But isn't the idea that it cancels out the negative effects of certain reagents? I.e. If I'm making a tri reagent potion, two positive effects and one negative effect, it cancels those traits? Therefore meaning I can combine mats that are otherwise useless combo as they have negative traits?
I know what everyone is saying, but I can see a use, technically speaking, there are better potions sure, however if you are short of those mats and the others are in abundance I guess the idea is that you can make a potion with the positive aspects you want, without the negatives, using up mats that otherwise will have no use. Maybe ill explain better with an example. Nirnroot.
Its one of three that makes invisibility. But has three other negative traits. Put with namaras rot and you have an invisible potion BUT spell crit is cancelled out with lower spell crit so you have a clash. If you use snakeblood does that mean you don't get the negative effect. More so you could say add water hyacinth then have a tri mat potion of invisability and spell crit boost. That make sense?
Another example is nirnroot and blue etemola, ravage health & restore health clash. So again you could have a potion that makes you invisible AND boosts health. Otherwise how else can you get dual function out of a invisible potion if you don't use snakeblood
I just wondered if anyone bothered is what I mean, I assume its there to give wider spread of potion mat combos.
I remember what I wanted to make, a tanking potion. Unstoppable & health boost & health regen. When I tried the combos to get what I wanted I always had a negative aide effect. I'll go on later and re-test and give an example maybe I just didn't pick the all positive combo.
driosketch wrote: »Imp stool + mountain flower + (any of the health ingredients) will restore health, increase armor, and lower weapon power"
That was the only way i saw to boost armour & health but it lowered weapon power, hence me thinking snakeblood would have use in that kind of instance. (and hence assuming there may be other incidents like it) Tho wep power is less important to a pure tank still be nice to not have the negatives.
Anyway thanks all
Curious if anyone uses this? I assume it means you can make mats go further on dual / tri / quad pots by using other ingredients???
I only ever really make Tri Health Pots, magika boosters (spell dam/crit/mag/mag regen) and the equivilent Stam boosters for our tank / physical DPS. oh and occasional invisible / unstoppable for my thief Alt. Anyway I digress. Snake blood. Do you use it?
Hi @xerasia to have an effect there has to be a pair the same. I.e. Two ravage magika traits and it will ravage magika. Single traits do nadda.