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New to ESO/mmo's in Genreal

Soul Shriven
I am new to ESO and MMO's in general. One thing I have noticed is when I enter a dungeon, other player will rush ahead and kill every thing. This goes for bosses at the end of quests as well. How is this fun? Is this typical? This takes away all immersion and fun for me. What is the point of doing anything if other players do it all for you? What am I missing here?

Thank You for any input.
  • Alabyn
    Typically one player "pulls" for the group, and then everyone contributes to attacking the mobs, or healing the players as they fight. Often, the "tank", a player geared and spec'd for defense does the pulling, two "dps" (damage per second) players contribute the bulk of the damage while the tank holds the mob's attention, and a "healer" keeps everyone on their feet. There are, of course, variations in this strategy.

    Perhaps it is the tank that is rushing ahead and beginning the fight? As it stands now in many dungeons, the content is well known, and players burn through the mobs fairly quickly.

    PS: if you're running the dungeon for the first time, let your group know that you will be doing the quests. That way they'll understand if you are delayed by reading and participatiyng in NPC chat.
    Edited by Alabyn on February 29, 2016 5:17AM
  • Elijah_Crow
    The best way to experience the game is to join a guild or group with like minded players who want to experience the content at the same speed you do.

    Some players run the same dungeons over and over and really don't care if someone is experiencing it for the first time. In MMO's some players like to savor the journey, while others want to rush to the end and not even read quests. Find people who who either play like you do, or can at least slow down and respect how you like to play.
  • Lolssi
    Yeah it sucks when in dungeon and you try to enjoy and understand what is happening but think others are waiting for you. I actually don't really remember story of many dungeons since I tried to read conversations as fast as possible. Also there is chance that quest bugs because other player triggered event while you were still previous part of the quest talking with npc.
    This is why I don't enjoy grouping.
  • Carraig
    I never pug anymore, due to bad experiences in previous MMO's. The best way to do dungeons is to find a guild of like-minded players, who are willing to explain you the mechanics and tactics. The use of the grouping tool is often not necessary anymore because guildies often use the guild chat to look for a group (on PC that is). It's even better if that guild has a voice chat server (Teamspeak/Ventrilo/Mumble) for its members, so you can hear the warnings and instructions during the fights.
    Knight-Captain of the Tamriel's Elite Sentinels ( EU server-PC)
    "Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something is more important than fear. The brave may not live forever, but the cautious do not live at all."
  • Acharnor
    A lot of people have run the dungeons a lot and are trying to be efficient. I usually ask if everyone has done it and if not I chill and let them talk to NPCs, look around, whatnot. Let them know if you are there for the first time. I understand worrying about holding people up. If it is not a pledge dungeon though should not be as much of an issue.
    Celebrate for life is short but sweet for certain.
  • Faasnu
    You definitely shouldn't worry about staying behind the group a little bit, it's their job to make sure that everybody in the group is ready to fight. If they keep running and then they wipe due to missing one member of the group, it's not your fault. That's just generally speaking, it all depends on what you agreed to do before you started the dungeon, of course.
    If you are visiting regular dungeons that doesn't require a group, you will be meeting other players. It's really impossible to have the same kind of immersion in MMO that you have in a single player game, but it is still fun once you get used to it and perhaps make some friends. Just keep in mind that you are never alone on the map and that people may do silly things for fun that will ruin your immersion. I'm sorry but if you can't get used to it, MMO will be a pain for you.

    EDIT: I think the best thing you can do is to find a guild for new players which is all about fun and exploring. I'm sure there are many people in game who don't like to rush through quests or dungeons. You may find friends there and run the dungeons together at your pace, ignoring other players.
    Edited by Faasnu on February 29, 2016 2:54PM
  • craftycarper73
    youngdown1 wrote: »
    I am new to ESO and MMO's in general. One thing I have noticed is when I enter a dungeon, other player will rush ahead and kill every thing. This goes for bosses at the end of quests as well. How is this fun? Is this typical? This takes away all immersion and fun for me. What is the point of doing anything if other players do it all for you? What am I missing here?

    Thank You for any input.

    What Platform? What Server? DC EP or AD?

    If DC on European ps4 server the group i do all the content with will be happy to do dungeons with you at a leisurely pace or as fast as you wanna go ?
    Born, Bred & Made in Manchester UK, RIP 22 Angels. 22/05/2017


    The Place by Tony Walsh Please Read
    This is the place in the North West of England

    It’s ace, it’s the best and the songs that we sing

    From the stands, from our bands set the whole planet shaking

    Our inventions are legends! There’s nowt we can’t make and

    So we make brilliant music. We make brilliant bands

    We make goals that make souls leap from seats in the stands

    And we make things from steel and we make things from cotton

    And we make people laugh, take the mick summat rotten

    And we make you at home and we make you feel welcome

    And we make summat happen, we can’t seem to help it

    And if you’re looking for history then yes, we’ve a wealth

    But the Manchester way is to make it yourself

    And make us a record, a new number one

    And make us a brew while you’re up, love. Go on!

    And make us feel proud that you’re winning the league

    And make us sing louder and make us believe it

    that this is the place that has helped shape the world

    And that this the place where a Manchester girl

    Name of Emmeline Pankhurst from the streets of Moss Side

    Led a Suffragette City with sisterhood pride

    And this is the place with appliance of science

    We’re on it, atomic, we strut with defiance

    In the face of a challenge we always stand tall

    Mancunians in union delivered it all

    Such as housing and libraries, and health, education

    And unions and co-ops, the first railway station

    So we’re sorry! Bear with us! We invented commuters!

    But we hope you forgive us – we invented computers!

    And this is the place Henry Royce strolled with Rolls

    And we’ve rocked and we’ve rolled with our own Northern Soul

    And so this is the place to do business, then dance

    Where go-getters and goal setters know they’ve a chance

    And this is the place where we first played as kids

    And me Mam lived and died here, she loved it she did

    And this is the place where our folks came to work

    Where they struggled in puddles, they hurt in the dirt

    And they built us a city. They built us these towns

    And they coughed on the cobbles to the deafening sound

    Of the steaming machines and the screaming of slaves

    They were scheming for greatness, they dreamed to their graves

    And they left us a spirit, they left us a vibe

    The Mancunian Way to survive and to thrive

    And to work and to build, to connect and create and

    Greater Manchester’s greatness is keeping it great

    And so this is the place now we’ve kids of our own

    Some are born here, some drawn here but we all call it home

    And they’ve covered the cobbles, but they’ll never defeat

    All the dreamers and schemers who still teem through these streets

    Because this is a place that has been through some hard times

    Oppressions, recessions, depressions and dark times

    But we keep fighting back with Greater Manchester spirit

    Northern grit, northern wit in Greater Manchester’s lyrics

    And there’s hard times again in these streets of our city

    But we won’t take defeat and we don’t want your pity

    Because this a place where we stand strong together

    With a smile on our face, Mancunians Forever

    And we’ve got this* as the place where a team with a dream (*Forever Manchester)

    Can get funding and something to help with their scheme

    Because this is the place that understands your grand plans

    We don’t do No Can Do, we just stress Yes We Can!

    Forever Manchester’s a charity for people round ‘ere

    You can fundraise, donate. You can be a volunteer

    You can live local, give local. We can honestly say

    We do charity differently, that Mancunian Way

    And we fund local kids, and we fund local teams

    We support local dreamers to work for their dreams

    We support local groups and the great work they do

    So can you …help us help… local people like you?

    Because this is the place in our hearts, in our homes

    Because this is the place that’s a part of our bones

    ‘Cos Greater Manchester gives us such strength from the fact

    That this is the place. We should give something back.

    Always remember. Never forget. Forever Manchester.
  • Easily_Lost
    I think the OP might be talking about solo play, and entering a dungeon alone that other people are in there also.

    What you could do is wait till they get far enough ahead and then start to go further in, that should give the monsters time to respawn or exit the dungeon and enter it again when thy exit, that's what I do a lot of time.

    Just a thought.
    PC - NA - AD
    started April 2015
    PVE & Solo only

    Meet the LOST family: CP 1250+
    Easily Lost Crafter - lvl 50 - Sorcerer Orc ( knows all traits and most styles )
    Easily Lost-W - lvl 50 - Warden Imperial
    Forever Lost - lvl 50 Sorcerer

    CROWN CRATES: It doesn't affect gameplay, it's not mandatory, it's cosmetic only. If it helps to support the game and ZOS, I support it! Say YES to crown crates.
  • Volkodav
    youngdown1 wrote: »
    I am new to ESO and MMO's in general. One thing I have noticed is when I enter a dungeon, other player will rush ahead and kill every thing. This goes for bosses at the end of quests as well. How is this fun? Is this typical? This takes away all immersion and fun for me. What is the point of doing anything if other players do it all for you? What am I missing here?

    Thank You for any input.

    When you see everyone rush past,run with them and make sure to hit the boss at least two times or so.You will get credit for the kill.You do NOT need to be in the group with them to get that credit.Just keep up with them and kill what you can along the way,making sure to get your hits in on the boss before he dies.Works well for me.I dont run with guildies,and dont join whatever group runs into the dungeon.
    I promise you'll get the credit you need to complete the quest or delve/dungeon.
    Dont be upset with them,they actually can be a great help for you. :}
  • Rosveen
    I think the OP is talking about delves, not dungeons, guys.
  • Volkodav
    Rosveen wrote: »
    I think the OP is talking about delves, not dungeons, guys.

    Well,the OP said dungeons,so we thought to talk about what he was talking about. I mentioned both in my comment.
    Edited by Volkodav on February 29, 2016 10:23PM
  • youngdown1
    Soul Shriven
    I was talking about the torch locations but quests and any boss at the end of that quest line was the same experience with other players. Basically I just didn't know how MMO's worked. I expected to see other players but thought each was in "their own world" fighting "their own enemies". Its a totally different gaming experience.

    Thanks for the replies and suggestions.
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