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Does your competetiveness fade with age?

  • Marrtha
    I'm 20 and I am not competitive. But I guess it isn't only in games, but irl as well. It seems like a bother and waste of energy. I don't get that much satisfaction out of winning. As long as I get to play, and have fun while doing it, I will enjoy it. I never understood the whole ladder/rating thing. Okay well, I do, some people like it and think it's thrilling, but for me it just a source of unnecessary stress. Then as a contrast we have my SO who didn't even want to play with me because I had 0 sense of all this, while he strived to be the best, and still is quite an elitist. /shrug I think it depends on the person. But I'd also guess that the older you get, some other things get more important, or you gain insight into certain behaviours/situation that change your approach.
    Use @Marrtha when replying!
  • Grendel_at_ESO
    At 50 I'd say it probably has, not sure if I'm less competitive or something else but I have a harder time getting motivated to play to the level I once used to.
  • sparafucilsarwb17_ESO
    Cuyler wrote: »
    Has my competiveness faded? No. What has faded is my patience to deal with the inappropriate egos and childish behavior that goes with it.

    100% agree with you. What is up with tea bagging? it is such childish and anti-social behavior.
  • Spottswoode
    Call of Duty killed the PvP competitiveness in me. After six years of buying the newest version, learning new maps, learning new weapons, learning new kill streaks, etc. I finally figured out that I was buying and playing games out of a sense of conformity. I was getting pi**** at everything just to appease a group which I really didn't want to belong to. That was about the time I switched to predominantly playing PC games.
    Proud Player of The Elder Bank Screen Online.
    My khajiit loves his moon sugar.
    Steam Profile
    Libertas est periculosum. Liberum cogitandi est haeresis. Ergo, et ego terroristis.
    Current main PC build:
    i7 3770 (Not overclocking currently.)
    MSI Gaming X GTX 1070
    32gb RAM

    GTX 1060
    16gb RAM

    Secondary build:
    i3 2330
    GTX 660
    8gb RAM
  • Metamon
    I'm nearly 21 and I don't think i've ever been competitive, I find more joy in being helpful XD (On a Rust pvp server, I used to give naked people free clothing, a basic weapon and food before I sprinted off)
  • Speely
    39 here and although I love PvP, I do so in a different manner than I used to. Once upon a time I was all about melting faces. Over the past 5 years, I have settled into a more defensive and support mindset for PvP. I like to help people and keep random strangers alive. Rather than just sprinting to hotspots, I find myself prowling resources in search of XvX encounters alongside other stragglers or to defend nodes I think the enemy is looking at. I have gotten really good at being there when the enemy makes a resource capture move :) It's fun for me and gets me away from the zergtastic spazfest (no offense to anyone who likes that mode of play!)

    I have also gained a lot more appreciation for PvE. It's soothing and sort of zen-like with good people around me. Good times.
    Edited by Speely on February 19, 2016 9:13AM
  • Helluin
    Miszou wrote: »
    Here's an interesting little article about gamer competitiveness fading with age...

    At 44, I can say (from my perspective) that it's pretty accurate. 20 years ago, I was all about the frags, the PvP, the teabagging, the hardcore modes (permadeath), the twitch combat, the bragging rights etc.

    Over the years though, this has changed and now I'm quite happy to just take my time exploring and helping others in PvE dungeons over a glass or two of wine. PvP just doesn't interest me at all any more. It's just too stressful and I know I'll never again match the abilities of an 18 year old hopped up on energy drinks and youth.

    Anyone else getting old with me? :/

    In Warhammer Online we were the guild with the highest renown both in EU and in USA, one of the best tanks we had in guild was close to 70 years old and he was considered one of the top in the server.
    I think it doesn't apply to everyone. ;)
    "... and the blue fire of Helluin flickered in the mists above the borders of the world, in that hour the Children of the Earth awoke, the Firstborn of Ilúvatar."
  • Bartdude
    I started playing competitively in my mid 20's playing EF2000 on BT Wireplay, moved to Quake2 where I ran a clan in EU leagues until the top clan was found to be cheating and it destroyed everything over night. L8r ran a clan for COD on Clanbase & achieved 2 place in the league for SD, right up until they made it P2P & killed it for PC players. Age certainly has something to do with it to a degree but for me it's a case of real life being more important & "been there done it, don't need to prove it to myself or anyone else"
    "No *** lady! does it sound like I'm ordering pizza?"
  • Sevalaricgirl
    I started gaming in 2010, which would make me 49 when I started. My very first MMO ever was SWTOR and I PvP'd every day. The only reason I stopped was because I got sick of ass hats.

    But I'd say yes, there is truth in it.

    Oh and at 54, I just set up a girl cave with 3 consoles, 2 next gen and I have a beast of a desktop with two monitors. Age only means that you get tired of punk ass kids.
    Edited by Sevalaricgirl on February 19, 2016 3:35PM
  • Lifecode666
    my problem is my body..

    If i play semihardcore for like a week, say 6-8 hours each day, then my ass hurts and i need to sitt on a pillow.
    my fingers hurt like hell, and my shoulders and elbow hurt.

    Up the hornz
  • Lysette
    I am just 28, but I stopped going for "competitiveness" about 7 years ago. I had fun with PvP (in EVE online) as long as I thought this would be a competition about who is the smarter person, which can utilize what is given in a more effective and efficient way. But that is not what PvP is like. If I want this kind of game play, I have to go for chess, that is competitive, but PvP in MMOs is not a competition, but dirty warfare, where people use cheats, exploits, outnumber others or are bashing newbies and think they are 1337, while most of them are just unsocial bullies with a childish and inappropriate ego. It is not competitive but bullying - I realized that when I was 21 and PvP became something undesirable to me. I just hate bullies.
    Edited by Lysette on February 19, 2016 11:56AM
  • EnemyOfDaState
    It's funny I'm 22 and when it comes to competing with my brother or friends in something I am very competitive but I have never been able to work up any interest in beating random strangers online.
  • Lysette
    It's funny I'm 22 and when it comes to competing with my brother or friends in something I am very competitive but I have never been able to work up any interest in beating random strangers online.

    That is a very good point you are making there - I experienced the same.
  • TequilaFire
    61 here and still love to kill blues and yellows till 3 am in the morning.
    Ride motorcycles still have long hair and play rock guitar.
    You are only old if you think you are!
  • Egonieser
    Couldn't agree more. Same as you, i was full hardcore gaming when i was younger and single. Played nonstop, played for tournaments, managed clans and gaming communities in various different games (quake, counterstrike, call of duty - up to the 4th game and some very early korean MMO's).

    Now? I am burned out, i simply don't care anymore, i see gaming as something to pass the time. I couldn't care less if i'm not the best in Cyrodiil, though i do strive to better myself, but if my young self saw me slacking i would be glued to the screen so badly until people like Sypher, Fengrush, K.Richard would be bowing by my feet asking for tips and tricks how to play (yes i really used to be that competitive - borderline obsessive, i didn't stop playing until i was among the best).

    Over the years of high blood pressure, torn hairs and broken keyboards i realized it's just not worth it. There are better things in life to do than just gaming, more important things. And here i am, married, have 2 lovely children and gaming as a past time hobby I enjoy doing with my wife, not the be-all and end-all.

    Competitive side simply doesn't drive me anymore, of course there is some level of competitiveness left in me, otherwise I wouldn't play PvP, but I play for fun more than anything else. I care more if the fights I am in are fun and enjoyable rather than all about me and my personal skill-growth as the main focus.

    Years change people, gaming can be good in short bursts but if you take it too seriously, it will burn you out - like anything in life. Take it in doses, make it fun for yourself and you will enjoy it. Take it too far and this will happpen. That's the advice I can give ya folks.
    Edited by Egonieser on February 19, 2016 12:42PM
    Sometimes, I dream about...cheese...

    Dermont - v16 Pompous Altmer Sorcerer (With a very arrogant face!)
    Egonieser - v16 Nord Stamina Dragonborn Wannabe
    Endoly - v16 Tiny Redguard Sharpened MaceBlade
    Egosalina - v16 Breton Cheesus Beam Specialist
    Egowen - v16 Dunmer Whipping Expert (Riding crops eluded her)
    (Yes, I had to grind all these to v16)
    Akamanakh - lvl 22 Khajiit GankBlade (Inspired by Top Cat)
    Targos Icewind - lvl 34 Imperial (Future) Jabplar
    (CP 830+)

    PC - EU
  • failkiwib16_ESO
    Well age is kinda relative, I am 31 and the brats in my guild roleplay rude and call me mommy or grandma.

    Personally 10 years ago I would do everything in my power to prove my point in a discussion or debate, today I got better things to deal with. I simply JUST DONT GIVE A DAMN about a lot of disagreements lol my life goes on, their lives will eventually go on too...
  • nine9six
    In games, yes. In IRL, yes and no.

    As I age I find that I care less about putting forth the effort to stay competitive. I still give it my "all", but I don't spend hours honing some abilities. I definitely don't get as upset when I fail or die as I would have when I was in my late teens and early 20s.

    However, I race cars all across the South-East US. Plenty of competition and I get my "fix" from that. Like gaming, I am less likely to fly off the handle when someone wrongs me on the track than I would have, say, 5 or 10 years ago.

    I'm viewing gaming as a relaxing hobby these days, not a competitive one.
    Wake up, we're here. Why are you shaking? Are you ok? Wake up...
  • Pallmor
    Even when I was younger, I never got the desire to power through a game at top speed. I watch Twitch streams that make it look like the streamer is a squirrel on a mix of adderall and meth. They look like they're not so much *playing* the game as *attacking* it. These are guys who go from level 1 to vet 16 in a matter of weeks (then complain that there is nothing to do, as if the developers could ever possibly release content fast enough to keep up with them).

    Now, that may well correlate to youth, but if it does, it only means that some youth are missing out on the journey in their crazy mad rush to get to the destination.

    But hey, more power to all the competitive gamers out there who obsess over best-in-slot gear and shaving a few milliseconds off some animation. But that definitely ain't my thing.
  • kevlarto_ESO
    I am 57 years old, I have pvp'ed since there was pvp offered in games lol.

    I do not feel I have lost the competitive feeling, I was never a hardcore competitive player in pve or pvp. I enjoy a good fight and a fun time, I have always been that way even in my younger days of gaming, what I have lost over the years is when I was younger, I would sit on the edge of my seat, heart rate increased at the time of battle, now I am more methodical calmer faced with pvp, and of course my reflexes may not be what the used to be but I do good enough for me, I still play shooters and I still get ranked, I never cared about being number one even in my early days even though I did end up being number one on several occasions it just happened from my game play. But for me games and pvp has always been more about the fun and playing with my friends.
    Edited by kevlarto_ESO on February 19, 2016 2:10PM
  • Morozov
    35 and I'm so/so with gaming competitively. Computer games are my "sports" which is why I look forward to them over who is going to be in the final 4 of March madness. Being competitive is more a side note for me. I will craft min/max to get the extra single digit value out of a piece of gear, but I will not spend hours farming a helmet with the perfect trait because at the end of the day I still want to have fun.

    Some days I am in the zone and a 25 kill streak is easy. Other day's I potato off a keep wall by accidentally dodge rolling and fall into the swarm of reds attacking Alessia front door with no siege. Will I feel like a newbie? yes. Will I get over it? yes.

    PC - NA - AZ
    Vr 16: Morozov - DK
    Vr 1: Zephyr Grimm - Sorc
    Vr 5: Sad_Bunnie - Templar
    23: Repressed-Canadian-Rage - NB
    Voted "Most likely to squirrel off the crown" PC-NA
  • stoop420
    39, back in the day I was serious about PVP. Hit #1 pvp ranking in a game and loved it.

    Those days were great but I don't have the drive to make the same commitment to hit top spots.

    I prefer to solo pvp now and have a movie on while I play. That way I don't get sucked into all night gaming sessions and am able to wake up on time for work.
  • Erdmanski
    Well you need to separate the bragging and teabagging, from being competitive. That has nothing to do with age, it is all about maturity.

    An immature 30 year old teabags just like the immature teenagers.

    A mature teenager finds no reason to teabag like most of the mature older players.

    As far as competitiveness goes (hardcore modes, PVP, etc) it is all about how much energy you want to put into the game.
  • Robbmrp
    46 here. I have never been that big of a competitor. I will play any game and give it my best and the outcome will be what ever it's going to be. I play what ever I'm in the mood for. PVE, PVP, Both in IC, somethings I just feel like making things so I will craft a ton. The biggest thing that age has taught me over the years is that it's "just a game", nothing to rage out about.
    NA Server - Kildair
  • kraxammer
    I will soon be 47 years old. . .and I am still competitive to an extent. I've noticed over the years that my skill level is not what it once was, but I can still hold my own. . . reflexes and timing aren't quite the same.

    I have played a lot of PVP in WoW, and still end up in the top five in DPS most times on Recount/Skada. . .however, I don't care as much if I do well any more , if that makes sense. I am glad that I can still hold my own, but if I get beat or die a lot in a battle ground, I'm now throwing things or slamming the key board any more. Maybe I'm maturing, and becoming less competitive at the same time?

    I just really stated playing ESO, and I LOVE this game. I am hooked with every aspect of the game. I am an altaholic so I have trouble sticking with one toon, but I REALLY want to have a main and start PVP'ing in this game. The thought of Emperor status or even getting close to that title is getting my competitive juices flowing again. I think having a new game to play, is also actually rekindling competitiveness!

    So at the old age of 47, I guess an attitude of wanting to win and be the best is still in these old bones.
  • Lysette
    Pallmor wrote: »
    Even when I was younger, I never got the desire to power through a game at top speed. I watch Twitch streams that make it look like the streamer is a squirrel on a mix of adderall and meth. They look like they're not so much *playing* the game as *attacking* it. These are guys who go from level 1 to vet 16 in a matter of weeks (then complain that there is nothing to do, as if the developers could ever possibly release content fast enough to keep up with them).

    Now, that may well correlate to youth, but if it does, it only means that some youth are missing out on the journey in their crazy mad rush to get to the destination.

    But hey, more power to all the competitive gamers out there who obsess over best-in-slot gear and shaving a few milliseconds off some animation. But that definitely ain't my thing.

    Yes, but this is like with kids and the hot plate - they have to experience the burn (out) to finally get it - just telling them will not make them stop - it has to hurt.
    Edited by Lysette on February 19, 2016 3:22PM
  • nine9six
    The burnout is real.
    Wake up, we're here. Why are you shaking? Are you ok? Wake up...
  • Lysette
    nine9six wrote: »
    The burnout is real.

    I like your Morrowind quote in your signature.
  • Toxic_Hemlock
    @51 I find it is all about helping out my team and not so much about personal competitiveness. If I can sway the tide of battle by throwing a well timed heal or a well placed aoe, then I feel I have done my job by contributing.

    As I have gotten older I have learned ofttimes it is the little things in life that can give me the most pleasure and being the best of the best is a game best left for the young ones. Trying to be the alpha dog even when younger for me was far to tiring and running with the pack is just as much fun anyways IMO.
  • iamnotweakrwb17_ESO
    Fades with age? no... Competition fades with wisdom.
  • DaveMoeDee
    I am a competitive individual, especially in sports, but I don't have much interest in competitive PvP in an RPG. I play RPGs for storytelling.

    I'm 44, but I don't think this has changed much. I've never done much PvP in gaming.
    Edited by DaveMoeDee on February 19, 2016 4:28PM
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