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Dealing with Clouding Swarm 1v1

Since i can't target the guy and aoe attacks don't do enough damage on him, the only viable defense is to run away until it expires.

Any experienced duelers have tips on beating clouding swarmers while they're clouded?

Being in a group is not a viable answer. I need a way to beat them 1v1.

In 3 weeks i know magelight will do the trick, but what can i do now on live?
Edited by mr_wazzabi on March 3, 2016 1:02PM
Bosmer Stamina NB
Altmer Magicka TEMP
Dunmer DK both stam/mag (depends what I feel like)
Altmer Magicka NB
Breton Magicka Sorc
Redguard Stam Sorc
Max CP
  • mr_wazzabi
    Really nobody?
    I guess everyone that read this is a vampire that wants to stay op in duels for 3 more weeks until we can magelight expose and focus fire them.

    Bosmer Stamina NB
    Altmer Magicka TEMP
    Dunmer DK both stam/mag (depends what I feel like)
    Altmer Magicka NB
    Breton Magicka Sorc
    Redguard Stam Sorc
    Max CP
  • Yusuf
    Depends on the guy using clouding swarm really but i just heal through it (or rather shield through it). Be ready to cc-break any moment and don't get below 50% health.

    Your aoe-attacks also hit the guy in his invisibility so even if its not efficient you can hit him with that and even cc him (funny thing is the player won't even see he's cc'd) with fear or defensive rune or whatever you have.

    Just my 2 cents :)
  • yodased
    on your DK: igneous, + blockcast flawless or block through it then entropy, leap executioner finished
    on your NB cloak and gtfo
    on your templar: block and heal through it
    on your sorc: shield or gtfo

    You have to mitigate it 1v1 on a temp or DK, you can get away from it on the NB or the Sorc.

    You can also count on bats being about a cooldown as a potion in my experience, so if you pop a potion when he spits bats, know that when your pot is off cooldown, he MORE than likely has bats up again. So you can play defensively against them.

    Also I BELIEVE turn undead works on them in bats, but they may have fixed that. Talk about a unused skill lol
    Tl;dr really weigh the fun you have in game vs the business practices you are supporting.
  • Takes-No-Prisoner
    mr_wazzabi wrote: »
    Being in a group is not a viable answer. I need a way to beat them 1v1.

    For a NB: Drain%20Power.png

    For a Templar: Puncturing%20Strikes1.png

    Not sure about Sorc/DK.

    But EVERYTIME someone batswarms my MagNB, I immediately switch to Resto/ Siphon and use Sap Essence on the guy, it'll hit them through the bats even if hes invisible and 9/10 times he dies from assuming I'm a moron. Sweeps does the same thing just look for the center of where the bats are coming out and you can't really miss with Sweeps.

    Sap Essence also ignores rolls too, you can hit then when they roll dodge away(which most Vamp running with BatSwarm do after they get caught with they pants down). Got in close and they roll away? Sap Essence to power yourself up and continue pressuring them.
    Edited by Takes-No-Prisoner on March 3, 2016 2:51PM
  • Brrrofski
    Dawnbreaker the centre of it.

    Sweeps or sap.

    Heal and shield if another class.

    Keep rolling away as a Stam build.
  • Ashamray
    Edited by Ashamray on March 3, 2016 3:20PM
    Boadrig, EU PC

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  • Ahzek
    TTTTTrap Beast !

    Seriously im experimenting with it right now and its not THAT bad of a skill anymore :)

    However you either have a DBoS or you gotta go defensive, which is different depending on your specc.
    Remember you can not dodge nor block the ticks from the swarm. You only use these options to help against the normal abilities thta will be cast during the swarm, so you will have to figure what skills will be used (SA/cincealed 90% of the time) and react accordingly.
    Edited by Ahzek on March 3, 2016 3:23PM
  • Vaoh
    The key is playing defensive when this happens. Bat Swarm is a strong ultimate and you will die if you fight incorrectly against it.

    The key: CC. In all situations a Dawnbreaker of Smiting will practically slaughter them.

    Dragonknight - Igneous Shield+Vigor to stat alive, then Talons and move away, or CC.

    Templar: Throw Shards, use jabs, heal.

    Nightblade: Fear. Sap Essence from a distance or move away and cloak until they reappear.

    Sorc: Streak through them. Drop mines+put up shield, preoare for them to charge you for the 1-2 seconds that its still active.

    Only have encountered this on Sorc and Nightblade so far. My DK and Templar ideas are speculation though.
  • Edziu
    hmm, if this wampire is can run our only with streak from it, for not sorcs try immobilize/snare him nvm...he will spambush on you, I think only nb vanpire is the hardest to avoid this ulti and the most annyoing :d only way is try to aoe cc him like fear or idk what can be on other classe + of course dawnbreaker thanks aoe cone damage is the best to hit this invisible scum!!
  • Waffennacht
    As a sorc, I've always just streaked through them.
    Gamer tag: DasPanzerKat NA Xbox One
    1300+ CP
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  • GreenSoup2HoT
    Depend's the class you use against it.

    The best situation with my experience's using it and against it. (Not class bias)

    -CC your target. (some classes can't since you cannot target someone in clouding swarm)
    -Become immune to CC. (potion)
    -Dodge Roll through them and run (break distance)
    -Go defensive (Heal / Block)
    -Use AoE damage ability's to kill them. (Sometimes player's use it while at low health and simply die)

    Primarily all my kill's with this ability are because of player's not ready to absorb all the damage. If a nightblade user is using clouding swarm, they can stun you with Veiled Strike and Morph's. Meaning they can continue to damage you while you get CC'd at the same time. Be prepared to get CC'd if you do not have immunity or counter it.

    However i cannot see myself while i'm using clouding swarm either (wish i could). So i am very susceptible to CC as well and can potentially waste it. Fear/Talon's/Streak all work very well. Good player's may use immovable potion's in tandem with this ability, so it's best to counter the damage by healing/blocking and avoiding the damage (go defensive).

    Mage Light will be a good counter but it only last's 3 second's. Clouding Swarm last's 5. I'm not entirely sure if using mage light is that great of an idea compared to all the damage your about to take (in 1v1 scenario). It would probably be better to spam heal's and mitigate the damage. However if you need the reveal to CC them do it.

    One huge and i mean huge counter next patch will be "Scorching Flare". I'm not to sure how the reveal duration is in TG DLC since im console. However this will be a great skill to use against clouding swarm.

    Hope this information help's at least.

    Edited by GreenSoup2HoT on March 4, 2016 6:42AM
    PS4 NA DC
  • Dread_Guy
    Hold block. It greatly reduces the damage of Bat Swarm
    "My name is Julius Decimus Heraclius, Guildmaster of the Scions of the Sun, Brigadier of the Covenant Army, loyal servant to the High King Emeric. Brother to a betrayed legion, son to a fallen empire. And I will have my vengeance, in this life or the next." ---Julius Decimus Heraclius (Imperial Templar)
  • acw37162
    Dawnbreaker of Smithing

    Flawless works to.

    Any imobolize, bombard, talons, the sorcs ground shards

    Caltrops and evil hunter or camo hunter Arrow Barrage or flame barrage with camo or evil hunter centered on you works to.

    Any hard stun.
  • Omgwtfbbq321
    The only time it is an issue is a Nightblade using gap closers. I believe its Ambush? The one that has the mini stun. This stun ignores CC immunity rules.

    Thus you can have an immovable pot up and still be stuned almost indefinently by the gap closing. Best thing can do is try to heal/shield in between strikes and wait for the bats to end.

    Every other class is simple enough to avoid.
    My ping is higher than your resource recovery...
  • Xsorus
    Next patch

    Scorching Flare

    let them eat that 20k dot over 3 seconds
  • lathbury
    had to check this wasnt a necro OP if you wanted to see OP bats you should have been here at pc launch
  • leepalmer95
    I've killed a few guys in bats, love how they assume there invincible and don't heal xD

    Guy was 60%~ he went in bats, i sweeped the bats, stunned him and dawnbreaker him, he died mid bats was quite funny.

    You can stun them as well, 5s is less time than you think, if you stun them mid bats with a spear, or even fear them if your a nb.
    PS4 EU DC

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    I have every character level 50, both a magicka and stamina version.

    RIP my effort to get 5x v16 characters...
  • ced30
    Root them + dodge or streak out of swarm.
    a bad player won't even notice the root since their char is invisible.

    Then stay at a distance and spam dat root till the swarm is gone, watch them trying to cc break, helpless and finish them.

    sorc point of view btw.

    Root + atro on top of the swarm works very well too.
    Edited by ced30 on March 4, 2016 4:40PM
    No-one escapes the chains!

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