Well it's no secret at this point that the higher your DPS is the easy the game is. It has clearly been seen in PvE and PvP alike from players always ranting about how "new content is to easy" to of course gankers in PvP able to melt some one even in full heavy armor with block up and with a 50% damage reduction.
Zos knows this and if I recall talked or threw the idea out there how to balance....... let's be honest here nerf DPS and the idea they threw out their was to stop max resources from giving more damage.
Now you DPS players maybe screaming right now NO NO NO but here is a few reson on both sides why this idea is good or bad.
Good idea: Would finally allow players to actually play the support role of a tank in PVP and actually take damage (but not deal it). Would also make PvE content alot more challenging cause I liek to see how "easy" that content is when you can't deal crazy stupid amounts of damage to the NPCs. Finally would allow players to hopefully spread out there attribute points and CP to spend them more wisely cause as most know most players only pool like 2 or 3 points into health and everything else into magicka or stamina and maybe since damage wont scale off them any more would maybe give a boost to health. Would make proxy det zergs alot weaker.
Bad Idea: Would make PvE content more harder including VDSA VMSA and trials. Would make PvP harder cause gankers have alot less power. Would take away attribute points form stamina or magicka meaning you be casting less spells and or skills.
Choice is yours and maybe ZOS will consider the idea if enough players agree or just throw it away in the waste bin.
Edited by Forestd16b14_ESO on March 12, 2016 1:31AM
Max resources = max damage ?? 151 votes
Yes... Damage should no longer scale off max resources.
No... Damage should continue to scale off max resources.