The Finest Guilds are recruiting. We have 3 guilds that consistently have traders in major cities weekly. Bi-weekly Auctions and raffles. 5k Minimum deposit weekly for all guilds besides Mournholds Finest which is 10k weekly. Come be a part of one of the best trading guilds on Xbox1.
If you are interested please post your gamertag below and if you want in to The Finest, or one of the other 3 guilds or our sister guild Red Mountain In
Tamriels Finest is active PVE/Dungeons guild/trials/ Trader
Mournholds Finest is strictly Business, it is a trading guild only.
Red Mountain Inc. (Sister Guild) PVE/PVP/Dungeons/Trader
Donations checked weekly, so if you do not donate you will get kicked from guild.
Find us on Facebook at:
Edited by craigr02 on April 28, 2016 12:45PM