, Azura's is dominated by AD, Haderus is completely red for the entire day and then goes tri color in the evening when the enemy factions actually log in and start taking scrolls from EP they crawl out of IC to come "farm AP" while defending BRK from AD and DC losing every other keep on the map. True is the only real competitive campaign as I see it.
The reality is that you would have to lower the population caps by nearly two bars to reduce the lag to reasonable levels. I say this from experience. When two groups of 14+ are in the same area you are generally OK have decent response and frame rates. When more than 20 are in the same vicinity - the game goes to essentially a "who has the lower ping will win" scenario. When we see 40+ from two factions in the same area - you are watching a slide show at 14-18 FPS and 600+ ping.
So, unless they are going to lower population caps by two bars - AND open a third campaign - there is no reason to add a third campaign just to give another faction a farming campaign for IC.
I know there are 2 bars of EP 2 bars of AD and 3 bars of DC on True basically the entire east coast day from 9:00 AM till 5:00 PM EST at which point True starts pop locking and lagging so badly at every keep fight that its really a sad joke. After 5:30 EST DC and AD start switching or loading into Haderus because they do not want the laggy zergfest of True and EP starts losing keeps / scrolls. They then "Farm AP" by stacking the entire faction into Arrius and BRK and hold on as long as they can for defense ticks.
Saying we need a third campaign only works IF the population caps get lowered to the point where each camp is essentially 2 bars of population - and this will still setup a "buff campaign" where people will farm IC and crackhead cave more than PvP until the evening crews on the east and central time zones start logging in to play the game.
Until there are two competitive campaigns Why would ZOS open a third?
I supported this over the past weekend when the lag was so bad it was un-bearable in either TF For Haderus. However, seeing as how people act during the week - a third campaign is absolutely not required.
A third campaign would only lead to an IC farming camp for another faction.
Right now, Azura's is dominated by AD, Haderus is completely red for the entire day and then goes tri color in the evening when the enemy factions actually log in and start taking scrolls from EP they crawl out of IC to come "farm AP" while defending BRK from AD and DC losing every other keep on the map. True is the only real competitive campaign as I see it.
The reality is that you would have to lower the population caps by nearly two bars to reduce the lag to reasonable levels. I say this from experience. When two groups of 14+ are in the same area you are generally OK have decent response and frame rates. When more than 20 are in the same vicinity - the game goes to essentially a "who has the lower ping will win" scenario. When we see 40+ from two factions in the same area - you are watching a slide show at 14-18 FPS and 600+ ping.
So, unless they are going to lower population caps by two bars - AND open a third campaign - there is no reason to add a third campaign just to give another faction a farming campaign for IC.
I know there are 2 bars of EP 2 bars of AD and 3 bars of DC on True basically the entire east coast day from 9:00 AM till 5:00 PM EST at which point True starts pop locking and lagging so badly at every keep fight that its really a sad joke. After 5:30 EST DC and AD start switching or loading into Haderus because they do not want the laggy zergfest of True and EP starts losing keeps / scrolls. They then "Farm AP" by stacking the entire faction into Arrius and BRK and hold on as long as they can for defense ticks.
Saying we need a third campaign only works IF the population caps get lowered to the point where each camp is essentially 2 bars of population - and this will still setup a "buff campaign" where people will farm IC and crackhead cave more than PvP until the evening crews on the east and central time zones start logging in to play the game.
Until there are two competitive campaigns Why would ZOS open a third?
heystreethawk wrote: »
...unless there's a Haderus?
EP dominated ESO 1.5. IMO, the majority of organized players switched to EP during this period. It sucked for everyone else.
During 1.6, I noticed AD and DC guilds stopped trying to directly compete against the dominant EP blobs and started to go wherever they weren't. Any campaign Havoc would settle on would quickly vacate. EP blobs then became somewhat nomadic, hopping campaign to campaign to find players to farm. That's what I recall, at least.
Since the summer of 2015, DC has been that faction. The top DC guilds have been more savvy by showing map restraint to avoid chasing opponents away. A result of this is campaign scoreboards appear closer than the fights on the ground actually are.
We need a new CP vet campaign so we can again begin the cat and mouse game of avoiding the DC blobs.