Okay, free respec isn't happening. But what about just making it free forever?
Just hear me out. People still have to spend *** of money for equipment. I understand that game needs to have a gold sink, but there are plenty of them.
-Maelstrom arena (armor repairs cost a lot when you die to lagspikes and sudden oneshots)
-Armor crafting (tempers, kutas, nirncrux, etc)
-Ring of agility with robust trait (goes for over 180k)
-Other stuff (insert joke about price of your sex toy or something)
So, right now skill reset costs me about 15k and attribute reset cost for another 4-5k. And don't forget champion points redistribution (another 3k).
Making skill reset free will allow people to try something new more often. Because cookie cutter builds are getting old to be honest.
That's all I wanted to say, thank you.
Edited by Anhedonie on February 17, 2016 11:24AM Profanity filter is a crime against the freedom of speech. Also gags.