spenc_cathb16_ESO wrote: »lol @ people thinking it's going to be any more viable for solo this patch.
The only thing im still worried about is the interaction between fasalla and volatile armor. Other than that, awesome
^ this. It will perform the exact same as it is already with only inhale being a better heal and more damage.
You can also add the reflective scales to the list. 2 of the main defensive DK skills will be affected by this set. Also DKs have 3 skills which heals on damage..... I still think that for small scale and solo magicka NBs and Sorcs will have great advantage.
The amazing things I've seen you do on your light armor dk already in this patch and the promise of next patch's inhale, reduction in standard cost, self buffing major sorcery, heal from burning embers just seems to be at odds with this quote to me.
But suit yourselves. Be debby downers.
thats the thing though, only if you know how to play mDK properly and smartly will you see results. It's not gonna be as easy to pick up as everyone is thinking.
Yes group wise banner cost reduction is gonna be awesome, i still will always run entropy > molten weps because of the health bonus but yes its a nice boost for group play again. I feel burning embers will be impossible to manage with more then 2 beating on you. It is ideal for duels though.
I mean i know i will great with mDK thanks to phys dmg reduction and unification of the dmg types. But i was doing fine in this patch without them. I just think people are over hyping it and think its gonna be like 1.5 or 1.6 again.
Im all for more mDKs, just dont think it will be what everyone thinks it to be.
I completely agree with you there, I think people are over hyping it. Still, the changes are welcome and I think we'll a bit more mDks running around for a change
Still need miss chance on Cinder Storm and Dragon Blood fixed. If that happens I'll get hyped.
You can also add the reflective scales to the list. 2 of the main defensive DK skills will be affected by this set. Also DKs have 3 skills which heals on damage..... I still think that for small scale and solo magicka NBs and Sorcs will have great advantage. Target the squishiest kill explode retreat.
I was hoping that with this patch I could slot maybe molten whip, engulfing flames, burning embers, talons and erruption in small scale but that won't be possible once again.
spenc_cathb16_ESO wrote: »
What class DPS skills should he be changing to? Go stick and be worse ranged DPS than any other class? Enlighten me on this @Crown
I have my NB and my Templar builds set, but have the least play time on PTS with my DK. There are a lot of people who are a lot better DKs than I am who I'm sure will figure things out very quickly. Wait and see.
It's one thing to say, "that won't be possible". It's another to say, "that won't be possible if I want to stand in the middle of 10 opponents and soak damage for 30 seconds then run away and actually escape while still having a chance to kill someone like I used to with wrecking blow spam". He most likely meant the latter.
spenc_cathb16_ESO wrote: »I feel as though I just got in the middle of a personal job instead of mechanical debate, my bad guys!