First of all mad props to the folks who held Aleswell for hours on hours, wiped this one's pack repeatedly, and held off the pacters while reaping a toll of curses, client crashes, and AP. While obviously Telel preferred the fights where they wiped larger groups and fed upon their flabby soft corpses this entire Aleswell siege, and the fights to retake ash the occured halfway through it, had the entire pack energized.
Your emperor will hopefully reward you all well for keeping them on top for as long as you did.
Now if anyone is curious how those last few moments looked from this one's side....
If you'd care to see every moment of this then the original broadcast is archived on Khajiit's twitch channel for a few weeks. Be warned though this is part of a four hour run, and the siege itself was nearly 3 hours in length.
That was also back before this one became accidentally put in charge of their guild, and slowly transformed it into the mediocre mob of howling frothers it is now.
It was also back when this one was such a scrub their only chance of killing anything was sniping from stealth, and praying they didn't target a derp knight.
Oh and @Rylana Telel has been on a recruiting and training binge lately as well. Due to an utter lack of willing PUG leaders on AS right now this one inflicted themselves on many a random player over the last month. Surprisingly enough almost all the people who were willing to get team speak 3 have proven most adept and willing to learn with some already surpassing this one's modest skills. Plus this one has picked up some good talent from other guilds who wanted a nice werewolf filled home they can enjoy when they're not running with the big boy guilds.
That's why some of you may have noticed that the typical COH group has gone from five people to over a dozen or even a full twenty four. And also why we seem to be far far more dangerous on our own.
That's why some of you may have noticed that the typical COH group has gone from five people to over a dozen or even a full twenty four. And also why we seem to be far far more dangerous on our own.
@imredneckson Yes it was a stunning defense from DC. In fact the pack almost went after easier prey for a bit. But we're not usually smart enough to just give up and we did not want to leave the AD and EP there holding the bag so we kept coming back over, and over, and over for three hours.
@Rylana This one is ironically unfond of telling people what to do so yes it does take a bit of effort for them to give people a chance if they're not willing to join their guild first, and PVP second. But this one has always beleived that if you want to tell other people how to do things then ya gotta be ready to do them yourself.
@Ghostbane We do not have fleas. Our enemies provide far to many oil baths for such things to survive.
Unless you count proxblobs as vermin...then we may have an infestation.