If I may ask why would I use destro/dw instead of destro/destro?
Stam sorc? Only Wrecking Blow.
Sadly we have to deal with it.
Yolokin_Swagonborn wrote: »All magicka sorcerer builds are basically the same. DW/Resto or Destro/Resto. Defensive abilities and wards on resto bar, crushing shock or curse/det on destro/DW bar respectively.
I've read the threads about upcoming changes to magicka and sorcs and while I really enjoy playing my stam sorc I guess I'm going to switch over. Is the ingnition build by deltagaming the better one to go after? Or does anyone have any other tips on cool petless magicka sorc builds? Thanks in advance.
As of right now I'm using deltas ricochet build.
I go DW + S+B and use rapid strikes as my spammy spam actually
I'm a horrible human being I know
DurzoBlint13 wrote: »
one thing that will help is to switch to a FengRush build. He is one of, if not THE, best stam sorc out there. I run his builds and 3 out of every 4 stam sorcs I know run his builds. It is his specialty and he knows the whole class back to front. Deltia is OK for beginners but you need to watch videos by some guys that specialize in sorcs if you really want to be competitive.