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Zenimax, Thanks for making my game totally unplayable...

  • Arkadius
    Everyone who has problems with DX11 should try to run the game with OpenGL. Instructions can be found on these forums.
  • Lyrebon
    You're a special snowflake, en't ya?

    DX11 is 7 years old, mate, you don't need a "fancy, new card", any card worth £70 will run it. They're only alienating those who don't understand the necessity of technological advancement and limitations of obsolete (yes, DX10 is obsolete) software.

    If your laptop is 3 years old it should support DX11, if not then it's your fault for not doing the research before buying. I have no sympathy for you.
  • Uriel_Nocturne
    Troneon wrote: »
    Troneon wrote: »
    Troneon wrote: »
    It is kinda pathetic they didn't add support for previous DX versions like almost every other game I know who supports DX 11 still support previous versions....

    Talk about shooting yourself in the foot ZOS when there is already your game riddled with performance issues, bugs and exploits....

    lol there are a lot of games coming out that don't support older DX versions. Technology changes.

    Games coming out now yes....

    Not games that have been out for years now...they almost always keep support for older DX versions....


    They are just shooting themselves in the foot and dropping their own players numbers which means less money for them....when already people are sick of the bugs, exploits, crap pvp performance and others in game issues....

    It's almost like they are sabotaging their own company and game...

    I don't think the "alienation" is anywhere near as bad as you're saying. Zeni most likely has very detailed files on the system specs of a vast majority of its players.

    I'd bet money that they wouldn't have gone ahead with this move if the "alienated" players were anything larger than a fraction of a percent.

    Most machines in operation today are newer than five years old. I'm pretty positive that most people would struggle to get their hands on a machine that wasn't DX11 capable.

    Besides that, Zenimax warned everyone that this move was coming. A year ago...

    there's no excuse to not have upgraded by now.

    You bring up another thing, communication was crap about's easy to say "they said it a year ago" but I bet they didn't bother to send an auto email out to everyone's accounts to let them know "by the way you have "this" many months to upgrade to DX 11 hardware or you won't be able to play".......which is very easy to do and something they should of done. Or did they even mention it at all on ESO Live? Or did they mention is on any social media recently at all?

    Communication from ZOS on any issue is crap on a good day...unless it's a crown store sale or some stupid fluff item on sale...then they EMAIL EVERYONE....more than once and spam social media....

    Sorry no can't defend them on this it's BS how they handled this and it will hurt them in the long run...
    So, a year isn't enough time to upgrade a machine? O.o

    They told us with plenty of time that this move was being made.

    Zenimax can not be held responsible for people forgetting that this move to DX11 as the minimum spec was coming.
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say no to Crown Crates!

  • ZOS_CoriJ
    We are closing this thread out as we already have a few threads on concerns for the DirectX requirements at this time. If you would like to continue this discussion, we would recommend this thread, which is currently very active and has also been running this discussion.

    Thank you for your understanding.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
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