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· [COMPLETE] ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – March 6, 6:00AM EST (11:00 UTC) - 4:00PM EST (21:00 UTC)

Do You Want Achievements To Be Account Wide?

  • Levefre
    Seems there're two camps. Those that view achievements as being of the character, and then those that view achievements as being of the player. I belong in the latter camp.

    Having a solution where you can toggle your achievement view as being account or character based would probably be the solution, such that you can see which achievements each character has completed, but you could also see a merged account wide variation.

    I would personally prefer that all titles and rewards transferred account wide, since I view things such as PvP titles as being something achieved by the player. My perspective.

    It really bothered me in WoW where everything was tied to account and not to character. It never felt like a freshly-made character was 'new' and fresh. However the idea of having it toggled does intrigue me actually. Even seeing what each toon you have has done in one window. That's kind of cool, but I think it would please everybody if it was an optional thing. You want it Account-Wide? Turn it on. You want it Character-Wide? Turn that on instead. A one-time thing, or ask per new character? That'd be the best of both worlds I think.

    I understand where you're coming from with the PvP titles and such. I get where the other folks are coming from with their wishes for account-wide achievements as well. Choice is good and if everyone can be happy that's even better. :)

    Not sure if it will happen though. No comment from a GM yet. (Is it even GMs? Admins?)
    You are encumbered and cannot run.
  • Lord_Wrath
    Yes, make achievements account wide, please.
    Ive played the same character since launch, there is absolutely no way im putting all that time into another character. So many achievements are time wasters with luck of random chance. There is no merit in doing it all over again. I only did it for completion.
    1300+ CP | Lørd Wrath | - Sorcerer - Palatine - Grand Master Crafter - 30000 Achievement Points
    Launch Player - PC - NA - EP
  • TheShadowScout
    No, I'd rather not, due to "reasons".
    Duiwel wrote: »
    Actually your argument completely supports having ALL achievements account wide because YOU do everything
    So you are saying... that YOU, back before your computer monitor are crafting nord armor? That YOU see those titles floating above YOUR head instead of your characters?
    If so... then maybe someone should call the people with the white sneakers to come and take you away to your new apartment, the one with the rubber wallpaper, and give you an self-hug jacket... :tongue:;)
    Duiwel wrote: »
    Because while your character does do that, so do you, since you have done it why should YOU do it again if YOU have done it?
    YOU are not doing it. YOU are making YOUR CHARACTER do it. Which is the point I was trying to make when differing between -player achievements- and -character acghievements-
    Player achievements would be levelling each class to max, making crown store purchases or getting through the mainstory without a single pause...
    Character achievements would be the things each character has done, the monsters slayed, and the crafting accomplished...
    Duiwel wrote: »
    Achievements & achievement titles have existed long before Xbox gamescore, don't try and go that route I can list a massive counter argument if you choose to do so ( but then I would have to argue against my own point, which I do not wish ). :wink:
    Oh, I remember those existing long before that. Way from the first game that kept trrack of your kills (I think it was one of the Wizardry titles... but its been a while, so I might misremember that one) And back then, it was ALL character-specific, since there -were- no accounts keeping track of -player achievements-.
    Thus... the "classic" state is character achievements, and not gamerscore-style player achievements, something I expect many who grew up with the latter to not realize. Especially when they go like:
    Achievements have always been to show off your accomplishments, emphasis on you... The player.
    ...then I remember a time when "achievements" were all character, and noone even thought about making any extra category to keep track of what a player achieves across characters. And get a bit annoyed that people claim the new trend as "always been"...
    Duiwel wrote: »
    It is unfair to those people that for example fishing and crafting motifs & traits ( especially Nirnhoned ) are not account wide achievements...
    Why? Why should it be unfair? Like I stated... why should you get a "master angler" title when your father's brother's nephew's cousin's former roommate has done all the fishing? Which is basically the extent of different characters involvement in the game world... The only things that really matter are the dyes, and those are already account wide...

    The point is, people do not -need- to fill all the achievements on all their characters. It's more then enough to do them -once- for the dye, and then only those you feel like any further... Spreading them out makes it easier in many cases (who learns ALL the crafting on one character after all? Not many I'd wager, since they might want some of those skill points for other things as well...)

    But it -would- be annoying to have them account wide, since you them could no longer see which ones your character did, like with crafting style learned and such.

    The one compromise I would enjoy was a three-stage indicator... say, not like now where we have "not done - done", but a "not- done - done on account - done on this particular character" indicator... (and a account achievement score as well as a character achievement score). Of course, for the title you should still have to do it on that particular character...
  • newtinmpls
    No, I'd rather not, due to "reasons".
    I've grown rather frustrated with the way achievements are handled in ESO, from fishing and trophy gathering to other time swallowing achievements and on to achievements that might not make sense for character A to do, but make fine sense for character B to do (murdering NPCs etc.).

    You make exactly the point I would have.

    I want an achievement to reflect something the character that earned it actually acheived.
    Tenesi Faryon of Telvanni - Dunmer Sorceress who deliberately sought sacrifice into Cold Harbor to rescue her beloved.
    Hisa Ni Caemaire - Altmer Sorceress, member of the Order Draconis and Adept of the House of Dibella.
    Broken Branch Toothmaul - goblin (for my goblin characters, I use either orsimer or bosmer templates) Templar, member of the Order Draconis and persistently unskilled pickpocket
    Mol gro Durga - Orsimer Socerer/Battlemage who died the first time when the Nibenay Valley chapterhouse of the Order Draconis was destroyed, then went back to Cold Harbor to rescue his second/partner who was still captive. He overestimated his resistance to the hopelessness of Oblivion, about to give up, and looked up to see the golden glow of atherius surrounding a beautiful young woman who extended her hand to him and said "I can help you". He carried Fianna Kingsley out of Cold Harbor on his shoulder. He carried Alvard Stower under one arm. He also irritated the Prophet who had intended the portal for only Mol and Lyris.
    Order Draconis - well c'mon there has to be some explanation for all those dragon tattoos.
    House of Dibella - If you have ever seen or read "Memoirs of a Geisha" that's just the beginning...
    Nibenay Valley Chapterhouse - Where now stands only desolate ground and a dolmen there once was a thriving community supporting one of the major chapterhouses of the Order Draconis
  • KanedaSyndrome
    Yes, make achievements account wide, please.
    newtinmpls wrote: »
    I've grown rather frustrated with the way achievements are handled in ESO, from fishing and trophy gathering to other time swallowing achievements and on to achievements that might not make sense for character A to do, but make fine sense for character B to do (murdering NPCs etc.).

    You make exactly the point I would have.

    I want an achievement to reflect something the character that earned it actually acheived.

    Yeah, we just have different perspectives is all, you see achievements as being of the character, and I see them as being of the player.

    I will probably create a version 2 of this suggestion, where I take into account what we've learned from this thread. There have been several ideas for compromises that probably would satisfy both camps.
    Edited by KanedaSyndrome on March 11, 2016 3:56PM
    KanedaSyndrome's Suggestions For Game Improvements
    The Fortuitous Collapse of the Wave Equation
    The Best Plans Require No Action
  • KanedaSyndrome
    Yes, make achievements account wide, please.
    Levefre wrote: »
    Not sure if it will happen though. No comment from a GM yet. (Is it even GMs? Admins?)

    Think it's Game representatives, or something :smile:
    KanedaSyndrome's Suggestions For Game Improvements
    The Fortuitous Collapse of the Wave Equation
    The Best Plans Require No Action
  • JamieAubrey
    At least let us have dyes account bound
  • CherryCake
    I just want to see the results/I don't care.
    I just wish motifs were shared with all characters...
    I like sweetrolls and I cannot lie
  • lonewolf26
    Yes, make achievements account wide, please.
    lillybit wrote: »
    Definitely some should be account wide. I can see why some are (and should stay) per character, such as Pathfinders, Skyshards and Quests. Some are so time consuming tho that you shouldn't be expected to complete them for every alt.

    I agree with this. Some of the achievements I think should be account wide are monster-dropped trophies and fishing achievements as they're particularly grindy. It's disappointing to find a trophy on an alt that your main needs and be unable to transfer it, nor are you able to go to that zone on your main to farm it since loot won't drop for you there any more.
  • newtinmpls
    No, I'd rather not, due to "reasons".
    Yeah, we just have different perspectives is all, you see achievements as being of the character, and I see them as being of the player.

    At the point where you only have one character (many first person shooter games) - then I would see achievements as the player.

    Since we have multiple characters - I see them as of the character.
    Tenesi Faryon of Telvanni - Dunmer Sorceress who deliberately sought sacrifice into Cold Harbor to rescue her beloved.
    Hisa Ni Caemaire - Altmer Sorceress, member of the Order Draconis and Adept of the House of Dibella.
    Broken Branch Toothmaul - goblin (for my goblin characters, I use either orsimer or bosmer templates) Templar, member of the Order Draconis and persistently unskilled pickpocket
    Mol gro Durga - Orsimer Socerer/Battlemage who died the first time when the Nibenay Valley chapterhouse of the Order Draconis was destroyed, then went back to Cold Harbor to rescue his second/partner who was still captive. He overestimated his resistance to the hopelessness of Oblivion, about to give up, and looked up to see the golden glow of atherius surrounding a beautiful young woman who extended her hand to him and said "I can help you". He carried Fianna Kingsley out of Cold Harbor on his shoulder. He carried Alvard Stower under one arm. He also irritated the Prophet who had intended the portal for only Mol and Lyris.
    Order Draconis - well c'mon there has to be some explanation for all those dragon tattoos.
    House of Dibella - If you have ever seen or read "Memoirs of a Geisha" that's just the beginning...
    Nibenay Valley Chapterhouse - Where now stands only desolate ground and a dolmen there once was a thriving community supporting one of the major chapterhouses of the Order Draconis
  • Dradhok
    Yes, make achievements account wide, please.
    For sure. If playing a different character actually made the game more difficult then I'd say no, but the game is so easy why would you want to grind out 100 of X on a second toon?
  • spoqster
    Yes, make achievements account wide, please.
    What about the problem of elitism?

    When leveling an alt, I would love to show an account wide achievement to avoid the snub-nosed v16 to leave the group, forcing me to waste more time searching for members.
  • KanedaSyndrome
    Yes, make achievements account wide, please.
    At least let us have dyes account bound

    We already do.
    KanedaSyndrome's Suggestions For Game Improvements
    The Fortuitous Collapse of the Wave Equation
    The Best Plans Require No Action
  • don_kwek
    Yes, make achievements account wide, please.
    In the spirit of making people play more different types of character.

    So instead of having 1 main and 4 alt, you have 5 main instead. Which i think is really cool and gives people the option to pick what type playstyle they want for different types of achievement.

    Make achievement account wide please.
  • jeevin
    Yes, make achievements account wide, please.
    Not every achievement can be account wide but there are a LOT that should.
  • Turelus
    Yes, make achievements account wide, please.
    I have always been on both sides about this one but having recently played more on alt characters I do wish the achievement system was moved account wide.

    As something of a roleplayer I want to have the chance to sometimes ignore content like DB but also want to be a completionist with my account. This means I need to have at least one character who plays all content.

    It also devalues the chance to feel an alt is contributing towards my account. Why should I play on my new DK when I am not getting achievements on my main character?
    @Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
    "Don't count on others for help. In the end each of us is in this alone. The survivors are those who know how to look out for themselves."
  • NovaMarx
    No, I'd rather not, due to "reasons".
    Biased poll be biased.

    My general opinion is a mix. Some achievements I think could be account wide: fishing and trophies being the prime example, as it spans over every zone in the world. It is extremely time consuming, as it is RNG dependent - so making it account wide IMO wouldn't change a lot. (Also, I think we should be glad that at least dyes are account wide - as it adds more customisation options when making a new character.)

    But I feel other things - like reaching character levels, crafting levels, number of monsters killed, PvP achievements, quest/exploration, etc - should be character based. This is mainly because they aren't as "hard" to achieve, but also because it's more character specific than just gathering items from random mobs.

    I know many have different views on what should and shouldn't be account wide. But I've been reading threads like this since the very beginning (PC beta), and therefore I highly doubt that they will be changing the achievement system any time soon. I can only hope, for all of us, that is they do decide to change the system they will come up with a good mix so that it pleases as many as possible :wink:
    "Feet are for walking. Hands are for hitting. Or shaking. Or waving. Sometimes for clapping."
    - M'aiq the Liar
  • flare326
    Yes, make achievements account wide, please.
    I think certain ones, like justice, crafting, exploring, fishing and dark anchors should carry over, but more than that would make no sense
    PSN - Flare325, hit me up if you want to play!

    dps players whose always up for activities
  • Insomnia rex
    Insomnia rex
    Yes, make achievements account wide, please.
    I voted yes, because I would like to have an account wide achievement tab, however i also think that i want to track my characters personal achievements.

    What i would love is to to see the characters personal achievements as well as an indicator on how many other chars that achievement was gained. Also achievement points of the char and and overall merge of the achievement sets. This way all would still be same but with a nicer overview. I don't even think that they would need to interact (f.e. if I want master angler it still needs to be on one char..)

    Working on 16k with my main char atm :)
    CP630 AR20 PC EU, Alt Mag Sorc AD - Insomnicia Rex
  • I_killed_Vivec
    I don't see how it makes sense to say that a character has gained an achievement for a fish it hasn't caught, a skyshard it hasn't collected, a map location it hasn't visited, a style it hasn't learnt, a monster it hasn't defeated. A brand new character suddenly has all of the achievements of a character that you've been playing for two years?

    I also don't understand the idea of characters contributing to a "group" effort - that way (apart from Cyrodiil) you could have three characters that never leave their own zones collecting all skyshards, visiting all map locations, defeating all world bosses, completing all dolmen. It doesn't make sense to allocate the achievement of completing all DC dolmen to a character that has never left AD zones. It doesn't make sense for a character that has never been a Werewolf or Vampire to have those "achievements".

    I can see the point in having an account-wide achievement - so you'd know that one of your characters had defeated a world boss... but that would take away from the only real use that I have for achievements "Has this character completed everything in this zone?".

    I didn't vote because on the whole "achievements" mean very little to me. I can't say I'm too bothered about knowing if I got RNG lucky and the last ogre I killed happened to be wearing a toe ring.

  • Tabbycat
    No, I'd rather not, due to "reasons".
    It's nice for convenience. But when you are playing an alt you've invested time in, it doesn't feel like you've earned any achievements at all with them when it's account wide.
    Founder and Co-GM of The Psijic Order Guild (NA)
  • AlnilamE
    No, I'd rather not, due to "reasons".
    I voted yes, because I would like to have an account wide achievement tab, however i also think that i want to track my characters personal achievements.

    What i would love is to to see the characters personal achievements as well as an indicator on how many other chars that achievement was gained. Also achievement points of the char and and overall merge of the achievement sets. This way all would still be same but with a nicer overview. I don't even think that they would need to interact (f.e. if I want master angler it still needs to be on one char..)

    Working on 16k with my main char atm :)

    I think this is a good compromise. I really don't care about account-wide achievements, but I use them to track and compartmentalize progress on a specific character (ie, did I get all the dolmens on this toon yet? Is this zone finished?).

    But for people who want to have each achievement at least once on their account, having an account-wide tab as an option would probably be a good thing. But having them ONLY account wide I would be opposed to.
    The Moot Councillor
  • ADarklore
    Yes, make achievements account wide, please.
    No and never will happen.

    Many acheivements unlock/ provide specific benefit to the specific character and should not be shared account wide. Titles from AvA and completion for specific content are tied to the acheivements. All undaunted achievements provide undaunted XP for leveling up the skill line initially.

    If acheivements were a found wide any new characters would never receive the titles or undaunted acheivements listed above, and other benefits.

    Zos would need to develope an entire new system to manage all this and let's face it, that's a horrible idea since Zos is not exactly great the whole creating code thing let alone envisioning a good means to do things.

    Edit: I seriously doubt anyone anyone voting in favor of this change will ever have 100% completion there is much there and some of it provides fabulous challenges.

    Funny how over at DCUO players were once saying, "Skill points will never be account wide" and now they can be 'purchased' with replay badges across your account. Players in ESO said that progress would never be account wide, and now we have CP system. What difference does it make if a 'character' or an 'account' achieves a specific title or achievement? How does that effect YOU and how YOU play the game? It doesn't. The fact is, a player would have to complete all of those things on a character in order to receive them, so it isn't like they'd be handed something for nothing... the PLAYER should reap the rewards of their achievements, it shouldn't be forced upon every 'character' to re-achieve.
    CP: 1965 ** ESO+ Gold Road ** ~~ Stamina Arcanist ~~ Magicka Warden ~~ Magicka Templar ~~ ***** Strictly a solo PvE quester *****
  • Rawst
    Yes, make achievements account wide, please.
    I want the title "Enemy of Coldharbour". I'm almost at 250 dolmens on my main. Totally not going to close 1750 dolmens for the remaining 7 chars.
    Beasts in amber! Wake and remember!
  • LrdRahvin
    No, I'd rather not, due to "reasons".
    Achievements are one of the ways Illuminati agents in mmo companies target possible threats to their world-wide conspiracies and flag them for assassination. The theory being that anyone who is so awe-inspiringly successful as to get a bunch of meaningless "awards" and "pats on the back" in a video game is clearly too smart, ambitious, and resourceful to be allowed to live.

    SO I VOTED NO. :s
  • Elsonso
    No, I'd rather not, due to "reasons".
    don_kwek wrote: »
    In the spirit of making people play more different types of character.

    So instead of having 1 main and 4 alt, you have 5 main instead. Which i think is really cool and gives people the option to pick what type playstyle they want for different types of achievement.

    Make achievement account wide please.

    This is exactly why I don't want account level achievements.

    The reality of the post Veteran Rank Era is setting in and I am bored out of my skull playing ESO now. It seems that with every new 'improvement ' there is less to do besides grind. Cadwell, always boring to me, has even less reason to do. All my level 50 characters are now equal and they removed any reason to advance them aside from the Champion Point treadmill. I reset the skill points on my main last week and never even bothered to assign them, or the Champion Points. Even playing that character fills me with thoughts of BOOOORING.

    I really only have crafting, making gold, and achievements keeping me in the game, now. The Crafting Guy is busy nerfing crafting and I simply can't wait to see what nerfs he has planned for the next DLC. Making gold is really pointless as there is nothing really to spend it on thanks to the relentless focus on the Crown Store. Achievements are the end game for me on multiple characters. Otherwise, it is just level to 50, delete, repeat.
    ESO Plus: No
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • nine9six
    Yes, make achievements account wide, please.
    @Duiwel The missing comma from your Sig is driving my OCD up a wall! :)

    As for Achievements, I'd like for them to be separate. But since Dyeing is tied to Achievements...

    Didn't know where that put me so I voted for the first option.
    Wake up, we're here. Why are you shaking? Are you ok? Wake up...
  • Volkodav
    No, I'd rather not, due to "reasons".
    I've wondered why they didn't use those "achievement points" we've been accumulating since launch to "purchase" dyes. That way, anyone can get the colors they want instead of having to complete very mundane and boring tasks for each and every character that will have those colors on them.

    Yes. Please do something with this badly implemented system.

    I dont know what you mean,The dyes one of your characters unlocks is account wide. My main unlocked nearly all of them,and so each new character I make has the use of them all.Just as it is with CPs.
  • AlnilamE
    No, I'd rather not, due to "reasons".
    ADarklore wrote: »
    Funny how over at DCUO players were once saying, "Skill points will never be account wide" and now they can be 'purchased' with replay badges across your account. Players in ESO said that progress would never be account wide, and now we have CP system. What difference does it make if a 'character' or an 'account' achieves a specific title or achievement? How does that effect YOU and how YOU play the game? It doesn't. The fact is, a player would have to complete all of those things on a character in order to receive them, so it isn't like they'd be handed something for nothing... the PLAYER should reap the rewards of their achievements, it shouldn't be forced upon every 'character' to re-achieve.

    Actually, if they made achievements account-wide without keeping them character specific as they are now, it would absolutely affect ME and how I play the game.

    There are several achievements I'm going for on multiple characters, like Treasure Hunter and General Executioner (2 characters down, 5 to go!). Some I care about on a specific character (like Master Angler) and some I will work on one character first then try it on the others (like the collectibles).

    Not to mention that all the exploration and dungeon achievements are useful for tracking what you have done on a specific character (say I want to grab the skill points from the dungeons I haven't completed yet).

    So again, having an account-wide achievement section (preferably on the character select screen) would be ok with me, as long as I get to keep my individual's character's separate in their achievement sections.
    The Moot Councillor
  • Volkodav
    No, I'd rather not, due to "reasons".
    I'm going to have to agree of them being account-wide. Achievements have always been to show off your accomplishments, emphasis on you... The player.

    Separating them on each character makes things over-complicated and frustrating, forcing you to complete some of the same tasks that you may not be interested in otherwise. In addition, it doesn't really offer "replayability" at all... Having some mundane task to complete for the fourth time doesn't really excite anyone, but I feel some people feel it's necessary simply because they lack anything else to do.

    I don't see why there aren't radiant quests or daily challenges like a lot of other MMOs. I feel like that would add a lot in terms of things to do, and keep those voting no for these reasons happy.

    You actually havent any idea why some people like to redo these things.To say it is because they simply lack anything else to do is a rather silly assumption. I have varied characters. Each plays differently,and I enjoy gaining each achievement with them.I have one who is attempting to do a full completion of achievements.Just doing achievements. I have another that just grabs them as she happens upon one.And on all,I tend to check the listings to see how close I am to getting an achievement.If I am that close,I might take one of them on an achievement run,..for the day.
    Believe me,I have plenty I can do.No boredom at all.
    I like that there are so many things to do on the side that take me out of questing at times,just for the fun of it.
    Achievements are only for you.No one knows what they are but you,unless there is a title involved.There usually isnt,for the most part.
This discussion has been closed.