Argonian Resistance: Increased the maximum health bonus from this passive ability to 3/6/9% at Ranks I/II/III from 2/4/6%.
But nothing about Carnage for Khajit? Really? Please tell me I missed it?
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »This is admittedly just a lazy copy/paste from the Patch Notes thread:Argonian Resistance: Increased the maximum health bonus from this passive ability to 3/6/9% at Ranks I/II/III from 2/4/6%.
But nothing about Carnage for Khajit? Really? Please tell me I missed it?
If the concern is based from the lower Critical Strike Chance, that was due to an issue with Dexterity and Pressure Points which is fixed in this update; it was just amplified for Carnage since that passive already affects crit.
If there's something else, then please let us know.
Been testing it out. While on both PTS and Live, my crit-rate is 54.8%, my crits actually seem to do more hit more reliably on PTS, but I'm still testing it out. Was the Tooltip right, but the actual percent chance not?ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »If the concern is based from the lower Critical Strike Chance, that was due to an issue with Dexterity and Pressure Points which is fixed in this update; it was just amplified for Carnage since that passive already affects crit.
If there's something else, then please let us know.