gamerguy757 wrote: »Everyone I've met in Cyrodiil has around a wd of like 3000-3900. I'm lost. How....what sets would give you over 8k wd?
gamerguy757 wrote: »I'm still freaking stuck on how you're getting 5500 weapon what in the flying Zeus Almighty? And did they fix the Khajiit bugged passive Carnage?
if youre going to use warrior mundus then use stamina enchants on your chest helmet and legs and use infused rather than divines for more damage.gamerguy757 wrote: »@sirrmattus
I haven't made the build yet. But I'm building a Nightblade Bosmer. 5piece Marksman Crest, (4 armor, 1 bow), 4 piece Nightmothers (3 armor, 1 great sword for backbar), 3 Agility w/ robust and WD enchantments. All divines with Warrior mundus.
gamerguy757 wrote: »@Savage_Audacity Is there a mundus for Stamina REgen? I'm learning with my sorc that Regen matters so much in PvP. I'd rather use a all divines set with stam regen that Warrior. Is there one?
gamerguy757 wrote: »So is the build that i described good? Like that stamblade will have dual wield OR BOW. So i might switch Marskman for other pieces. My goal is WD around 3500 with 50% crit.