Here's an interesting little article about gamer competitiveness fading with age...
At 44, I can say (from my perspective) that it's pretty accurate. 20 years ago, I was all about the frags, the PvP, the teabagging, the hardcore modes (permadeath), the twitch combat, the bragging rights etc.
Over the years though, this has changed and now I'm quite happy to just take my time exploring and helping others in PvE dungeons over a glass or two of wine. PvP just doesn't interest me at all any more. It's just too stressful and I know I'll never again match the abilities of an 18 year old hopped up on energy drinks and youth.
Anyone else getting old with me?
EnemyOfDaState wrote: »It's funny I'm 22 and when it comes to competing with my brother or friends in something I am very competitive but I have never been able to work up any interest in beating random strangers online.
Even when I was younger, I never got the desire to power through a game at top speed. I watch Twitch streams that make it look like the streamer is a squirrel on a mix of adderall and meth. They look like they're not so much *playing* the game as *attacking* it. These are guys who go from level 1 to vet 16 in a matter of weeks (then complain that there is nothing to do, as if the developers could ever possibly release content fast enough to keep up with them).
Now, that may well correlate to youth, but if it does, it only means that some youth are missing out on the journey in their crazy mad rush to get to the destination.
But hey, more power to all the competitive gamers out there who obsess over best-in-slot gear and shaving a few milliseconds off some animation. But that definitely ain't my thing.