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Who really Cares for RNG

  • x_Nathan_F
    It depends on the situation but in general no
    It feels so unrewarding when doing hard pledges only to receive nothing from the boss and nothing from the chest
  • Rohaus
    I dont like Rng
    RNG is a complete and total abomination! Out of all the MMO's I have played, ESO's RNG is by far the worst!
    YouTube channel Rohaus Lives!
    Daggerfall Covenant
    VR16 DragonKnight
  • M_TeK_9
    I honestly think ZOS's version of RNG is rigged. EVERY SINGLE person I run ICP with gets exactly the opposite of what they are hoping. Including me. I swear the mics pick up what you say and the more you mention "tormentor" the less likely it will drop.

    ZOS needs a ROLL for it dynamic in DLC. A simple box that pops up and you can either roll for it or pass. Highest roll in the group gets the itemor we all pass and let Johnny have his chest piece he's searched 50 years for . Simple.
    Edited by M_TeK_9 on February 28, 2016 11:15PM
  • Bossdonut
    I dont like Rng
    Rng is an annoying *** system
  • FLuFFyxMuFFiN
    I like Rng
    It would be fine-ish if there was 1 RNG mechanic (depending on drop rate) but in this game most of the time we get 3 RNG checks!
    1. Do you get the item or not?
    2. What armor type / Which weapon?
    3. What trait?

    To the people that actually like the RNG.. Please! By all means elaborate.. Also I'm really curious do you also like to be pulled by the hair when this happens?

    Usually when I get the item I want I get infused or divines. Monster helms for instance. I have gotten very few compared to other people but the ones I do have are all divines and infused with the exception of 2 reinforced pieces. I enjoy RNG because farming gives me something to do when I am bored. Yes I do like being pulled by the hair though I would much rather be smacked around and get hot wax poured all over me while farming :wink:

    hot damn.. I must say I'm impressed by your luck but lets see how quickly that will change once you've rerunned the same instance over 50 times to get the item (just getting it, I'm not counting trait / armor type). Or lets make it worse, when you want an item from the PvP boxes that give you 99% of the time BoP crap loot (I'm looking at you PvErs).

    Also the argument, "It gives me a reason to farm it / Im bored", like wtf? Do people just play this game ONLY to obtain high level items and then they call it for the night? Or even better , don't you have anything better to do in this game rather than rerunning the same instance 1000000 times? It buffles me really. Not everyone has the time OR the will to deal with this kind of grind ZOS has put us through.. ( DISCLAIMER: If you are doing the same instance in repeat because its fun for you, thats a different discussion, frankly go nuts with it. )

    This whole BS with RNG needs to be tuned down fast. ZOS did a good job with vMA weapons (only 3 traits available: sharpened, precise , defending) and the Undaunted Vendor, but we need more. For example:
    • Don't reward crap sets in last chests of vMA... No sane person wants Jack of Para Bellum (well-fitted) ffs.. 2 RNG checks are enough [1) getting the item you want or not, 2) with the trait you want or not] or even better make those sets BoE.. Don't worry if your DLC is any good they will buy it..
    • Up (by a lot imo) the cost of the Undaunted sets from the PvP vendor but at least let us choose the trait. There are 10 Undaunted sets right now (head + shoulder, so 20 items in total), IF each piece has a chance to come in only 3 out of the 9 traits (impen, divines, infused) AND the vendor has new sets available ONCE per week === ...well do the math your self but I'm pretty sure its more than 52 weeks for a chance to get ONE undaunted item in the trait you want.. GG once again

    @Wrobel not everyone wants to be pulled by the hair or be poured with hot wax so change your RNG system.. ASAP

    I dont normally farm anyway so I cant officially say I love or hate RNG but I like that it is there. Ill agree the drop rates are bad but RNG itself is normal to have. The monster helms I mentioned were not really farmed. I just run the daily vet pledges. If I get the helm I want then yay for me. If not then oh well I will try again next time the pledge comes up. I only farm when I dont know what else to do. I have been trying to farm the IC boxes for the polymorphs but no luck so far :(
  • Artjuh90
    M_TeK_9 wrote: »
    I honestly think ZOS's version of RNG is rigged. EVERY SINGLE person I run ICP with gets exactly the opposite of what they are hoping. Including me. I swear the mics pick up what you say and the more you mention "tormentor" the less likely it will drop.

    ZOS needs a ROLL for it dynamic in DLC. A simple box that pops up and you can either roll for it or pass. Highest roll in the group gets the itemor we all pass and let Johnny have his chest piece he's searched 50 years for . Simple.

    that's why i would like to see the abilty to trade BoP items from trials/dungeons to be tradable with your group you done the content with for like 30 minutes or a hour
  • Own
    I dont like Rng
    Yeah man no one wants to grind RNG anymore
  • daemonios
    It depends but in general yes i like rng
    Artjuh90 wrote: »
    M_TeK_9 wrote: »
    I honestly think ZOS's version of RNG is rigged. EVERY SINGLE person I run ICP with gets exactly the opposite of what they are hoping. Including me. I swear the mics pick up what you say and the more you mention "tormentor" the less likely it will drop.

    ZOS needs a ROLL for it dynamic in DLC. A simple box that pops up and you can either roll for it or pass. Highest roll in the group gets the itemor we all pass and let Johnny have his chest piece he's searched 50 years for . Simple.

    that's why i would like to see the abilty to trade BoP items from trials/dungeons to be tradable with your group you done the content with for like 30 minutes or a hour

    Roll for gear is a grief bait. I've played other MMOs where there was always drama because someone would roll for a piece of gear their class couldn't wear, or that they already had. I'm happy there's no shared loot in ESO.

    That said, trading within the group before leaving the dungeon would be a nice improvement.
  • MercyKilling
    I dont like Rng
    Completely hate RNG.

    As per the post above me, Rolling for gear is also a crap system to employ, causing more arguments and bad feelings than RNG. I've seen people almost violently defend their picking "need" for an item their class cannot even use simply because "I /need/ the gold from the sale of the item."

    Perhaps the only loot system I found to be very efficient and even fair was the one used in City of Heroes/Villains. (RIP)
    I am not spending a single penny on the game until changes are made to the game that I want to see.
    1) Remove having to be in a guild to sell items to other players at a kiosk.
    2) Cosmetic modding for armor and clothing.
    3) Difficulty slider.
    4) Fully customizable player housing that isn't tied to anything in the game other than having the correct resources and enough gold to build. Don't tie it to PvP, guild membership, or anything at all. Oh, make it instanced so as not to take up world map space, too. Zeni screwed this one up already.
    Any /one/ of these things implemented would get me spending again, maybe even subbing.
  • Thevampirenight
    I mostly rp, but yeah I like it when the system goes into my favor like soul shriven skin thank goodness that I only had to do the sewers once for that.
    PC NA
    Please add Fangs to Vampires.
  • mb10
    I like Rng
    Whats the point in making it so easy for EVERYONE to have the same items?

    The whole point of the word "rare" means not everyone has it. Zenimax might as well give out maelstrom weapons from quests if there is no RNG.

    It just means that the majority of people will only have the very best items and anything else thats less wont ever be used. Some sets may as well never be added to the game. Then the "everyone is overpowered", "RIP ESO" and "NERF IT NOW" threads will start to appear.

    Plus many of you dont seem to understand that his MMO has an economy that bases its engine from demand and supply. For currency to flow in the MMO and for the economy to not crash there has to be items that are worth more or are rare.

    Finally, without RNG there is no sense of achievement at all. KNOWING you're definitely going to get a particular item from a drop just ruins the feeling of the hard work for it. Imagine everyone in Xivkyn polymorphs, legendary maelstrom weapons, ring sets, legendary molag kena etc etc
    Oh how fun would that be -.-
  • Spottswoode
    I like Rng
    There is no value in success without the possibility of failure. If I say any more I'm going to go into a tirade about millenials and an Andy Griffith-esque speech about the value of losing. (And I'm 28.)

    Edited by Spottswoode on February 29, 2016 4:33AM
    Proud Player of The Elder Bank Screen Online.
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  • Farorin
    It depends on the situation but in general no
    RNG should only be a thing when it comes to bind on equip. If an item is bind on pick-up, there should be a non RNG way to obtain it, otherwise the grind is just plain stupid.

    Even then though, I don't like RNG, I prefer to work towards something with progress in site, not hoping that I "roll the right number" type of thing.
  • MrGigglypants
    It depends on the situation but in general no
    There is no value in success without the possibility of failure. If I say any more I'm going to go into a tirade about millenials and an Andy Griffith-esque speech about the value of losing. (And I'm 28.)

    You're a millennial lol. No one is saying we don't want to earn what we don't want is a lottery ticket for every item in the game. Imagine if you're hourly pay was rng? Some days you get 30 bucks some days you get well fitted I mean .50 cents.
  • Genomic
    It's psychologically addicting. You don't have to like it, but it works.

    That's actually why I don't like it. It's psychologically manipulative Skinner box programming in lieu of actual complex engaging content.
  • KhajiitiLizard
    It depends on the situation but in general no
    This game needs a system where your chances to get better drops increases the longer you play, like with GW2 magic find stat which is account-wide. Same how achievement points should be account-wide (the rewards are)

    You start out with bad RNG but it improves as you play.

    That or just let you choose the stats of the gear from a drop-down list. (Selecting stats character binds it).
  • Mettaricana
    I dont like Rng
    Rng is stupid its like the boss has a head just take it!! Skin it wear it or add a boss helm craft location where you need chunks of that boss to make it and every run gives a few peices 1-2 eventually you craft helm ya want make peices account bound. Like skoria armor shards need 20 to make helm each run gives 1-2 shards or chance to drop helm but if ya craft it can choose weight and from traits you have unlocked. Tada!!
  • Spottswoode
    I like Rng

    You're a millennial lol.
    Really? I wonder if that's ironic.....
    No one is saying we don't want to earn what we don't want is a lottery ticket for every item in the game. Imagine if you're hourly pay was rng? Some days you get 30 bucks some days you get well fitted I mean .50 cents.
    Hourly rate and lottery tickets don't make a strong comparison. (Also sales jobs frequently have days with no sales.) You get your reward, but it's not the one you want.
    You know what my favorite episode of the Twilight Zone is? "A nice place to visit."
    Edited by Spottswoode on February 29, 2016 6:25AM
    Proud Player of The Elder Bank Screen Online.
    My khajiit loves his moon sugar.
    Steam Profile
    Libertas est periculosum. Liberum cogitandi est haeresis. Ergo, et ego terroristis.
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  • Sausage
    It depends but in general yes i like rng
    I think after Housing, do we even need RNG anymore. CP-system, Housing and if they revisit their Achievement system, so people actually do those, we should have more endgame than we need. If asked from me they could remove RNG entirely, have alot of fun and short progressions at the endgame.
    Edited by Sausage on February 29, 2016 6:29AM
  • Thevampirenight

    When Rng worked right it gave me the best looking characters B)
    Edited by Thevampirenight on February 29, 2016 6:42AM
    PC NA
    Please add Fangs to Vampires.
  • Sausage
    It depends but in general yes i like rng
    Sausage wrote: »
    I think after Housing, do we even need RNG anymore. CP-system, Housing and if they revisit their Achievement system, so people actually do those, we should have more endgame than we need. If asked from me they could remove RNG entirely, have alot of fun and short progressions at the endgame.

    I forgot Leaderboards and Gears too. CP-system, Housing, Achievements, LeaderBoards and Gears should be enough for the endgame, no need to annoy players with some RNG if asked from me.
    Edited by Sausage on February 29, 2016 6:58AM
  • Elf_Boy
    It depends but in general yes i like rng
    A game like this (IMO) just is not and could not be possible with no RNG.

    To Hit rolls, spell rolls, a whole lot of internal, player does not get to see mechanics use RNG to make this simulation of a world work.

    That said, I think you specifically mean drops from bosses/dungeons.

    I have not played WOW in some time, and wont ever again while it has such a (IMO moronic) skill system. If I recall right though a good idea was present in that some loot randomly drops and along with and in addition to those drops one could collect tokens, which could be saved up and used at a meta-game type store to buy exactly what you want.

    Be nice to see such a system here. Maybe not 20 kinds of new token, a few would be cool. People could ignore, or use without affecting anyone else. (Provided items purchased with tokens are BOP to prevent certain abuses and issues)
    ** Asus Crosshair VI Hero, Ryzen 1800x, 64GB DDR4 @ 3000, GTX 1080 ti, 4K Samsung 3d Display m.2 Sata 3 Boot Drive, m.2 x4 nvme Game Drive **
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